Low calorie but filling breakfast?



  • Quinoa Muffins

    1 cup quinoa (cooked it equals about 3 cups)
    6 egg whites
    2 cups shredded cheese
    1-2 cups chopped fresh spinach
    (if you like, you can saute some other veggies to add to this: tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, peppers, etc.)
    salt/pepper/other herbs and spices as you like

    Cook the quinoa, then add the other other ingredients to it and mix well. Spoon into greased muffin tins and bake at 350* for about 20 minutes until the tops start to get browned and crunchy. It makes between 12-15 depending on how many veggies you put in them.

    I made them with tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, and colby jack cheese and they're about 110 calories per "muffin."

    This sounds perfect! Thank you!
  • Esmerayne
    Esmerayne Posts: 30 Member
    I always go for the omelette!

    2 vegetarian fed cage-free brown hen eggs
    2 green onions, washed and chopped
    3 Tbs All natural bacon bits

    Mix it all together, then fry in a non-stick pan.

    Comes out to be 258 calories and keeps me full till after work at 2pm :)
  • tinileak
    tinileak Posts: 2 Member
    Hey :)

    Try oatmeal, it will super fill you up till lunchtime and keep you going. All you do is cook the oatmeal with water and then add a scoop full of chocolate protein power and a teaspoon of smooth peanut butter and boom! You have the best raising breakfast ever!! :) well I love it you might not... Oh and the protein powder I use is vegan it's called sun warrior raw vegan protein powder, you can buy it from ebay and amazon xx
  • cactuswax
    cactuswax Posts: 77 Member
    I agree with everyone who mentioned oatmeal, but since you like savory over sweet, try it Mark Bittman style...

    Make a batch of plain oatmeal, but add in a dash of soy sauce and top with scallions. Mix in any veggies you like while you cook the oats. Yummy and satisfying til lunch.
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    My super boring but awesome breakfast suggestion; steamed broccoli with cheese sauce on top, mine was 151 calories this morning.

  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    2 egg whites, a WW english muffin, a slice of tomato, 1/2 oz cheddar cheese - 201 calories (add another egg white or whole egg to up it a bit)
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    Calories are estimate, there can be some variance depending on your particular chosen ingredients, but here are my gotos.

    PBJ- 330
    Bagel with low fat cream cheese and a slice of tomato or onion- 350
    Raisin bran with unsweetened vanilla almond milk- 265
    Oatmeal with almond milk, 1Tbs of walnuts, 1TBs dried cranberries -263
    Cottage cheese and fruit -160
  • LCgymnast
    LCgymnast Posts: 258
    In the morning I love to cook up a lot of greens (spinach and kale) and put them in an omelet. Now, since you don't eat eggs, instead of an omelet. You can cooked a lot of vegetables in the morning with very little oil (I like coconut oil) and make a sandwich with it. Kind of like a vegetable sandwich. Of if not into the sandwich idea, maybe try smoothies or protein shakes. Hope this helps!
  • CurviiRunnr2014
    CurviiRunnr2014 Posts: 8 Member
    Bump (great ideas!!)
  • sarawilgos1988
    sarawilgos1988 Posts: 11 Member
    Quinoa Muffins

    1 cup quinoa (cooked it equals about 3 cups)
    6 egg whites
    2 cups shredded cheese
    1-2 cups chopped fresh spinach
    (if you like, you can saute some other veggies to add to this: tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, peppers, etc.)
    salt/pepper/other herbs and spices as you like

    Cook the quinoa, then add the other other ingredients to it and mix well. Spoon into greased muffin tins and bake at 350* for about 20 minutes until the tops start to get browned and crunchy. It makes between 12-15 depending on how many veggies you put in them.

    I made them with tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, and colby jack cheese and they're about 110 calories per "muffin."

    I am soooooo trying these!!
  • 2 eggwhite with veggies plus some fruit..
  • bdunk011
    bdunk011 Posts: 5
    2 egg whites
    1/2 medium banana
    Light flax seed spread
    1 slice of 100% wheat toast

    For breakfast I always fry up two egg whites with a serving of spinach (spinach is so low cal you can even double up) to make an omelet and then I toast a slice of whole wheat bread with flax seed low fat butter and then half a banana. All that is only 240 calories and it keeps me full for four hours. It's always my go to,I never let myself run out of these ingredients.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    vegemite toast. x 2 pieces

    baked egg (egg/green onions/cheese into a ramekin and bake in oven)

    baked beans on toast

    omelet (1 egg beaten, capsicum+onion+mushrooms+basil gently sauteed. cook omelet in small pan, flip, put sauteed ingredients on one half, add a little cheese. fold over. Serve.

    make a batch of savoury muffins - cheese & tomato; egg and cheese and tomato, zucchini, zucchini & mushroom etc etc etc. Use a basic savoury muffin mix. To make them fit your 300 cal limit you have set, plug it all into recipe builder first and work out how many muffins to make.

    edit: poached eggs and toast

    tomato eggs (2 tomatoes chopped, onion, chilli gently cook in small pan, make 2 holes, break eggs in, cover and gently simmer til eggs are set.

    french toast.

    I like savoury breakfasts too.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I don't think 300 cals of just about any food combination is going to be very filling. Is there a reason for such a small breakfast?

    Actually, I'm wrong. Now I think of it, you can have about 750g of pumpkin.
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    Lately I really dig oatmeal with a couple grams of chopped nuts and a diced apple mixed in, and then a rice cake with either a spoonful of greek yogurt on it or a laughing cow cheese wedge and some cayenne pepper.

    Chicken bacon and some scrambled egg whites and sauteed veggies on rice cakes is another, less sweet, favourite :).
  • cpsf73
    cpsf73 Posts: 27
    I like having 2 over easy eggs and a side of fruit, yogurt, nuts, or a small salad.
  • What is a good calorie goal for breakfast?
  • Ke11er
    Ke11er Posts: 147 Member
    What do you like to eat at other times of the day? Just eat that in the morning and it's breakfast for you! We enjoy hummus scooped up with chunks of colorful bell peppers, celery, baby carrots, slices of cucumber, pita chips, or pretzel crisps...buy your favorite brand or easily make your own to have on hand for breakfast. For quick convenience we buy Morningstar veggie burgers and Hilary's Green Chili and Cumin Adzuki Bean Burgers (come frozen) and pop onto an English Muffin or Sandwich thin for a quick savory breakfast, or you could make your own black bean burgers up ahead in batches. Use plain Greek yogurt to mix up your favorite Ranch dip for veggies. A bowl of your favorite lentil soup, leftovers from dinner etc., ignore the clock and eat what you like.
  • MissBounceUK
    MissBounceUK Posts: 75 Member
    I'm currently enjoying baked beans on toast each morning. 2 slices of Weight Watchers brown danish bread toasted (no butter), topped with Heinz low salt/low sugar baked beans. Yummy and only 243 cals all in.
  • Spooky_Scully
    Spooky_Scully Posts: 73 Member
    I'm always ravenous in the morning, but find I get throughout the afternoon and evening without feeling to hungry. So for me, eggs with breakfast are an absolute saviour. I soft boil 2 of them, with a piece of grainy toast cut into soldiers (about 300cals - not including my coffee!). Otherwise, they are amazing scrambled with a few extra egg whites, with baby spinach or mushrooms. Or popped between an english muffin with some light cheese, peri-peri and avocado. Or you can make a big crustless quiche (or little mini ones) and cut a slice a day - calorie count depends on what you pop in it!