Why is the scale not moving?

Yesterday I had

celery sticks w/ peanut butter (fat free kind) it was a few times a day, don't know how many celery sticks I had

salad with ranch dressing, bacon bits, croutons and a slice of bread

more celery sticks w/ peanut butter

salad with rancing dressing, bacon bits, croutons and slice of bread
water with each meal

is it the peanut butter causing me to stall?? ive been stuck at the same weight for the last couple days. my stomach was growling and I was confident I would lose another lb this morning


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    How many calories do you eat on average per day?
    How long has the scale not been moving?
    Have you read this? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1175494-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Yesterday I had

    celery sticks w/ peanut butter (fat free kind) it was a few times a day, don't know how many celery sticks I had

    salad with ranch dressing, bacon bits, croutons and a slice of bread

    more celery sticks w/ peanut butter

    salad with rancing dressing, bacon bits, croutons and slice of bread
    water with each meal

    is it the peanut butter causing me to stall?? ive been stuck at the same weight for the last couple days. my stomach was growling and I was confident I would lose another lb this morning

    Eat more food/variety.

    Read the link above,

    Weigh and measure all the foods you stuff in your face.

    ETA: You shouldn't lose 1 pound over night. Stop weighing yourself everyday!
  • watermillion
    watermillion Posts: 87 Member
    Yesterday I had

    celery sticks w/ peanut butter (fat free kind) it was a few times a day, don't know how many celery sticks I had

    salad with ranch dressing, bacon bits, croutons and a slice of bread

    more celery sticks w/ peanut butter

    salad with rancing dressing, bacon bits, croutons and slice of bread
    water with each meal

    is it the peanut butter causing me to stall?? ive been stuck at the same weight for the last couple days. my stomach was growling and I was confident I would lose another lb this morning

    Eat more food/variety.

    Read the link above,

    Weigh and measure all the foods you stuff in your face.

    ETA: You shouldn't lose 1 pound over night. Stop weighing yourself everyday!

    I'm used to losing weight like that...1-2lbs a day. It's been a week and I've only lost 2 lbs so far? that is too slow
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    No particular food is going to make you gain/lose weight. The amount of food you eat does that. You don't need to starve yourself or hear tummy growling just to lose weight. Eat up to your MFP daily calorie goal and you'll do just fine.

    Are you weighing/measuing what you eat and logging consistently?

    Also, you really need to set more realistic expectations and goals. Stop expecting to lose weight every day or two, it doesn't work that way. With the amount you have to lose, somewhere between 1/2 and 1 pound per week is realistic.

    You seem to be eating some high sodium foods (assuming regular dressing) so some of this may have to do with water weight. Not sure how many calories you're consuming with that daily intake so I won't comment on that but IMHO, you really need to get more protein into your diet.

  • watermillion
    watermillion Posts: 87 Member
    No particular food is going to make you gain/lose weight. The amount of food you eat does that. You don't need to starve yourself or hear tummy growling just to lose weight. Eat up to your MFP daily calorie goal and you'll do just fine.

    Are you weighing/measuing what you eat and logging consistently?

    Also, you really need to set more realistic expectations and goals. Stop expecting to lose weight every day or two, it doesn't work that way. Also, you seem to be eating some high sodium foods (assuming regular dressing) so some of this may have to do with water weight. Not sure how many calories you're consuming with that daily intake so I won't comment on that but IMHO, you really need to get more protein into your diet.


    I'm trying to be a vegetarian that' why there is no poultry in my diet.
    What type of salad dressing do you suggest I use on my salad? I only like ranch dressing
  • midwestspitfire
    midwestspitfire Posts: 46 Member
    Yesterday I had

    celery sticks w/ peanut butter (fat free kind) it was a few times a day, don't know how many celery sticks I had

    salad with ranch dressing, bacon bits, croutons and a slice of bread

    more celery sticks w/ peanut butter

    salad with rancing dressing, bacon bits, croutons and slice of bread
    water with each meal

    is it the peanut butter causing me to stall?? ive been stuck at the same weight for the last couple days. my stomach was growling and I was confident I would lose another lb this morning

    Eat more food/variety.

    Read the link above,

    Weigh and measure all the foods you stuff in your face.

    ETA: You shouldn't lose 1 pound over night. Stop weighing yourself everyday!

