Perimenopause = weight gain???

Ok, so I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this.

I'm 46 and soon to be 47 May 2nd. For the last few months, I've noticed my body changing, big time.

I believe Perimenopause is kicking in and I'm not liking it. I've been dealing with sore boobs, cramps, barely spotting with periods and even waking up hot a couple of times. So far I hadn't noticed majorweight gain until this week. I ate under my calorie goal Mon through Fri and hit the gym 3 times during the week. I noticed this weekend I was hungry and there was no stopping me. Granted I ate way over my calorie goal, but not thousands of calories over.

I belong to a group called Tops and we weigh in on Monday nights. Last night I knew I might have had a small gain because of my intake over the weekend, but I gained 5 3/4 lbs! I was shocked. I've never gained that much weight in 2 days! Not even during my regular periods.

So my question is - do you gain big time with menopause? I suppose everyone is different, but has anyone dealt with this? Right now I'm dealing with sore boobs, cramps and a hungry appetite, but I'm going to strive to stay under my calorie goal and hit the gym after work tonight. I don't want to see another gain next Monday night.

Thanks for your insight!


  • Cryren8972
    Cryren8972 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm going through some hormonal stuff too. Usually when I have those large weight gains, it's due to water retention (yes, that also comes with getting older and hormonal changes). What helps me to shed some of that is fresh pineapple. It's a natural diuretic, but it won't dehydrate you like the pills will.

    I also drink water mixed with cranberry juice. Half and half. That helps me to not only drink more water, but the cranberry juice also keeps things moving along as far as water retention. I have gained as much as ten pounds in the week before my period...and yes, that's relatively new with getting older. I'm 41, but my family has a history of early menopause. I have many of the symptoms, but no hot flashes as of yet.

    Is your diary viewable? I will send you a friend request and maybe we can work this out together with our diaries. =)
  • I am feeling your pain! I am 47, and for the first time ever, have had an irregular cycle. As well, the food cravings are unbelievable, I too have gained 5 lbs in the last two weeks. I was always relatively thin, until my forties (my sophomore year in high school wore a zero). I am fairly active as well and attend my local YMCA. I've always heard, calories in /calories out - out must be more, however, I finding that I can gain weight very easily. Then I hear "you have to eat several times a day to keep the metabolism going"... however, I don't know what to do anymore either. if you find something that works, let us in on it!
  • Hello! I'm right there with all of you too! I just turned 48 and I have noticed major changes. I'm in week 5 (I think) of eating well and exercising almost daily and I'm only down 2 pounds. The never used to happen before. I used to be able to drop a few pounds the first week I'm "dieting". I'm hoping someone on here can shed some light...
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    I have been in the 'perimenopause' for 5 years now - how long it lasts who knows! - and I have managed to lose 5 stone fairly easily over the past two years. I don't think it is necessarily the perimenopause that makes it harder to lose weight, as that is a different age for every woman - I think its the aging process in general. I find that even though I do fluctuate through a very unpredicatable cycle my trend was still downwards while losing and has been static while maintaining - you need to have an overview of your weight over a couple of months, not just over a few days.

    The worst thing for me regarding this time of life is the flabby skin left behind that will probably never firm up as the elastic has gone!! But I am still happier with a bit of flabby skin rather than actual solid flab!

    So, I think there is a little bit of excusing oneself for weight gain by saying its hormonal and it's just gonna happen, don't let that mind set beat you into giving up a new healthy life style :smile:
  • soywoman
    soywoman Posts: 51 Member
    Ok, so I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this.

    I'm 46 and soon to be 47 May 2nd. For the last few months, I've noticed my body changing, big time.

    I believe Perimenopause is kicking in and I'm not liking it. I've been dealing with sore boobs, cramps, barely spotting with periods and even waking up hot a couple of times. So far I hadn't noticed majorweight gain until this week. I ate under my calorie goal Mon through Fri and hit the gym 3 times during the week. I noticed this weekend I was hungry and there was no stopping me. Granted I ate way over my calorie goal, but not thousands of calories over.

    I belong to a group called Tops and we weigh in on Monday nights. Last night I knew I might have had a small gain because of my intake over the weekend, but I gained 5 3/4 lbs! I was shocked. I've never gained that much weight in 2 days! Not even during my regular periods.

