Lose 10 Pounds by Valentine's Day!!



  • jasoe
    jasoe Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in!
  • jasoe
    jasoe Posts: 15 Member
    Starting weight: 145
  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member
    Starting weight from today: 142.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    1st Monday weigh in....I weigh the same. It's ok though, it was Christmas and all...so, next week we'll get there!
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    I would like to be part of this challenge.

    Starting weight for this challenge, today - 136.4

    Seven Mondays / seven weigh-ins until February 14 by my count.

  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    OOOOoooooo K!~~

    Here we go!!!

    Day 1 of the Valentine's Cupid's Cuties Challenge!!! haha...

    Ok. starting weight for me is 224.

    I'm hoping for more than 10 pounds.. but of course 10 is going to be GREAT!

    I'm going to post some challenges for the next couple of days. Remember, these are not REQUIRED< but are only here to give us something to work towards and keep us motivated.


    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces):drinker:
    45 minutes activity (choose anything you like. log your exercise on here):heart: get that heart pumpin!
    Eat at least 1200 Calories, and stay under calorie limits for today. :sad:

    Try to add at least 3 new friends from this challenge to help keep each other motivated~! :flowerforyou:


    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces) :drinker:
    30 Minutes activity---try to make this cardio activity
    Under calorie limits

    Send an encouraging message to your 3 new friends from yesterday!
  • ISalazar16
    ISalazar16 Posts: 34 Member
    I would like to join. My starting weight is 177lbs
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    I'm not sure if it's water or actual fat, but I need to change my starting weight to 193. :(
    Looking forward to this challenge!!
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    Cleaned out the cookies, chocolate, etc from the house, taking it to work, it wont last long there. Didnt get my exercise in today, its 20 degrees and windy and wind chill is, well, dont want to talk about it. I'm not brave enough to go out in it today, but tomorrow will be a bit warmer and i will be out the door in the morning tomorrow. I work a 4-12 shift so take a 30 min fast walk mid day before i go to work. Going to count every calorie and get these 10 lbs off!! Btw...did anyone watch dr oz today and his tips for 40+ women and weight gain?
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    I'm totally up for this. I'm not a chocolate person (Thankfully). So in the mean time, working it off with weights and eating healthy. Small steps is the best.

    I just joined last night, so this is the perfect start to my journey!

    Now: 190
    Valentines Day Weight: 180!
  • MyViolet
    MyViolet Posts: 73 Member
    I'm in. Headed home to get in the scale.
  • lacharp
    I'm in! SW 191.5.

    Can't wait to be at least 181.5 for V-Day!
  • lizzy755
    I'm in.
    SW: 169
  • HeatherBunnell
    I'm in too!
    SW - 204

  • azenga
    azenga Posts: 12
    Changing my starting weight to 153. Don't know how it jumped up nearly 4 lbs in two days, probably a mixture of Christmas and water weight. We can do this!!
  • DiscoveringDena
    I'm in! Starting weight 229. Let's do this!
  • sweetie89207
    should we come on here each day and say whether we met the challenges?
  • tarazona73
    tarazona73 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! This is exactly what I need...I started MFP basically today and My first goal was 10 lbs by beginning of February.

    SW - 148
    CW - 148
    Mini Goal #1 - 138 - February
  • tarazona73
    tarazona73 Posts: 13 Member
    I did 1 hr of crossfit today for my workout. Trying to eat lean and stay under calories...
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    I did 1 hour of spinning today plus 20 minutes of strength training. Haven't gotten in my 80 oz. of water yet, about 4 glasses shy so I guess I'd better get some! Sending friend requests next.