    I'm used to losing weight like that...1-2lbs a day. It's been a week and I've only lost 2 lbs so far? that is too slow

    You may be used to losing weight like that but seeing as you're here trying to lose weight again, I'm guessing it wasn't an effective method for keeping the weight OFF.
    Two pounds a week is the max most people should aim to lose in a week and seeing as you're only looking to lose 25-35, you should be aiming for a pound a week.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Yesterday I had

    celery sticks w/ peanut butter (fat free kind) it was a few times a day, don't know how many celery sticks I had

    salad with ranch dressing, bacon bits, croutons and a slice of bread

    more celery sticks w/ peanut butter

    salad with rancing dressing, bacon bits, croutons and slice of bread
    water with each meal

    is it the peanut butter causing me to stall?? ive been stuck at the same weight for the last couple days. my stomach was growling and I was confident I would lose another lb this morning

    Eat more food/variety.

    Read the link above,

    Weigh and measure all the foods you stuff in your face.

    ETA: You shouldn't lose 1 pound over night. Stop weighing yourself everyday!

    I'm used to losing weight like that...1-2lbs a day. It's been a week and I've only lost 2 lbs so far? that is too slow

    you should only lose up to 1 or 2 pounds a WEEK to be at a healthy weight loss, and more than that you can be doing more damage then good. Without the proper amount of food/macros, you are not only losing fat, but muscle.
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Even vegetarians need protein. Protein helps. From you menu it looks like high salt and high carbs. Salt causes the body to hold on to water. Which will make the scale do weird things. Maybe look at adding some protein into your diet, less the salt. Make sure you are drinking lots of water as well!
  • logathion
    logathion Posts: 1 Member
    Stop weighing yourself every day. Stick to your calorie goal, and weigh yourself once a week. If you see no scale movement in a week, readjust your calorie goals.

    1-2lb/week is the ideal.
  • naomigee161
    naomigee161 Posts: 41 Member
    where are your veggie forms of protein? i.e. lentils, beans, chickpeas, cheese, eggs, nuts, quinoa, seeds, grains, other vegetables that have protein in, bread.

    go here and read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1235566-so-you-re-new-here

    go here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ and calculate how many calories you need to eat each day to lose 1-2 pounds a week with the -20% option. then set your mfp daily calorie total to that number and stick to it. don't eat back exercise calories.

    you can't lose more than that of fat per week, any more and it will have been muscle that you really don't want to lose, or water which you'll just put back on when you are more hydrated)

    be patient. come back and post again in 4-6 weeks if there are no measurement or scale changes.
  • hbwright74
    hbwright74 Posts: 36 Member
    If you are vegetarian you still have a responsibility to give your body what it needs. It needs protein. Research your diet. Vegetarians can still get protein from non-meat sources. Quinoa, various beans, seeds, and peas, nuts, broccoli, greens, all have good protein. One of my favorite sides is black beans mixed with a tbsp of salsa. Yummy, and packed with protein. Your diet should be full of these foods to consume the amount of protein you need.
  • I'm trying to be a vegetarian that' why there is no poultry in my diet.
    What type of salad dressing do you suggest I use on my salad? I only like ranch dressing

    There are plenty of vegetarian friendly foods with protein! If you google it, you'll find lots of lists. Here's one good source I found: http://www.nomeatathlete.com/vegetarian-protein/ But in short: eggs, beans, nuts, dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt), peas, broccoli, spinach, etc. all have protein.

    I have the problem of weighing myself daily too, even though I know better (I have faded myself to only once every other day now though!). You really are only supposed to weigh yourself about once a week, but it's hard not to do it...I mean, the scale is right there. But if you do do it, you have to understand it might not move and that it's natural to fluctuate over the span of just a few days. Also, if you eat too few calories, that will slow your metabolism down and cause you to not lose weight. I know when you just think about things in terms of calories it's easy to forget that. Additionally, building muscle will increase your metabolism.

    Hope this was helpful. :)

    Oh, and healthwise, ranch dressing is the worst dressing there is, unfortunately.
  • rebalee8
    rebalee8 Posts: 161 Member
    No particular food is going to make you gain/lose weight. The amount of food you eat does that. You don't need to starve yourself or hear tummy growling just to lose weight. Eat up to your MFP daily calorie goal and you'll do just fine.

    Are you weighing/measuing what you eat and logging consistently?

    Also, you really need to set more realistic expectations and goals. Stop expecting to lose weight every day or two, it doesn't work that way. Also, you seem to be eating some high sodium foods (assuming regular dressing) so some of this may have to do with water weight. Not sure how many calories you're consuming with that daily intake so I won't comment on that but IMHO, you really need to get more protein into your diet.


