30 day shred results



  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    Oh gosh just done day 1 and it was a killer, i am actually shaking and feel sick its embarassing I am soooo unfit :-(
    Dont even know if i can even make it upstairs for a shower lol
    Also how do you log it in your excerise log as search and it didnt come up
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I'm on day 4 of level 1 today. My legs and abs are aching a little bit but not too bad. That said I have been doing some exercise previously. Not looking forward to level 2, I did it a couple of years ago and from what I remember didn't enjoy it as much as 1 and 3
  • To everyone above: you shouldn't be feeling that sore afterwards!

    Jillian doesn't make you stretch for long enough afterwards. You need to do a longer cool-down and reaaaally push the stretches. If you do that, you won't feel sore. Seriously, if you don't stretch properly and carry on doing the work-out every day you're going to do yourself an injury.

    In answer to the OP, my stomach started to look more defined after about day 6/7 - everything else took a LOT longer. It really depends on your diet as well. The full work-out burns roughly 1.6 calories X your weight in lbs, which is great for ~20 minutes of exercise but 160-320 calories can't balance out a bad diet.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    I didn't drop any weight doing it but lost a pants size. So worth it.
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    Feel fine now after a shower also forgot that i didnt have breakfast so thats prob why i felt sick lol, will make sure I do extra cool down stretches when i do it tomorrow (hopefully can fit it in everyday)
  • ClareTwycross
    ClareTwycross Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys, I've finally decided I'm going to start the 30 day shred DVD tomorrow. How does everyone log it on the exercise section of my fitness pal?

    Thanks in advance x
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    I have logged it as circut training general not sure if its the right way to do it though
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I started my MFP stint because of 30DS...

    In the first 10 days I noticed results yes. I didn't take any time off tho either, and yes you will feel sore....but it does get easier...and you should feel sore if you aren't used to those exercises...

    So my results based on Pics and tape measure, BF% and scale

    1.5inches off chest
    1 inch off under chest (bra band)
    1/2 inch off my natural waist (bend)
    1/2 inch of my waist at belly button

    Day 20 vs day 10

    1.25inches off chest
    1 inche off bra band
    1/2 inch off waist both areas
    1/2 inch off hips

    Day 30 vs Day 20

    3/4inch off chest
    1/2 inch off hips
    1/2 inch off thigh

    In total I lost 9 inches, 2.3% BF, and 3lbs...noticeable difference in my pics.

    I was definately stronger and had more endurance.

    I logged it as circut training as well.

    I would have lost more weight if I had been using a food scale and logging accurately....:grumble:

    2nd round of 30 DS
    I lost another 4 inches in total
    another 1% of my BF%
    4.25lbs (was using a food scale)

    I did the 2nd round until I could do all the exercises non modified and took weekends off...unlike 1st round took 3 days off...1 between each new set.
  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    I did Level 1 Day 1 on Monday this week. I was so sore yesterday that I walked yesterday evening instead of attempting 30DS (I thought the walk would loosen my muscles a bit...no joy there). Got home last night and after 1/2 hour of sitting down I could barely move. I had a long soak in the bath (could barely climb back out of the bath, lol) & now today I am still pretty sore & stiff.

    I have to admit its been a long time since I did squats & lunges or any resistance workout at all. If I haven't exercised for a while & then join the gym - I would always be pretty sore a couple of days after the 1st session & then I would be ok after that.

    I plan to do day 2 this evening or tomorrow & then hopefully after that I will be able to do it daily without being quite so stiff/sore. Bit annoyed that I've not been fit to do it for a day or so, but I certainly gave Jillian my all for the 20 minutes on Monday - I only did the simplified version of the press ups - everything else I did the harder ones.......right now I feel more 'broken' than 'shredded'

    I did take measurements and pics too, so will re *kitten* those after I complete each level.
  • dianalee9
    dianalee9 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm currently doing 30 DS and am on Day 28 today! I love it! This is the second time I've done it and so far have lost 3 pounds. I haven't done my measurements yet, but I know I've lost inches because I can feel it in my clothes. The first time I did 30 DS, I lost 3 or 4 pounds in the first 10 days and lost 3 inches, but I didn't exercise at all before that.

    You will be sore!! If your body is not used to exercise, you are going to feel sore regardless of how long you stretch. I always do the cool down stretches as they show them. I notice a huge difference in my flexibility also.

    I didn't take any rest days. Even when I was sore, I pushed myself through it. I knew I wasn't injured, I was just grossly out of shape so I figured taking a break isn't going to do anything except give me another excuse not to work out. Day 3 and 4 were the worst for muscle soreness for me, but I found pushing myself through the workouts helped with that. On those days, I went on my elliptical for about 10-15 minutes prior to the shred to help loosen up my muscles and that seemed to help.

    Before you start, weigh yourself, take your measurements, and take pictures (even if you only use them for yourself). Stick with it and you will not be disappointed. The key is to push yourself! When you're able to do the easy moves, push yourself to move up to the advanced moves. You may not be able to do the advanced version for the full minute, but go as long as you can before going back to the easy moves. Stick by what Jillian says and only take a 5 second break and then carry on. You may only go for another 15 seconds before you need to stop again, but do it anyway. Also, don't be scared to up the size of your handweights. You won't improve if you don't push!

