All this peeing is ruining my life

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
Man! I can't even go for an hour walk without having to pee in the middle of it. Going to the movie is stressful because I often have to pee so badly by the time it's over, and that's with going before it starts too.... Going hiking means hiding behind a tree and hoping nobody will see...

How do you deal with it? I don't even drink THAT much. 2 mugs of tea, maybe 1.5 liter of water a day or something...


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    If you've recently increased your fluid intake, it can take some time for your body to get used to it. After a couple weeks, you shouldn't have to go as often. If you do, and you feel like it's affecting your daily life, it might be a good idea to talk to your doctor about an overactive bladder.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well I don't have to wake up at night to pee and I don't leak, so I don't think it's that bad?
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Maybe you should see a doctor about this.
  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    It really is annoying! Honestly I just sigh and put up with it. There could be so many things as the reason behind why we have to go so often.
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    Yes... This... I am on a medicine for overactive bladder, and it has definitely helped. But I was waking up (still am) and I did leak. I would give your body a week and see... But if it doesn't resolve itself. please talk to your doctor. There is something that can be done to help.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    Maybe you should see a doctor about this.

    or a plumber
  • zipperfall
    zipperfall Posts: 45 Member
    I feel your pain! I drink ~3.5 liters of water a day! Teas are diuretics, so you will have to go the restroom more frequently than other drinks.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's been going on for a while but it comes and goes... Typically though it's the worst when I have water weight to lose (like now. I have to go every 10 minutes at times).
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It's been going on for a while but it comes and goes... Typically though it's the worst when I have water weight to lose (like now. I have to go every 10 minutes at times).
    I echo others-time to talk to your doctor.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Get a She-Wee

  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    Man! I can't even go for an hour walk without having to pee in the middle of it. Going to the movie is stressful because I often have to pee so badly by the time it's over, and that's with going before it starts too.... Going hiking means hiding behind a tree and hoping nobody will see...

    How do you deal with it? I don't even drink THAT much. 2 mugs of tea, maybe 1.5 liter of water a day or something...

    I have IC so I've kinda grown accustomed to it. lol
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    If its running your life, just don't drink so much, then you wont pee so much???

    I drink over 4 litres of water a day, And I pee, pee, pee.

    I make sure I pee before I leave to go to work, Before I walk up the shops etc ... Otherwise yes I will pee my pants... But hey water is good for you, and I believe it flushes everything out.....

    Just means buying lots of loo rolls : )
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Man! I can't even go for an hour walk without having to pee in the middle of it. Going to the movie is stressful because I often have to pee so badly by the time it's over, and that's with going before it starts too.... Going hiking means hiding behind a tree and hoping nobody will see...

    How do you deal with it? I don't even drink THAT much. 2 mugs of tea, maybe 1.5 liter of water a day or something...

    I have had this with teas and caffeinated tea is the worst offender -- that and coffee. But assuming it's not diabetes or a small bladder issue (my brother has one), give your body time to adjust to the intake, and/or switch to decaf.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Man! I can't even go for an hour walk without having to pee in the middle of it. Going to the movie is stressful because I often have to pee so badly by the time it's over, and that's with going before it starts too.... Going hiking means hiding behind a tree and hoping nobody will see...

    How do you deal with it? I don't even drink THAT much. 2 mugs of tea, maybe 1.5 liter of water a day or something...

    As other posters have pointed out, coffee and tea are diuretics so they will make you urinate more? How much more is not mentioned which is unfortunate because when you consume a drug, such as caffeine, it helps to have some understanding of the side effects.

    For a regular user of caffeine, the diuretic effect is measurable but negligible.

    Yes, shock and horrors.

    There could be an underlying medical problem but, perhaps your body is working just fine (we've been evolving for about 4 million years so I suspect that our species is figuring out the "survival" thing pretty well by now) and the reason that you're urinating so much is that you have more water in your body than it needs so it's excreting it.

    Folks here are dedicated water drinkers - someone has to pay for all of those ads on TV - but the other side of consuming more than you body wants or needs is that you spend more time urinating. And, yes, I'm well aware of the limited value of consuming water while diet but I'm also well aware that there's no particular medical reason to ingest large amounts of water. Google "heinz valtin water" and take a few minutes to read up on his research. He's a medical doctor who teaches at Darmouth (Prof Emeritus I think) who wrote a book on the functioning of the kidneys and the opening line of his most popular research document reads:

    "Despite the seemingly ubiquitous admonition to “drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water a day” (with an accompanying reminder that beverages containing caffeine and alcohol do not count), rigorous proof for this counsel appears to be lacking."

    That can be found here:

    Again, there are a few reasons why drinking a lot of water can help when you're dieting but those have nothing to do with what our body needs.

    Losing weight is not a function of our body. It's about changing our attitude about food.

    The longer we stay in the habit of putting things in our mouth, the longer we will stay in the habit of putting things in our mouth.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I have the same problem, but for me it happens no matter how much or how little fluids I take in. My output often exceeds my input and I keep a careful watch on it. It landed me in the hospital once for severe dehydration, so I don't take this topic lightly. If it only started after increasing your intake, that is one thing, but think back and see if you remember it starting earlier. Definitely talk to your doctor either way.

    It can be a result of your increased intake, simply an overactive bladder or an underlying symptom of many other things (not trying to scare you, just want to make sure you know how important it is to get checked out.) Diabetes is one of them, which turned out to be my case. (Though it was ramping up during my pre-diabetic stage, and I wasn't regularly seeing a doctor, so that was my ignorance there and a mistake I will never make again.)

    This will sound counter-intuitive I know, but... the more you pee, unfortunately the more you will need to drink to make up the lost fluids. So get thee to a doctor quick, and see if there is anything that can be done to help. There could turn out to be a very simple solution, you never know.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    If you haven't upped your fluid intake lately and you're peeing this much, you might want to see a doctor. There are several illnesses related to this symptom that should be dealt with immediately.

    If you're just drinking a ton, then disregard.
  • Praying_Mantis
    Praying_Mantis Posts: 239 Member
    +1 to see a doctor, if this Must-Pee-Now feeling is new, different, and/or ruining your life

    Also echoing ATT949 that there is no reason to ingest large amounts of water. Read this just last week:
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    It's been going on for a while but it comes and goes... Typically though it's the worst when I have water weight to lose (like now. I have to go every 10 minutes at times).

    Every 10 minutes? I agree you should mention this to your doctor. I drink 1 cup coffee, 4-6 cups tea, and 8+ cups water most days and don't pee that often!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Note that the 'drink 8 glasses of water a day' or whatever has generally been shown to be rubbish I believe.

    A better guideline is probably 'if you feel thirsty, have a drink'. :)
  • ExtremePhobia
    It's actually quite literally possible that you're making yourself pee. If you're constantly worrying about it, you'll be constantly thinking about it and your body will do what bodies do when you keep thinking about peeing.

    If you aren't having problems at night, it might simply be that you're spending too much thinking about peeing. It might sound odd but I heard about it from a Psychologist and it turned out they were right. I'm not sure what the solution was unfortunately, I just know that they managed to help the person in question.

    Of course, it might not be this at all. But it's something to consider.