Can't seem to lose 10 lbs! There's not much else I can do!

Maybe someone can help me. I'm 34 mother of 3. Currently weigh 130 lbs. I'm better at 120 lbs because I'm only 5'1" and it just looks better on me. I developed a gut over the winter and I can't lose it. It's not huge or anything but its making all my clothes tight and I really don't want to buy new clothes for the summer. I'm trying my best to lose 10 lbs before June. I workout everyday, usually only 20-25 minutes because I'm busy with the kids. I try to eat less than 1200 calories but for some reason the weight isn't coming off fast enough.

Last year I weighed barely 100 lbs because I have crohn's disease and didn't digest anything for over 5 years until I got surgery which removed a section of my small and large intestines. Ever since the surgery my body absorbs every grain of nutrition and seems to store it because it lacked adequate nutrition for 5 years.

When you're only 5'1", and 130 lbs it doesn't look bad but if I continue on this trend I may be a bowling ball soon.

Any suggestions? Please feel free to post your thoughts. Thanks!


  • LizzClo
    LizzClo Posts: 15 Member
    I think sometimes when you have less to lose it is harder to lose. I'm hovering between 130 and 135 and would really like to be between 120 and 125, but also having a really hard time losing that last 10 lbs. My problem though is that I have lost over 40 lbs and have become a bit complacent and lost the motivation I had to lose the first 40. I'm hoping that with summer coming I will get some of my motivation back. Perhaps focus on being healthy, continue to exercise and eat well and maybe it will start coming off. Sorry don't know that I am much help.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    Have you spoken to your doctor? I don't know anything about Crohn's disease or the surgery but your doctor might have some advice on reaching your goal in a safe and healthy way for you.

    This is the advice I would give to somebody with a simpler medical background:

    I think you should be ready to accept that the last 10lbs won't come off fast or easy. When you are a healthy weight, the body likes to cling on tight, and I would imagine your surgery encourages this!

    Aim to lose half a lb a week, it might seem slow but it's more sustainable. Aiming for under 1200 calories could prevent your body getting the fuel it needs, especially if you're somewhat active.

    What sort of exercise do you do? When you're trying to lose the last little bit, weight lifting is usually recommended
  • sweetsorrow18
    sweetsorrow18 Posts: 54 Member
    I think a lot of people will point out that you're cals are pretty low...1200 is just LOW period, even if you weren't working out.I can't imagine what you're netting. Anyway, what kind of diet do you have with your Crohn's? Are you supplementing your digestive tract with nutrients and vitamins it can't absorb? Do you drink enough water? What kind of exercise do you do?

    With a digestive system issue, the best thing to take care of first is your diet and I don't mean eating less calories.."What" are you exactly eating?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Maybe someone can help me. I'm 34 mother of 3. Currently weigh 130 lbs. I'm better at 120 lbs because I'm only 5'1" and it just looks better on me. I developed a gut over the winter and I can't lose it. It's not huge or anything but its making all my clothes tight and I really don't want to buy new clothes for the summer. I'm trying my best to lose 10 lbs before June. I workout everyday, usually only 20-25 minutes because I'm busy with the kids. I try to eat less than 1200 calories but for some reason the weight isn't coming off fast enough.

    Last year I weighed barely 100 lbs because I have crohn's disease and didn't digest anything for over 5 years until I got surgery which removed a section of my small and large intestines. Ever since the surgery my body absorbs every grain of nutrition and seems to store it because it lacked adequate nutrition for 5 years.

    When you're only 5'1", and 130 lbs it doesn't look bad but if I continue on this trend I may be a bowling ball soon.

    Any suggestions? Please feel free to post your thoughts. Thanks!

    Yes be more's coming off just not fast have been here a max of 15 days...2 weeks...with only 10lbs to lose 1/2lb a week is a great loss...

    My only question will be do you use a kitchen scale?? if not buy one, use it and get accurate with your logging.
  • kmeetze1
    kmeetze1 Posts: 2 Member
    You should definitely talk to a nutritionist who specifically has worked with Crohn's patents who have had your surgery.Your doc, should be able to refer you under your insurance. As you point out this has changed your body's absorption and thus your metabolic profile is completely different than before. You could make the analogy to a gastric bypass, from a metabolic change standpoint. I have talked to docs that do gastric bypasses (I work with medical researchers), and they are convinced that much more happens metabolically other than just making the stomach smaller. They are actively researching what it is, but they still don't know.

    You may find that more exercise will be required, or even increased calories, but it will be a lot of trial and error to figure out what works for you. But given the surgery you had, be careful with messing with your calories and start with the exercise increase first and talk with the nutritionist. It will likely be more productive if you have month or so of logging both food and exercise under your belt.
    Good luck.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I had active Celiac for a decade or so. It took a LONG time to recover! I didn't lose part of my intestines but scaring can be bad, too. I agree with what kmeetze1 says. You need to get pro help with this and see if you need supplementation, what is good for your diet and how to approach this safely!
  • Ecumft09
    Ecumft09 Posts: 16
    I just started Curves Complete and in reading the material they suggest actually increasing your caloric intake for a month when ever you hit a plateau. So for the first week you eat around 1200 calories, after that around 1500 and then once you hit your goal, hit a plateau, or need a break you start eating around 2000 to "maintain your current weight" and then after a month you start back at the lowest calorie amount for one week and then up it to 1500 calories. It seems counter intuitive but Jillian Michaels helped create the program and on MFP if you switch to maintain it will increase the amount of calories so there must be some truth to it. Maybe your body just needs a change. See what happens.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    Most people overestimate calorie burn and underestimate calorie consumption. Get a digital scale and weigh everything that goes into your mouth. Then accurately and religiously log it all. Also, get a HRM and accurately register calorie burn.

