Running Advice - Regression?

Last week I made my goal - I was able to run a full three miles without stopping, on my treadmill. This week? I'm waking up at the same time, hitting the treadmill, and I'm only able to go for about a mile and a half. Tomorrow I'm planning to slow my speed to see if that helps, but I'm seriously confused. Is it normal for it to be this much harder after initially hitting a goal? I don't feel sick. I'm a little more tired in the morning, but I'm not going to bed any earlier or later. I'm (finally) eating at my normal calorie intake. I'm waking up around 5 AM, drinking a few cups of water, eating a banana, getting in my stretches. I'm just wearing out big time. Any advice??


  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    are you doing them back to back days? Sometimes my body doesn't respond as well if they are back to back runs... even in my half marathon training i only did 2 days in a row.
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    Bad runs happen. Don't give up. How much do you run per week? Maybe you need make sure you are fueling yourself properly and check to see if you might be overdoing it. I personally will almost without exception, have a really rotten run if I run two days in a row.
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 208 Member
    can you get outside and run? maybe a change of scenery will help
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    when im on a weekly running first run of the week is typically sluggish..for whatever yea bad runs happen..

    youd have to tell us what you were up to leading to the bad run..but it could simply be that..a bad run

    but dont give up and dont think your failing...if you did the distance once you WILL do it again...just keep plugging away.
  • stars4geek
    Thanks everyone!

    I've been running 5-6 times a week. I run inside because I have two little ones that are asleep still at that time. I thought about moving my runs to the evening to see if it helps, but evenings are typically pretty tightly scheduled. I do some lifting, too, but maybe this is my body trying to tell me I need to do MORE lifting, and do it every other day to give my body a chance to rest. I really like how I feel when I get a full three miles in before work in the morning.
  • amberlynn0925
    Yes, my runs are very inconsistent not matter how consistent my conditions are. It doesn't suond like this is the case for you, but for me a lot of it is mental. This Saturday I got out, ran, and didn't even notice I was running and ran 3 miles easy. Yesterday, I ran in similar conditions and barely ran 2 miles. I think a lot of the issue is that I had worked earlier that day and was dealing with all of that stress as opposed to feeling great about a morning run in a beautiful city. You just have to keep pressing on and it will get better.
  • melissawith3sons
    melissawith3sons Posts: 20 Member
    I agree, every run and everyone is different. I believe the most you should run is 2 days back to back. It is important to workout other muscle groups and crosstrain the days u r not running. Great job! Running is not for the faint of heart! It is a mental therapy for me! And like someone posted above I find if I am too stressed with a lot on my mind My runs are harder for some reason. and then on some days, The run relieves all the stress. Mind over matter sometimes I guess!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I've been running 5-6 times a week.

    I assume from saying that you're just reaching 3 miles, and form your profile, that you are fairly new to this volume of running. It sounds like you might be overdoing it a bit.

    It wouldn't do you any harm to wind back the running to 3-4 times per week, and continue increasing your distance.
    I do some lifting, too,

    How much is some, depending on your goals then it may be that you need more, or possibly less, resistance training.
  • sunshineshica
    Like everyone else said. You'll have your good and bad days. On those bad days, I'd say to do it at a slower jog or make sure you have something on to watch or listen to that'll take your mind off of how far or how long you've been running. Lately, I listen to IHEARTRADIO on the 24/7 comedy channel which completely takes me away from my run. I try my best to not even look at the time.