How do I kick my addiction to crisps?

So I have this problem, that I've had for a while. I'm a bit embarassed about it, but I really want to kick this bad habit of mine, so any help is appreciated.

I am seriously addicted to potatochips with dip. And I need loads of it. Like one entire bag of crisps and bowl of dip (adds up to about 2500 kcal).

I need my crisp-fix. I have gone across town to get some when markets have been closed where I live, and gone out of my way with it.

Other things I am usually ok with. Sure, I can easily overeat on pasta, bread and other carbs but I can usually stop myself or use portion control. The crisps, I need them in large quantities, often. Like AT LEAST once a week, usually two or three times.

I've tried eating just a little bit of crisps and then having veggies with the dip to kill the craving. It killed it for the night, but the next day it was back even stronger. Usually if I give in, it stays away for a few days.

I've tried having one cheat meal a week, but I end up wanting it more often. And then there is a birthday-party or something the same week and I don't know what to do.

I do eat pretty good normally, and have gotten my blood tested and I am not malnurished in any way. IT IS THE INSANE CRAVING FOR POTATOCHIPS WITH DIP, and it's making my wheightloss journy harder and I don't feel to healthy about it. It's like an actual obsession/addiction.

How do I kick it?


  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    It's a mind *&%^ , you can kick it with will power!
  • nymnlol
    nymnlol Posts: 4
    I can get pretty intense cravings for crisps if I'm hungry, but if I eat regular food instead the cravings go away. Have you tried eating a fiber and protein rich meal when you get the cravings?
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    So I have this problem, that I've had for a while. I'm a bit embarassed about it, but I really want to kick this bad habit of mine, so any help is appreciated.

    I am seriously addicted to potatochips with dip. And I need loads of it. Like one entire bag of crisps and bowl of dip (adds up to about 2500 kcal).

    I need my crisp-fix. I have gone across town to get some when markets have been closed where I live, and gone out of my way with it.

    Other things I am usually ok with. Sure, I can easily overeat on pasta, bread and other carbs but I can usually stop myself or use portion control. The crisps, I need them in large quantities, often. Like AT LEAST once a week, usually two or three times.

    I've tried eating just a little bit of crisps and then having veggies with the dip to kill the craving. It killed it for the night, but the next day it was back even stronger. Usually if I give in, it stays away for a few days.

    I've tried having one cheat meal a week, but I end up wanting it more often. And then there is a birthday-party or something the same week and I don't know what to do.

    I do eat pretty good normally, and have gotten my blood tested and I am not malnurished in any way. IT IS THE INSANE CRAVING FOR POTATOCHIPS WITH DIP, and it's making my wheightloss journy harder and I don't feel to healthy about it. It's like an actual obsession/addiction.

    How do I kick it?

    “When you keep finding yourself in the same situation, the common denominator is you. Changing of thinking creates change of action. Do different to get different.” (Chaplain Thelma Osei)
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I'd simply not have it around. Don't have it at home or work, avoid that aisle in the grocery.

    Find a substitute in the interim
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Don't buy them. At first it will be sheer willpower. If you don't have them then you cannot eat them. After awhile the cravings will fade. Try making a healthier substitute at home in your oven. Use a different dip like hummus or tzatziki sauce.
  • Start by buying smaller bags, and/or chips with fewer calories. And get a dip with fewer calories.
  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    you can just fit them into your diary
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Cold turkey. The only person who can help you is you and if this is a trigger food you need to let your intellect take the wheel, your cravings etc will be a pain at first but will lessen over time.

    At the end of it all, it comes down to what you want more, your weight loss or your potato chips.
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    Imagine all the chips are made in a factory full of rats. The rats run through all the processing equipement all night long and carry disease with them everywhere they go.

    Still want those chips?
  • jolancy
    jolancy Posts: 26 Member
    A couple of suggestions for you:

    1 - Try drinking a glass of water. Sometimes a craving can be because you are thirsty, and the body gets confused about what it needs.

