WHY? I don't understand.

Hi all
I've been using MFP for a few weeks now. At first the weight loss was good. But now I seem to have stalled. I haven't lost any weight in 2 weeks? I had a bad day on Sat and put on 3lb by Monday, which hasn't come off and now it's Wednesday - despite me drinking 4lts of water a day ( so can't be water weight). So I just weighed myself and I'm the same as I was 2 weeks ago.
Apart from this one day I have STUCK to my 1200 a day, sometimes less. Why has it not shifted in 2 weeks? I don't get it?
Very depressed. What's the point in dieting and exercising every day if it doesn't work?
Kelly x


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    well with your diary closed it is hard to say

    But 2 weeks isn't a long time esp since weight loss is not linear.

    I have gone 4 weeks without a loss then a woosh.

    with 8lbs to lose your 1200 a day goal is too low..I suspect you have your weekly weight loss goal at 2lbs..change that to 1/2lb a week.

    Do you weigh your food on a kitchen scale? if not that will present a problem with so little to lose. You could be eating more than you think.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    It does work, if you're eating less than you burn. How do you know you're eating 1200 calories a day? How do you get that number? Also... when you said you had a bad day, gained 3lbs and it isn't water weight...did your bad day consist of approximately 10,500 calories more than you burned that day? Because that's around how many calories you'd have to consume OVER what you burn to gain 3lbs of fat.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    It does work, because you've already lost 7 pounds. Congratulations!
  • mcspiffy88
    mcspiffy88 Posts: 90 Member
    a) wrong measurements regarding your weight b) overestimating your cals.

    Dont stress too much about the scale it sometimes just stalls then suddenly drops by 4 pounds it happens. This is related mostly to wrong measurement as most people step on the scale once a week. If you want to get a picture how wacko that is step on the scale in the morning, after lunch and before bed ... my weight fluctuates around 3 pounds during the DAY, and Im 150-ish.

    If you want accurate measurements step on the scale every morning, write down the number and forget about it. Then at the end of the week calculate the average. Thats the only way. So really to see accurately if you are loosing weight or not you need 2 weeks worth of measurements. Once a week scaling is every diets russian rulette.

    And its impossible to gain 3 pounds in a weekend.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It does work, if you're eating less than you burn. How do you know you're eating 1200 calories a day? How do you get that number? Also... when you said you had a bad day, gained 3lbs and it isn't water weight...did your bad day consist of approximately 10,500 calories more than you burned that day? Because that's around how many calories you'd have to consume OVER what you burn to gain 3lbs of fat.

    this about covers it...

    Do you own a food scale OP? Weight , measure, log everything?
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Weight fluctuates - especially for us women. Hormones, sodium, stress, etc. all play a part. Not saying guys don't have hormones also - but our monthly cycle certainly plays a roll and not in the same way for everyone.

    Beyond that, the thing that concerns me with your post is that you are not eating enough. 1200 is the absolute minimum you should consume and you mention being under sometimes. While you want to lose weight, I assume you also want to be healthy and fit? Cutting calories too much is a good way to lose muscle and in the long term that will damage metabolism. Perhaps set a more realistic goal, eat more, and try to remind yourself this is a lifetime and not a short vacation.

    Of course be accurate in your loggings, but doing the right things will lead to weight loss over time. Give it at last 4-6 weeks though.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    What's the point in dieting and exercising every day if it doesn't work?

    Because only a calorie deficit will work....
  • kellysdavies
    kellysdavies Posts: 160 Member
    How do I open it up? I thought it was open to members?
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Under settings I believe.

    I think the default privacy is open to friends.

    (Yes, Settings then Diary Settings.)
  • kellysdavies
    kellysdavies Posts: 160 Member
    It does work, if you're eating less than you burn. How do you know you're eating 1200 calories a day? How do you get that number? Also... when you said you had a bad day, gained 3lbs and it isn't water weight...did your bad day consist of approximately 10,500 calories more than you burned that day? Because that's around how many calories you'd have to consume OVER what you burn to gain 3lbs of fat.

