Jillian Michaels Ripped In 30 Question....



  • I'm doing it too!! So, friend me, LOL!! I love her workouts......although I HATE her when I'm done LOL. I just started Week 1 today too. I've found doing the modified version definitely works better to begin with. She pumped me up with some of her other workouts before I stumbled onto these (the 50+ minute Banish Fat Boost Metabolism one), so I didn't find this one too difficult, although I still got a major sweat on. Her kickbox workout (youtube) is awesome too...it's only 25 minutes long but it kicks *kitten*!!!
  • I bought RI30 about 3 years ago after having my 3rd child and I could barely do level 1 so after losing some weight I decided to do it again I started today and plan on doing it. Monday threw Friday and I probably do each week twice . My goal is to lose 30-40 pounds by November . So hopefully this give me a good jump start on my goal.

    I could really use any times of motivation any one has . Feel free to friend me as we'll .
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    SO glad I came across this post....I just bought a few new Jillian DVD's. I finished 30 Day Shred and it's been about a week since (I was sick). I want to start RI30 and was curious as to what others had to say about it. Open to friend request for workout buddies! I lost 10 lbs and lots of inches (got to remember to go home and measure again)! since starting mfp and doing 30 DS (took me 6-7 weeks to finish 30 DS .....doing 2-5 workouts per week).

    I'm looking to get re-motivated and lose 10 more lbs (and inches) hopefully doing RI30!
  • I can't do running man either. I try to do a very modified version but mostly I jog on the spot. Would love some buddies as we go through this program together.

    I have 30DS but haven't tried it, although I definitely think I'll do it now. Really hoping for some noticeable change to my body from doing RI30 :)
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Really hope I can find time to do this tonight. I haven't been able to for the last three days and am unsure about tonight. With my schedule for the next three days, I don't know if I will have much time over the next three days to get it in. Sigh. :grumble:
  • Sorry I haven't posted anything for a couple days. I been busy all weekend, and didn't even get to workout :grumble: . I doubt i'll get one in today either, so hopefully tomorrow I will. How is everyone else doing?
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Did level four this morn, it didn't seem too hard,a few recognisable moves in there, and nothing too crazy...again, not saying I did them perfectly, but didn't waste the first 15 seconds getting form down.
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    I just started today. I liked it....super sweaty! By the end, the running man thing was torturing me!!!!!
  • pixelled
    pixelled Posts: 70 Member
    Is this really 20 minutes? Saw it on youtube and it seems more like 30-35? Looks awesome though!

    Also, does she tell you what weights to use or do you just do what's comfortable?

    You do the same workout each day for 6 days then a day of rest then do week 2?

    Bunch of questions sorry...
  • blueeyess55
    blueeyess55 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi..I started the Ripped in 30 days today.. was wonderin if anyone knows how many calories you burn doin it an what would you log it under Thanks for any help you can give me..:laugh:
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    It's not a huge calorie burn,200's I think.
    Log it as circuit training.
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    I started RI30 last night, but I am thinking about rotating 30DS and RI30 every other night.
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    I'm also doing RI30 right now. I have a hard time doing the running man in week 1. She says she has 300/400 pound people who can do it, but I'm sorry I cannot! :tongue: I just run in place there. Works for me and I still feel like I'm getting a good cardio burn at that point!

    I'm on Week 1 Day 3 and i do high knees or jumping jacks instead of running man! :)
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    Day 2 for me....I just struggle through the running man and take a quick break (so I can breathe lol)....anyone find they are sore? Maybe it's because I took a break between 30 DS and RI 30??? It's not bad....makes me think there's something good going on (firming thing up!!!!) :smile:
  • dreadlocklove
    dreadlocklove Posts: 3 Member
    I started Ripped in 30 when I subscribed to Gaiam TV three weeks ago. I've been working on Week 1 the entire time, but I only do the workout on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and then go out walking with my dog on the other days. Running Man is the most challenging for me too! I move my legs properly the first time, without worrying too much about how my arms are swinging, but when it comes to the repeat, I have to start jogging in place midway through. The lunges are also difficult for me. I know I'm dropping down in proper lunge for some of them, though not going down as far as she instructs, but for the most part, I'm not. Still, I try... I'm contemplating playing Week 2 just to give it a shot and change things up, and hope that when I go back to Week 1 it'll maybe be easier?
  • KimSoice
    KimSoice Posts: 1
    My husband and I rotate between ripped in 30 and 30 day shred. We have used both of these workouts for over a year now to maintain our weight. What we have found is if we cannot do the bad *kitten* version, we do the modified versions. Just as dreadlocklove said as long as you're moving, you're making progress. Week 2 can be challenging with the plank jacks followed by the mountain climbers. Do the best you can to your ability level, once you start getting comfortable, challenge yourself some more. But do not risk injury because that will make you miss working out and can be discouraging at times.
  • sklein21
    sklein21 Posts: 3
    Just completed ripped in 30. Happy with the results, considering doing it again in anticipation of wearing a bridesmaids dress in just about a month. However, I pretty much stopped running when I started the DVD and am about to start training for an upcoming race, so I would prefer to balance running 5 days a week with maybe 2 days of the workout. Any suggestions? Should I start from week one and go through week 4 and then repeat or skip the "easier" workouts and alternate week 3 and 4?