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Weekend Binges?

Hi, everyone. I am trying so hard to lose the weight I gained on Effexor and Celexa over the past 2.5 years. Before I started it, I never had a problem losing weight; I used to weigh 126lbs at 5'6". I could eat what I wanted without any problems. Since being on the meds, I now weigh 170lbs and am disgusted with myself. During the week I do really well, but when the weekend comes, I tend to binge on a ton of stuff. Basically junk food, even though I allow myself treats during the week. I have been off the medication for a month with the help of my doctor. I also have high cholesterol as a result of the med and only have 6 months to lose at least 15 pounds and lower my cholesterol. I've lost 12 lbs since the New Year, thankfully, but I still have 40 more, and I know with the weekend binging I cannot seem to lose any more. Any advice??


  • Hey! I know what you are going through...sort of. When I started wanting to get healthy I did really well using MFP and having small treats here and there and never feeling deprived. When I almost did a bodybuilding show...the diet from a "coach" got SUPER restrictive for 14 weeks and I would have one cheat meal a week. Well I quite because it was awful and I ended up damaging my metabolism. Okay so! I struggled with rebound weight and was like WTH why can I not do this again!? I just got smart, got back to my basics and remembered why I started living healthy! Recently I have fell in love with drsarasolomon.com and any info I can eat up (hehe) from iifym.com. Learn how to eat for YOUR body and how to utilized flexible dieting and intermittent fasting tools for success. I have re-established a healthy metabolism, lifting just as heavy at a much more desired weight class and I just wanted to help because I know what its like to binge!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Only you have the power to stop yourself from binging. Try to log all foods BEFORE you eat them, so you can see what kind of caloric damage you are doing before you eat a load of junk food. When I was losing weight I always pre-logged and it helped me make better choices or back away from some things (or volumes of things) I was going to eat against my better judgement.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Those weekend binges could ruin a week worth of calorie deficiency. You have to learn to work all of your food into your calorie limits while eating enough to feel full. Drink water before eat meal and it will help control the overeating. Here is a great link to help you:

  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    First of all, don't be disgusted with yourself! Your body is an amazing machine, even with extra weight, appreciate all it does for you and just pledge to make it even better. :smile:

    As for weekends, I definitely have a harder time getting my butt in gear because I hate getting on the computer when I'm not at work so I tend to eat blindly. What works for me is having a plan going into the weekend, like knowing exactly what I'm going to eat and do so I can plan accordingly. Even prelogging it if I need to helps.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • loves86
    loves86 Posts: 88 Member
    I have that problem too, ESPECIALLY when I go back to my hometown for visits, which just go happens to be this weekend :S I have been chugging a whole glass of water before I have any snacks on the weekend, just to see if I REALLY want it, at first it sucked, but I got use to it after awhile, and dont do it near as often at home...this weekend will be the true testiment for me...lol ESPECIALLY with all the easter candy!!!
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    I was doing the same thing - over-indulging on the weekends. I sat down and thought about it and realized I was using food as a way to unwind and "treat' myself on the weekends. I work hard all week and on Friday, I want to relax and do something "special" which was eat half a pizza and drink lots of beer or wine. I had to realize that this was NOT a "treat". I learned that I can unwind in other ways on the weekends. Spending time snuggling my kids, snuggling my hubby, doing things with friends, etc. A "treat" is a special movie or a healthful, well-prepared meal or taking my kids to Six Flags or really anything other than binge drinking/eating.

    I still struggle with the drinking... but the eating part is getting easier, at least. :embarassed:
  • loves86
    loves86 Posts: 88 Member
    And if you want to add me as a friend you are more than welcome, I took the same meds (ended on a different one before my dr weaned me off off them) but still gained a lot of weight while I was on them
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    What works for me is eating (nearly) 100% clean during the week, and then giving myself a lot of freedom on the weekend. That way, my calorie intake for the week balances out at or below my goal. If you know you like to treat yourself on the weekend, plan for it during the week! For example this might be how my food/exercise looks:

    Sample Weekday
    Breakfast: Plain oats with berries, protein powder and coconut
    Lunch: Salad loaded with veggies, turkey, cheese, and 2 tbsp of dressing
    Snack: Greek yogurt and an apple
    Dinner: Baked chicken, quinoa, and broccoli with shredded cheese on top
    Exercise: 300-700 cals worth of running or walking (depending on my energy level that day, and how much I've eaten)

    This usually leaves me with around a 200 cal deficit everyday during the week. That means I have around 1000 extra calories on the weekend to spend eating/drinking a little bit more 'heartily', hehe...

