what got you motivated to lose weight?



  • SarahNicoleW94
  • SarahNicoleW94
    My main reason, honestly, was that MOST of my boyfriend's exes were all tiny.

    Can totally relate to this!!!
  • alisonmarytuck
    alisonmarytuck Posts: 68 Member
    Iam omotivatedby the chance to havenore choice with clothes and just feeling better generally
  • leahking6
    leahking6 Posts: 9 Member
    My kids motivated me. I am a foster parent of 4 children six and under. We will soon adopt all of them. Right now, my husband and I (and extended family of course) are all they have. I don't want to leave them Motherless (again) before they are old enough to take care of themsleves. I also want to teach them good eating habits so that they won't have to fight the battles I have fought being overweight my whole life. I guess through the years I haven't cared enough about myself to change my lifestyle. Now I finally have a family who makes me realize I am important and worth it. :love:
  • tbs41
    tbs41 Posts: 8
    Sick and tired of being sick & tired...I feel too young inside to be this unhealthy & unattractive on the outside. And.....my biggest pair of pants was getting too tight! It may sound trivial but it was a HELLISH wake-up call.
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    I decided to lose weight in the hopes that it would decrease my pain level with my autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis. Luckily, within 3 days of changing my diet, my pain level decreased significantly. That led to being able to exercise and strengthen my muscles to support my damaged joints = even less pain.
  • MelissaA007
    MelissaA007 Posts: 22 Member
    Same here. I was the same size as my friends, then I entered into an amazing relationship. Along with that came good dinner and great wine......and 20+ pounds. I want to wear my jeans again, and feel sexy again!
  • kyregi
    kyregi Posts: 55 Member
    The first time around on MFP was for being able to rum with my kids. I am an "older" mother and when my kids are teenagers I will hit 50... I just want to be able to keep up with them.
    I wanted to do that again starting at the end of last year, when a health scare hit me with an almost heart attack.... Now I really have a reason to loose weight (even though I was never in the obese region or anywhere very close to it), but now I want to be able to run with my kids. Being there is the main reason to loose weight in the hope that will reduce another close call or worse.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    1. Long term health. Being 192lbs at 5'2" is just not healthy, and I want to be around to see my daughter graduate from college and take over the world.
    2. My daughter completely inspired me by swimming 1 and 1/4 miles in one hour at her swim club marathon event. Non-stop, and she's 8. It reminded me that I used to have the stamina of an ultra-marathoner until I hit 25, and I want that again.
    3. I have a closet full of size 4 and 6 clothes which I bought before I got pregnant, and I'm too cheap to buy any more, quite frankly.
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    I was on a small hike and had to make many stops to catch my breath. On one of these stops a bus load of senior citizens passed me by. Most of them weren't even breathing hard. I decided that's the way I wanted to spend the rest of my life. Having enough energy to do the things I love. That was 5 years ago. I am still struggling to lose the rest if my weight, but I hiked the Grand Canyon last year. Lose the weight now. It only keeps adding on and getting harder. I didn't gain my weight fast. It was only 4-5 lbs a year. It would of been a lot easier to lose a little at a time and keep it off.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I gained weight after having kids. I yo-yo'ed up and down 30 pounds for several years and never got close to losing all that I needed to lose. Then, five years ago, I got a 30-day free membership to YMCA as part of my kids' summer camp program. My kids wanted to go there and swim a lot, so I started doing the elliptical just to keep busy while I watched them in the pool. At the end of the month, I felt stronger and I'd lost a few pounds, and that kept me going until I lost the entire 70 that I needed to lose.

    I'm grateful to YMCA for helping me to get fitness into my life. I had lost weight by dieting and felt miserable before, but it wasn't until I felt myself getting stronger and more fit that losing weight felt good.