    Because I log everything? No, it didn't consist of that but I weighed 10st 1.4 one day and the next day 10st 4.4 and that was Sunday and I'm still the same today, Wednesday.
  • kellysdavies
    kellysdavies Posts: 160 Member
    Think it's open now, would love people to have a look and tell me what they think?
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    It's still not open.

    ETA: You need to select "public" under your diary privacy settings.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    Still closed...

    Anyway, there are a few every month where I don't weigh myself because I naturally retain water at that time. I just keep plugging away and weigh myself when I am no longer bloated. Don't get hung up on a few days. If you make sure to weigh food and log correctly at a deficit you will lose.
  • kellysdavies
    kellysdavies Posts: 160 Member
    Ahh, I went to privacy, not diary. Try now! Thanks :-)
  • kellysdavies
    kellysdavies Posts: 160 Member
    Can people see it now?
  • kellysdavies
    kellysdavies Posts: 160 Member
    Yes, you're using lots of generic entries with suspiciously low calorie amounts. It also looks like you're estimating portions instead of weighing them.

    What like? Most of the stuff I scan in but today, for example, was a mixed salad day at work. So i had a tablespoon of cous cous, 4 lumps of melon 2 lumps of feta, a teaspoon of hummus, so I have to guess weights to some extent?I thought I over-estimated if anything!

    What do you think is low? I do weigh most stuff?

  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    The feta cheese is one I noticed. An ounce of feta cheese (at least the brands I have bought) are at least 70 calories for an ounce - yours was 35. Granted, we're only talking about 35-40 calories in this example, but if you have other entries that aren't correct it can add up quickly - thus you're really not eating at a deficit.
  • kellysdavies
    kellysdavies Posts: 160 Member
    The feta cheese is one I noticed. An ounce of feta cheese (at least the brands I have bought) are at least 70 calories for an ounce - yours was 35. Granted, we're only talking about 35-40 calories in this example, but if you have other entries that aren't correct it can add up quickly - thus you're really not eating at a deficit.

    I really only think I had about half an ounce! But t okay, that may be one I've underestimated slightly maybe? Anything else?
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Yes, you're using lots of generic entries with suspiciously low calorie amounts. It also looks like you're estimating portions instead of weighing them.

    What like? Most of the stuff I scan in but today, for example, was a mixed salad day at work. So i had a tablespoon of cous cous, 4 lumps of melon 2 lumps of feta, a teaspoon of hummus, so I have to guess weights to some extent?I thought I over-estimated if anything!

    What do you think is low? I do weigh most stuff?


    A lump is not a unit of measurement. And cups, teaspoons and tables spoons should really only used to measure liquids. When it says 5 grams....did you weigh out 5 grams of something? Or are you guessing?

    Your calories are set pretty low, so even if you were underestimating by 200-300 calories per day, you'd probably still be losing weight. I think if you are not weighing food, and do not want to, give it a few more weeks and see what happens. If you still haven't lost anything after that, invest in a food scale and see if you've been logging correct portions/amount.s
  • kellysdavies
    kellysdavies Posts: 160 Member
    Yes, you're using lots of generic entries with suspiciously low calorie amounts. It also looks like you're estimating portions instead of weighing them.

    What like? Most of the stuff I scan in but today, for example, was a mixed salad day at work. So i had a tablespoon of cous cous, 4 lumps of melon 2 lumps of feta, a teaspoon of hummus, so I have to guess weights to some extent?I thought I over-estimated if anything!

    What do you think is low? I do weigh most stuff?


    A lump is not a unit of measurement. And cups, teaspoons and tables spoons should really only used to measure liquids. When it says 5 grams....did you weigh out 5 grams of something? Or are you guessing?

    Your calories are set pretty low, so even if you were underestimating by 200-300 calories per day, you'd probably still be losing weight. I think if you are not weighing food, and do not want to, give it a few more weeks and see what happens. If you still haven't lost anything after that, invest in a food scale and see if you've been logging correct portions/amount.s

    No, and I mean really small cube. I can't really weigh it at work. So just have to guess what 2 small cubes of feta or 3 small cubes of watermelon might be. Sometimes I guess (like with the rocket today which was literally two mouthfulls) sometimes I weigh; or I scan and half it for example (if I am only having half the pack) all the quinoa you see is always weighed and the curry portions etc.

    Hmmm. I dunno.