    Sample Weekend Day
    Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with veggies and cheese, bacon, toast, and a latte
    Lunch: A sandwich with fruit on the side
    Dinner: Pizza (or sushi, or pasta, or whatever I want really)
    ......and BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER (because that is my guilty pleasure) :wink:
    Exercise: Yoga or a short walk (if it strikes my fancy, otherwise I don't pressure myself to workout too much on weekends)

    This seems to work for me! I hope this helps. :flowerforyou:
  • hdyanneh
    hdyanneh Posts: 39
    I know what you mean...my downfall is sodium high "treats" during the weekend that causes me to retain h2o like crazy n it takes me till about wednesday to get things back to normal...don't know why i dont try harder...or limit myself to one day of a cheat rather than the whole weekend...
  • the_only_solution
    the_only_solution Posts: 46 Member
    I needed to find this thread today-I absolutely have already binged today. :( On the upside, I have plenty of time left to go work it off. :)
  • Hi
    Yes, I too suffer with weekend binges. I lost 40 lbs changing my diet and allowing my occasional treats at the weekend, but this escalated when I went into maintenance. I tended to drink too much on a saturday (treat night!) and this would usually result in my binging (and I am talking 4,000 cals plus!) on a saturday night and often this would carry on into sunday too. Come Monday I felt fat and disgusted with myself so would be back to eating healthy. I have gained a few lbs but I am trying not to stress over it. Its really hard. I have made the decision to stop drinking for 1 month to see if that helps me.
    I dont have the answer for you unfortunately, just know that you are not alone and if you want to add me for support you can.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    Weekends had been a problem when I first started! So I decided that I would just have to push myself harder at the gym. I usually spend 2 hours in the morning on Saturday and Sunday at the gym. Probably not the best solution; but I like it, I want to be there... and if I have donut I don't feel so bad about it.

    I think a lot of the "weekend binge" comes from not having a routine in place. It's the weekend; no structure... maybe you should try being on more of a "schedule"... that usually helps; but in the end you have to realize that its all about a lifestyle change... you'll get there if you just keep trying!

    Best of luck!!
  • morgo20
    morgo20 Posts: 68 Member
    I have the same problem. I will eat so good all weekend, and then even if I have a couple drinks, ill be like i blew it, then ill get really hungry after, and basically I have the mentality that if I messed up at all that day that I can eat whatever I want for the rest fo the day, and since I know i cant eat that stuff regularily on that day I eat as much of it as I can, then I start back Monday morning, feeling like I am a whale and having to start all over again! Its the main reason I keep gaining and losing the same 5 lbs. I am really going to try my best to not just give in to all my treats because I ate one bad thing.
  • josette06
    josette06 Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you, everyone!! I will definitely try the water trick. The worst part is, when I eat these foods I feel terrible; not mentally terrible but physically terrible. I don't know why I do it to myself!!
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    I struggle with this too. I attribute it to not being as busy on the weekend during the week....so I try to do double workouts, which not only keeps me busy but I usually have to force myself to eat a recovery meal because I am just not hungry after working out. I also changed my weigh in day to Monday to help keep me motivated to do well over the weekend. I also make sure I don't have junk food in the house and I try to pre log everything before it goes in my mouth so I can ask myself if it's really worth the calories.

    The only fast food I eat is a subway salad or chicken teriyaki with brown rice so it really limits my options wgetn I'm out....I always take a protein bar with me when running errands to so I am not overcome with hunger and make a last minute bad choice.

    I have bad weekends but I try not to let one bad food decision turn the whole day into a bad food decision day...."well, I already blew it by eating a candy bar....might as well have some ice cream too"

    Hope some of this helps :)
  • as124
    as124 Posts: 27
    I try to eat at least two healthy meals each day during the weekend, and pick if I want a "binge" meal or snack. Holding out for that one special treat makes it enjoyable, and I know I'm somewhat close to my deficit still. I've found that eating the real junk food I used to enjoy makes me feel gross, even if it tastes good, so I try to stay away.
  • First of all, don't be disgusted with yourself! Your body is an amazing machine, even with extra weight, appreciate all it does for you and just pledge to make it even better. :smile:

    As for weekends, I definitely have a harder time getting my butt in gear because I hate getting on the computer when I'm not at work so I tend to eat blindly. What works for me is having a plan going into the weekend, like knowing exactly what I'm going to eat and do so I can plan accordingly. Even prelogging it if I need to helps.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    she sounds like a great motivator!!
  • Me personally, I'm not a big water drinker. I also "binge" to an extent on the weekends but I've learned that working out, taking a walk/run/jog in the mornings on the weekends help me make better decisions through out the rest of the day. One good decision will lead to more good decisions. It kinda has a dominoe effect. I workout in the morning and I don't feel like destroying my workout by overindulging in my breakfast or lunch. Find some kind of workout routine that you enjoy doing. I've recently started spin class at my gym and they have a class 9am in the morning and I'm no morning person on the weekends but that class gets me out my bed. If you're a drinker on the weekends and you plan to workout the next morning, for me i tend to not drink as much. I don't know about anyone else but working out the next day after getting wasted SUCKS!! so maybe planning to workout the next morning will help you refrain from doing it excessively. Hope this helps!