30 day shred results

To everyone who has done the 30 day shred dvd how long did it take to notice changes/results was it the full 30 days or before?? Just curious as have got the dvd but havent started it yet and was just wondering :-)


  • missionquestthing
    missionquestthing Posts: 48 Member
    I finished day six today. I havent seen a difference in my appearance yet, but i'm much stronger already. I can do way more push ups than i could at the start.
  • laurelboynton
    laurelboynton Posts: 104 Member
    Bump for any answers. I'm looking at starting this in May. But I love my Pilates too so want to continue with 2 sessions a week of Pilates also!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    To everyone who has done the 30 day shred dvd how long did it take to notice changes/results was it the full 30 days or before?? Just curious as have got the dvd but havent started it yet and was just wondering :-)

    I started Monday, and I have noticed the following changes: OMG I HURT EVERYWHERE!! :tongue:
  • louannsab
    louannsab Posts: 22 Member
    To everyone who has done the 30 day shred dvd how long did it take to notice changes/results was it the full 30 days or before?? Just curious as have got the dvd but havent started it yet and was just wondering :-)

    I started Monday, and I have noticed the following changes: OMG I HURT EVERYWHERE!! :tongue:

    This is so funny and TRUE!
  • missionquestthing
    missionquestthing Posts: 48 Member
    To everyone who has done the 30 day shred dvd how long did it take to notice changes/results was it the full 30 days or before?? Just curious as have got the dvd but havent started it yet and was just wondering :-)

    I started Monday, and I have noticed the following changes: OMG I HURT EVERYWHERE!! :tongue:

    This is so funny and TRUE!

    so, so very true
  • To everyone who has done the 30 day shred dvd how long did it take to notice changes/results was it the full 30 days or before?? Just curious as have got the dvd but havent started it yet and was just wondering :-)

    I started Monday, and I have noticed the following changes: OMG I HURT EVERYWHERE!! :tongue:

    This ^

    I started last Monday, did Monday and forced myself to do Tuesday and could barely move the rest of the week. My abs STILL hurt yesterday!! And today as did it again last night...
  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    I finished all 30 days about 2 weeks ago. I did it 6 days a week. I noticed some strength and endurance improvement by the end of level 1, by mid level 2 I could see it in my shoulders, butt and thighs, by a few days into level 3 I could really see it in my abs and was much stronger. So at the end of it, I had stronger looking and feeling biceps, shoulders and thighs, my butt was lifted, and I have some ab definition.

    It is SO WORTH finishing. If your'e like me you'll hate level 2 and want to quit but it makes you stronger to take on level 3, which was my favourite of the 3 levels. I'm doing TurboFire now, but swapping out the strength workouts in that for the 30DS level 3 workout as I like it better and feel it's a better challenge.
  • ReniaL
    ReniaL Posts: 86 Member
    I have done the 30 day shred DVD before and Have to say that you will start noticing changes to your body way before you stop doing the 30 days - I think for me it started at day 12 - 15 suddenly I started feeling much leaner and the clothes started to fit better. I have to do it again - I love it :)
  • I want to start this again but oh her voice so so so sooooo annoying. No offense to her she is awesome.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    For those of you who have completed it, did you have to take a break for a day or two at first? I only got halfway through today, and I don't think I can do it tomorrow if I'm still this sore.
  • gettingsexy94
    gettingsexy94 Posts: 156 Member
    To everyone who has done the 30 day shred dvd how long did it take to notice changes/results was it the full 30 days or before?? Just curious as have got the dvd but havent started it yet and was just wondering :-)

    The first few days, haha XD I could barely do jumping jacks when I started, and soon I was able to beat JM's speed. Anyway, for me my back had the most change. You will notice changes even before you finish it. Anyway, my overall fitness improved and I was glad that I completed it. It was a huge accomplishment for me.
  • If you're feeling really sore, then take a day off, do some gentler exercise instead, so the muscles are still being used but not totally battered! You'll still see results, maybe not as quick as if you did it 30 days straight, but you'll be better off than doing yourself an injury!
  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    To everyone who has done the 30 day shred dvd how long did it take to notice changes/results was it the full 30 days or before?? Just curious as have got the dvd but havent started it yet and was just wondering :-)

    I started Monday, and I have noticed the following changes: OMG I HURT EVERYWHERE!! :tongue:

    I started Monday too - My legs can barely carry me up the stairs at work today....hope the muscles loosen up by this evening, so I can go again:-)
  • laurelboynton
    laurelboynton Posts: 104 Member
    eek these reviews have made me nervous and excited about starting this!

    I love Jillian :D
  • naomigee161
    naomigee161 Posts: 41 Member
    make sure you to longer warm ups and cool down stretches, I combine several from her other videos.

    start with small weights and increase them once you can do all the advanced moves (if you do the whole 30 days several times)

    take your measurements alongside the scales, you will be building some muscle so might be smaller even if the scales show a gain or stayed the same.

    drink lots of water (1 litre) afterwards.

  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks everyone I am looking forward to starting this after easter (well looking forward to the results not the pain or soreness lol), although i dont have any weights I plan to use baked bean cans or bottles of water for now
  • Nicole9187
    Nicole9187 Posts: 122 Member
    I started yesterday as well. I wanted to have at home option that was quick for days when I didn't want to or have time to go to the gym. I have been doing cardio/strength training since December, and as the day goes on my body feels very sore. My legs do not hurt, but I'm pretty sure that's because I just trained my legs on Thursday of last week, but my upper body and abs hurt like crazy! I'm not sure I will be able to do another workout tonight, I might just do steady state cardio tonight instead.
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    30 DS was great! I hadn't exercised in a LONG time before I started! It was not easy. I also did not do it everyday. It varied from 2-5 days a week depending on my schedule and how I felt. It took me 7 weeks.....but I lost 10lbs (while watching my eating also) and inches....I just started Ripped in 30. Hang in there for those of you just starting. You will be really happy you did! Measure before too....sometimes it's the inches that go before the weight.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I was barely sore today, and made it through the entire video with more energy than I did three days ago. I feel quite proud of myself :)
  • megqbrown
    megqbrown Posts: 9 Member
    Took me about 5 or 6 days to start feeling stronger and less exhausted each time. By the end of the 30 days, I lost about 10 pounds. Wasn't "shredded" by any means, but definitely was considerably stronger and each day, the workouts got easier.