    So my question is - do you gain big time with menopause? I suppose everyone is different, but has anyone dealt with this? Right now I'm dealing with sore boobs, cramps and a hungry appetite, but I'm going to strive to stay under my calorie goal and hit the gym after work tonight. I don't want to see another gain next Monday night.

    Thanks for your insight!

    Hi. I stopped getting my period a bit over a year ago...before that it was irregular for about two years. Hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog and yes...weight gain! Most of the weight gain was in the last year and half. Very frustrating! Also diagnosed with RA and that certainly isn't helping!

    The tracking on MFP definitely helps, but I have noticed that if I am using free weights every other day seems to help nudge the scale. Water, water , water definitely also! Seems to help keep the water retention down!

    Good luck! Stay strong!
  • getdancing2013
    getdancing2013 Posts: 72 Member
    Well different boat, because I'm entering full menopause hormonally early (in my 30s) due to cancer surgery. So from my perspective, yes it does become harder. However, try adjusting your diet to more whole grains and adjust the salt intake. You'd be amazed how much salt you consume - MFP and logging were a huge wakeup call. Throw in some extra water.

    Also, balance your cardio with PLENTY of weights. It'll help burn the calories faster and give you the added bonus of increasing your bone density, which is incredibly important in peri and post-menopausal women. And most of all, be patient, because it will be slower.

    As for the skin - I've had great results with Lubriderm (the red tag one - think it's for extra dry skin). Doesn't get rid of stretch marks, but has helped greatly with the toning of the skin/elasticity. Again, slow process, but it's better than nothing.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    I just turned 54 and have put on about 15 pounds in 4 years I am having aheck of a time getting it off I go to Zumba 3 times a week and get up in the morning to work out and the weight is not budging I tried lowering and upping my calores nothing seems to be working. I had surgery 5 weeks ago to remove a large tumor on my ovary. I am hoping that was the cause of the weight gain but Im not sure. I get to start working out again next week, I had to take a 6 week break due to the surgery. Im hoping once I start working out again the weight will drop butright now Im not too confident. Its frustrating.!!!!!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I'm 47 and I do think that perimenopause can definitely cause major weight fluctuations. I find that I retain a LOT more water now that I used to, and I am extremely careful of my sodium intake. I've never had an upper pooch before, but I have gotten one recently. I've just started cutting back on my carbs more and making sure my net calories are not above 1500, so I am hoping this will work for me. I run 3+ miles 3 times a week and have re-introduced strength training to my weekly routine. I am hopeful that this will help me lose the last 20 lbs I am trying to drop.
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    Peri doesn't cause fat gain - it causes water retention and cravings and multitudes of other unpleasant side effects at times, but it can't be blamed for everything ;). A lot of the gains you see could be due to increasing your exercise and the muscles holding water, it could be due to consuming vast amounts of sodium, it could be due to just normal body fluctuations - My body, perimenopause or not, has always fluctuated a few pounds per day. The scale is not the most accurate measure of your body composition. I do find it is harder to lose weight a bit now - harder than it was when I was 30 and lost the first time (sigh) - but I am still losing about half a pound a week or so.

    Due to peri and wanting to keep my bones/frame strong I am also lifting weights and strength training this time around instead of just cardio. It has made a vast difference already in my appearance. I've only lost 9 pounds since January 20th, but I've lost several inches - 3.5 from my waist and 4 from my hips and 1.5 from my upper arms - I'll take that over stressing about a scale number :).

    Don't sweat that scale so much - as for the night sweats, mood swings and strange other symptoms - I really don't have much to offer other than that my symptoms have improved since I've started eating healthier foods and increasing my water intake and exercising daily. They don't go away, but they are bearable for the most part.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    I'm 43 and could have written this post a couple of weeks ago. I was convinced I must be peri menopausal with similar symptoms you describe so I had bloods done. They were fine, I'm not peri menopausal or under active thyroid or any mysterious weight gaining condition. I'm just eating too much.

    Don't assume its that without having your hormones checked.
  • deb426
    deb426 Posts: 2 Member
    I just turned 46 and can honestly say that perimenopause is causing my body to change. I have introduced supplements like Chasteberry and started back on Calcium plus D as well as Co Q 10. Those along with watching my carb/ sugar intake with Fitness Pal seem to be working. Slowly, but surely. I also make sure I strength train at the gym 3 times a wk along with the 30 mins of cardio. That has helped the inches to start to slowly come off. It is taking much longer now to see results and I have to be very vigilant with what I am eating. Such is the downside of getting older :(