    Good luck!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Hi guys, I've finally decided I'm going to start the 30 day shred DVD tomorrow. How does everyone log it on the exercise section of my fitness pal?

    Thanks in advance x

    I use a heart rate monitor, so I created a cardio entry called "video" and I just enter the minutes and calories from my HRM. That way I can use the same one for different videos. Although, come to think of it, it might be nice to have a reference later of calorie burns for various videos in case I want to repeat them, so I may change that to be more specific.
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor, so I created a cardio entry called "video" and I just enter the minutes and calories from my HRM. That way I can use the same one for different videos. Although, come to think of it, it might be nice to have a reference later of calorie burns for various videos in case I want to repeat them, so I may change that to be more specific.

    That's what I've done, I log each video under it's own title, but I'm anal like that;) Helps me keep track of which ones I've done on which days since I just mix them up based on what I feel like doing.
  • momsoup
    momsoup Posts: 15 Member
    I did day 5 today. it was much easier than the previous days. the last 4 days I have been so sore but I kept pushing thru. I can tell I am building up my stamina as today I didnt have to stop to catch my breath as many times. my legs have been the sorest. stairs and standing after sitting for an extended time (i have a desk job) killed the first 4 days. today only minor soreness. I am loving the video tho! so excited to keep doing it to see the results after! :-)
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    This is probably really obvious but how long do you do each level before moving on is it 10days per level?
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm on the last few days of my second time through it. I do each level 10 days and then move on to the next level, regardless of how well I'm doing the current level. I log it as circuit training. I do it 6 days a week but I do not do any other exercises at all.

    I've lost weight each time but I am tracking calories as well. I'm pretty sure the calorie tracking is what is dropping the weight. I've lost one inch off my waist and one off my hips. I don't measure anywhere else. For some reason inches come off much slower than weight for me. Frustrating, ugh, whatever! grr.

    So the things I've noticed with 30DS. When I started I was *really* out of shape. I'm 44yo and had not done much of anything in the way of exercising since my last pregnancy 8yrs ago and that was twins. I gained so much and my babies were so big - which was all good but my internal muscles took a major hit. I also had a period of rapid weight loss and then rapid weight gain 3yrs ago and that is just not good. I didn't use weights for the first week and then I used these wrist weights I had laying around, then 3lb weights. I have 5lb weights I use now for most of them (3lbs for those v-flys - gawd they kill me) and 10lbs for a couple of them.

    I have noticed significant improvement in endurance, ability to breath in my daily life, my upper body and core strength, and in how my arms and shoulders look - which is a big bonus with summer coming up :) That alone has all been worth it. My resting heart rate is better and I have high blood pressure and I take meds for it but it was still borderline but my last check it was down in a better range. I could not do one single modified push up when I started. Forget about 'planking'. I can do all the modified push ups called for in the DVD now and planking is not 100% but 90% better. I still do some modifications and occasionally need to rest for 5 seconds but nothing at all like when I first started. So - it has been really good for me.

    I wasn't overly sore but a) did not use those weights at first b) I modified them so much - had too. It was still massive work out for me. I have a 7yo that watched me once and he in all seriousness asked me if he needed to call someone, lmao, that is how much I was struggling to get through it. I was so tired after I did them. I wanted nothing more than to lie down. Holy cow.

    I'll probably take a couple week break and do something else (want to be able to do a real push up) and then do it a third time just to see if I can get through it without making so many modifications and no 5 second rests.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Oh - also - my knees hurt like crazy at first. :( I complained all the time about it. I did get better shoes and that probably helped but they hurt for a good two months (I did 30DS, then two weeks of something else, then 30DS again). My knees though - OMG. I told myself that I would finish this second round and if they still hurt so bad I would go see a doctor. I don't have any history of knee injury but I have fallen arches. They finally started feeling a little better a couple of weeks ago. I have no idea if that was a muscle strengthening need or what - but thought I would share.
  • Just finished day 1 of 30ds, it really hurts! Walked up the stairs after and my legs felt like jelly! But the saying goes 'if its hurts then it works' ..

    Hopefully I am not too sore tomorrow!
  • momsoup
    momsoup Posts: 15 Member
    Just finished day 1 of 30ds, it really hurts! Walked up the stairs after and my legs felt like jelly! But the saying goes 'if its hurts then it works' ..

    Hopefully I am not too sore tomorrow!

    yes i was sore for the first 4 days! my legs hurt sooooooo bad! but i just kept pushing thru and i am not nearly as sore these last 2 days. You CAN do this! :)
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    My legs, and especially my knees, were in agony after the first day, but I took it easy on the second day, it got better on the third, and I feel pretty good now. It's amazing how quickly gains can be made in indurance...I can already do more pushups (modified) and jumping jacks etc. than I could on the first day.
  • _shannon92
    _shannon92 Posts: 33 Member
    For those of you who have completed it, did you have to take a break for a day or two at first? I only got halfway through today, and I don't think I can do it tomorrow if I'm still this sore.

    When I do it, I always take breaks in between. I'll do it, then sometimes take a day or two off, then do 3 days straight. I just do it when I have time! :p

    When I did it the first time, I tried to do it every day, but now I just do whatever I want, lol. I'll lose motivation if I FORCE myself.