    2 - If you want to have the crisps, go ahead and have them, but instead of buying the big family sized bag go for an individual bag instead. This will satisfy the craving, and helps get the portion size under control too.
  • TashTag
    TashTag Posts: 109
    I have the same problem. I think its the salt in it that I crave. Try seeds and nuts when the craving hits. This has worked for me but I do give in every now and then. Guacamole is my kryptonite. LOL
  • The_Raspberry
    The_Raspberry Posts: 84 Member
    Haha, I love this! This might be my new way of thining. Maggots and bugs and rats and yuckie things all over those crisps. Nope.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    You DON'T need them. And you already know that eating a whole sharing-size bag with a full pot of dip is not healthy (both in terms of calories and because it's also not normal!!)

    As others have said, try buying smaller bags and eating them with a lower calorie dip, then drop the dip, then drop the crisps until you are fully weaned off them. It could be the salt that you're craving rather than the crisps themselves, so maybe try eating pickled onions or gherkins or something else salty and crunchy that doesn't have the fat and calories.

    But ultimately, you know that you need to kick this habit because it's not healthy - and the only person who can do that is YOU.
  • The_Raspberry
    The_Raspberry Posts: 84 Member
    A couple of suggestions for you:

    1 - Try drinking a glass of water. Sometimes a craving can be because you are thirsty, and the body gets confused about what it needs.

    2 - If you want to have the crisps, go ahead and have them, but instead of buying the big family sized bag go for an individual bag instead. This will satisfy the craving, and helps get the portion size under control too.

    Yeah, I guess like most of you said, it will have to come down to willpower...

    I never keep them around the house or my job. If I don't finish a bag I will actually throw it out first thing, because I cannot keep myself from eating it if it's in the house. But I will go to the store and get them whenever the craving hits. And my store doesn't carry individual size (they are not that common in sweden).

    I have tried eating to see if it helps. It does sometimes, but most of the time no. Water doesn't help at all.

    So yeah. Willpower. GO ME, I CAN DO THIS!!
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Imagine all the chips are made in a factory full of rats. The rats run through all the processing equipement all night long and carry disease with them everywhere they go.

    Still want those chips?

    OMG that's soooo gross! I don't know about OP but I'll never want chips (crisps) again!

    OP, sometimes eliminating the particular food for a while (six months, maybe a year) then trying to eat just a few at a time works. Sometimes, though, with a trigger food, you may need to just eliminate it - sort of like some recovering alcoholics do with alcohol.

  • The_Raspberry
    The_Raspberry Posts: 84 Member
    You DON'T need them. And you already know that eating a whole sharing-size bag with a full pot of dip is not healthy (both in terms of calories and because it's also not normal!!)

    As others have said, try buying smaller bags and eating them with a lower calorie dip, then drop the dip, then drop the crisps until you are fully weaned off them. It could be the salt that you're craving rather than the crisps themselves, so maybe try eating pickled onions or gherkins or something else salty and crunchy that doesn't have the fat and calories.

    But ultimately, you know that you need to kick this habit because it's not healthy - and the only person who can do that is YOU.

    Hehe, yep, fully aware that this is very unhealthy and makes me a weirdo :P Those are my greatest motivation!

    Thanks for your support!
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I have the same problem. I think its the salt in it that I crave. Try seeds and nuts when the craving hits. This has worked for me but I do give in every now and then. Guacamole is my kryptonite. LOL

    I love guac too! It's easy to make and if you make it yourself you can reduce the unnecessary salt, fat and calories. And there is nothing better than freshly made guacamole! Of course, some fat will be left because, well . . . avocado, but at least the added fat is eliminated.

    ETA Now I have a craving! Where did I put my avocado and limes? . . . :blushing:
  • Neliel88
    Neliel88 Posts: 42 Member
    Imagine all the chips are made in a factory full of rats. The rats run through all the processing equipement all night long and carry disease with them everywhere they go.

    Still want those chips?

    I had to do something similar to get myself off of dairy. I'm a total chocci-monster, so I made myself watch a video about the dairy industry and now I feel physically sick when I think of milk (and therefore chocolate / cheese etc). Bloody works!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    it is not an addiction ….

    you just need to learn to control yourself around them and exercise some self control…

    I like ice cream, I have about five pints of talenti in my freezer at any one time, when i want it, I have one service and put the rest back = moderation. Learn it…but please don't think you have an "addiction' as this is a slap in the face to people struggling with real addiction.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Imagine all the chips are made in a factory full of rats. The rats run through all the processing equipement all night long and carry disease with them everywhere they go.

    Still want those chips?

    If you're talking about Doritos - that's how they're actually made!