Time to loose the weight for good

Hello everyone,
My DH introduce me to this website as of yesterday. I am a Mom that works pt and has two little girls 5 and 2 in tow most of the time unless I am at work. So, needless to say I have put my health to the back burner for the past 5 years. I would like to have another baby (I think) but I am scared that I will be fat forever if I do it!!! I am also begining to wonder if I have a wheat/dairy issues so I am trying to eliminate that from my diet as well. I had done it for a couple of weeks in November and I felt a ton better. I am also a big time sugar craver so that would probably be something that I would do a lot better not eating as well permanently to avoid the cravings. I am the type of person who will eat it just because I know it is there and I ussualy crave sweets in the afternoon when I am tired and before I go to work. Lastly, I think I am a boredom eater and tend to snack when I am bored. Well, I thought that I would throw it all out there. Oh, I forgot to mention I am 5"7 29 y/o (almost 30) and I would like to weight about 135 again so I have 40 pounds to loose.


  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    You have made a good decision by joining MFP. It's just so easy to use. And, the support from everyone is what keeps you motivated. Please feel free to friend me if you want. I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss/fitness journey.
  • mizliz1981
    Thanks! It is motivating to see that you have already loss 11 pounds!