    I'm trying to be a vegetarian that' why there is no poultry in my diet.
    What type of salad dressing do you suggest I use on my salad? I only like ranch dressing

    It's hard to diet vegetarian using peanut butter as your main protein source. I tried and failed many times (and just ended up fatter in the long run for my yo-yoing). You get a lot of calories with not really that much protein and a small volume of food, which can leave you feeling less than satisfied.

    My advice is to get a vegetarian cookbook like "The New Becoming Vegetarian" and learn how to work with alternate protein sources. You'll end up more satisfied and have sustainable weight loss while maintaining a healthy vegetarian diet. You should be able to create a nice 1200-1500 calorie diet with tasty vegetarian meals.

    If that seems like too much, just go to the store and in the freezer section pick on of the vegetarian meat substitutes and crumble that on your salad instead of the bacon bits and croutons. You get more protein and then you can have yogurt, fruit and nuts for breakfast and snacks sometimes instead of just peanut butter and celery.
  • kilsafari
    kilsafari Posts: 61
    I'm trying to be a vegetarian that' why there is no poultry in my diet.
    What type of salad dressing do you suggest I use on my salad? I only like ranch dressing

    Its a lot easier for vegetarians to get protein than most meat eaters act like it is. A quick google search will lead you to tons of articles explaining the myth. There are so many non-meat foods that will adequately supply you with enough protein that there's really no excuse for not getting enough. I've been veg for years and have never, ever, had issues with protein intake.

    As for salad dressing, I usually go with raspberry vinaigrette. Pretty low cal and I love the flavor it gives. I also like it on white rice. Yum!
  • watermillion
    watermillion Posts: 87 Member
    so ditch the peanut butter? and add a boiled egg to my salad?

    I'm sorry but ranch dressing is the only dressing I like. I have tried other types and its gross
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    I don't think anyone is telling you to ditch the PB, but you need to expand your sources of protein especially in a vegetarian diet. Protein powders, eggs, Greek yogurt, beans, etc. You certainly do not always need to be eating salad...once a day would be plenty. It looks like you may need to start looking up good, balanced vegetarian recipes for dinner or lunch...you can even make them ahead and reheat when you want them.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Again, how many calories are you eating on average per day? Telling us you eat a peanut butter sandwich doesn't tell us how many calories that is. It could be 150 or 350 calories. And that's important info. MY GUESS is you need to eat more. But unless you open your diary or tell us on average how many calories you eat each day, I would still just be guessing.

    Losing 2 lbs in one week is superb. Why do you want to lose faster than that? In fact, I'd recommend losing slower.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    How many calories do you eat on average per day?
    How long has the scale not been moving?
    Have you read this? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1175494-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    All of this
  • naomigee161
    naomigee161 Posts: 41 Member
    what about just some balsamic vinegar, or olive oil, or soy sauce, or mayo?

    or you know, stop having salad and have mixed veggies like peppers, carrots, celery, cucumber, cherry tomatoes with hummus to dip in, 1-2 boiled eggs, some cheese and 2-3 crackers.

    or homemade soup and bread/crackers. you don't need to have salad for lunch everyday, especially if you 'only' like topping it with the most calorific/high fat dressing ever. start thinking outside the (salad) box and make some filling healthy meals with variety and more protein, good fats, good carbs and less salt.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Yesterday I had

    celery sticks w/ peanut butter (fat free kind) it was a few times a day, don't know how many celery sticks I had

    salad with ranch dressing, bacon bits, croutons and a slice of bread

    more celery sticks w/ peanut butter

    salad with rancing dressing, bacon bits, croutons and slice of bread
    water with each meal

    is it the peanut butter causing me to stall?? ive been stuck at the same weight for the last couple days. my stomach was growling and I was confident I would lose another lb this morning

    Eat more food/variety.

    Read the link above,

    Weigh and measure all the foods you stuff in your face.

    ETA: You shouldn't lose 1 pound over night. Stop weighing yourself everyday!

    I'm used to losing weight like that...1-2lbs a day. It's been a week and I've only lost 2 lbs so far? that is too slow

    No, it's not. 2 pounds a week is the absolute max rate you should lose. Any faster than that is really unhealthy, and can cause loose skin and sets you up to gain the weight back more easily than if it's lost at a reasonable rate. You're good.