    You said that you're trying to eat less than 1,200 calories. Eat more than 1,200 calories. You need 1,200 (at the bare minimum) just to survive. If you are exercising, eat all (or nearly all) your exercise calories back. MFP is already assuming this 1,200 is a deficit, so don't be afraid to eat. Drink lots of water so your body doesn't hold onto water to repair your muscles afterwards.

    Two weeks isn't a plateau when you only have 10 pounds to lose. You can do this! Slow and steady wins the race.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I can't see your diary, but I know for me when I eat no processed foods my stomach gets flat. I have excerciesed myself into a frenzie and always had that bulging stomach (which I hated). A friend of mine suggested eating not processed foods for a week and that turned into 2 months - I lost 10 pounds (and I was stuck for about 6 months) and lost my belly. This is what I used to get me started...

    Good luck!
  • frodopuppy
    been trying to lose 10 since January and I keep telling myself it could be 100 so move on and try a little harder it will happen , for me at least I'm not gaining
  • Xaudelle
    Xaudelle Posts: 122 Member
    1200 calories or less? Not enough calories.

    However, in a calorie deficit, you WILL lose weight.

    With only 10 lbs to lose, the process will be slow.

    What are your stats? Height/weight/bf%? What do you do for a living/what is your activity level like on a general day to day basis? What do you do for exercise, how long and how often?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    How long have you been trying?
    Are you logging?
    Do you log everything and consistently?
    How do you measure your food?

    Opening your diary would be very helpful as well.
  • Xaudelle
    Xaudelle Posts: 122 Member

    Do you eyeball portions or do you weigh them on a food scale?
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Talking to your doctor seem like a very good idea to me. You should be pointed in the right direction from there.

    All the best. Please consider, having three youngsters you are probably more active without additional exercise than you might think and your body has been enjoying the benefits of the food you have been able to hold since the surgery and it wrongly feels it is in a similar situation with too little nutrition. If you get the proper medical advice you will be able to get to where you need to be.
  • shlive
    shlive Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. 5'1" and would just like to lose another 10 lbs. I put some weight on during the winter and took off a good bit using Isagenix. I love the program but it seems my weight loss has stalled. I eat 1,200-1,500 calories a day based on my workout. I do work out 6 days a week and use a heart rate monitor. I burn between 300-500 cals in my workouts each day. I do both cardio and weight training. There's not much more I can do BUT increase my calories. And that scares the HECK out of me! So I muddle along just like you and keep hoping something will happen. I'll find that little tweak that will change it all. And for the recored? I've been doing this for over 30 years.
  • melissawith3sons
    melissawith3sons Posts: 20 Member
    I also am having the same problem. I am 38 yr old female with a wonderful husband who is fully supportive and 3 sons(15, 12, 11). I joined 14 days ago and have some very helpful information. I set up my weight loss goals as 2 pds per week and so I am eating 1200 cals per day. I run 3 days a week 2 to 3 miles twice a week and up to 7miles on Saturdays. I weigh 170 pounds and would like to get to 130-135. Do you think my cals are too low. Everyone has a different opinion as I have read many other threads, but it is so scary to up the cals when I am losing nothing at 1200. Maybe I need to give it more time? I am meticulous of tracking all foods and liquids as I am so passionate about finally getting this weight off. THank you in advance for any helpful tips or suggestions
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I also am having the same problem. I am 38 yr old female with a wonderful husband who is fully supportive and 3 sons(15, 12, 11). I joined 14 days ago and have some very helpful information. I set up my weight loss goals as 2 pds per week and so I am eating 1200 cals per day. I run 3 days a week 2 to 3 miles twice a week and up to 7miles on Saturdays. I weigh 170 pounds and would like to get to 130-135. Do you think my cals are too low. Everyone has a different opinion as I have read many other threads, but it is so scary to up the cals when I am losing nothing at 1200. Maybe I need to give it more time? I am meticulous of tracking all foods and liquids as I am so passionate about finally getting this weight off. THank you in advance for any helpful tips or suggestions

    2 lbs a week is too high of a goal for what you have to lose. For less than 50 lbs you should be looking at about 1 lb a week.
    Plus, MFP expects you to log your exercise and eat at least some of those calories back.
    Your goal should be higher than 1200 with the information you have provided, especially on days you run - always assuming you are logging correctly.
    How do you measure your food?
  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    Step 1 is talk to your doctor and get advice.

    Step 2 is to count calories daily and accurately. No guessing.

    Step 3 is to add in exercise. Even if you are a busy parent, there is always time if you are motivated to do something. For me, sometimes I end up going to my 24-hour gym at 11 pm once the kids are asleep, dishes washed, etc. If you don't have a gym that is open at crazy hours, turn on your computer, go to youtube, and find a free exercise video. Zumba, yoga, ab workouts, etc. are all available for free. I have a bike and put it up on indoor rollers (mag trainer), and set it in front of my computer. I search for "indoor cycling videos", and let it rip for 15-60 minutes, depending on my mood and how much time I have. The important thing is doing at least a little bit each day.

    If even this doesn't work or you don't want to get in regular exercise, try manually adjusting your MFP suggested daily calories down by 100.

    Don't be discouraged it you lose slowly. Especially if you are getting in exercise, weight is less important than how you feel.
  • Tanukiko
    Tanukiko Posts: 186 Member
    Try the Ketogenic diet. Works like a charm on gut fat (which is usually caused by elevated blood sugar/insulin as we age or over consume carbs and simple sugars).

    Good luck to you! You can do it :)
  • kbauman09
    kbauman09 Posts: 40 Member
    Lifting weights along with interval cardio works for me. I eat 1400 calories on a non-workout day and then add 1/2 of my workout calories burned to that. Try lifting---it works.