Gaining weight? eating disorder recovery?



  • Fenrissa
    Fenrissa Posts: 116
    I'd say it's a good start but for anorexia recovery you need about 2500+ calories a day for weight restoration and other internal repairs. If you could add foods high in fat (ex: nuts, seeds, butter, full fat dairy products) on top of what you're already eating that would help you add more calories to your daily intake without much volume.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    how was my eating for 12/04/2014 guys? any help is great, been feeling better actually!
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    Looking at your diary, if I had to guess, your sugar is probably a bit on the high side. Try to stay below 50 grams a day. But otherwise it doesn't look too bad.

    Also, if you're underweight, try to go easy on your exercises. I know they probably make you feel good, but if you're having a hard time meeting your minimum caloric needs a day to gain weight, any added in cardio is only going to compound the problem.

    If you must to do cardio, keep it light and under 30 minutes.

    I'm currently working with someone else who has/had a eating disorder and the key that has helped her, is eating multiple, small meals throughout the day. If you're working a hectic job at a hospital, I'd pack yourself quick & easy healthy snacks to bring in with you and just constantly be snacking on something throughout the day.

    Get a Pedometer as well. This will tell you exactly how many steps you're taking per day at your job and from there, you can more accurately calculate how many more calories, on top of your 1,647 caloric base needs, you need to be eating per day.

    Good luck and don't give up!

    Why would you tell someone who is trying to gain weight to cut back on sugar? Yes, she needs fats and protein, but I wouldn't suggest counting sugar to someone struggling to hit her calorie goals. The focus by even the American Heart Association on sugar is for reasons of getting too many calories.

    Because she asked about how healthy she is eating. High amounts of sugar is NOT healthy for you and can contribute to all sorts of inflammatory diseases in the long term, including heart disease and diabetes.

    There are plenty of other, easy ways to get your calories. Such as natural peanut butter, nuts & avocados and just eating regularly throughout the day.

    OP - ignore this. It's pseudoscience and scare mongering.

    You do need to get your fats up. A low fat diet is counterproductive, was abandoned in the 90s even for losing weight, and actually will endanger your health. The treats you're eating, not so much.

    Listen to this guy. He knows what his talking about!
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    how was my diary for 15/04/2014? thanks, for all the comments guys <3
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    how was my diary for 15/04/2014? thanks, for all the comments guys <3

    i think you mean 04/15/2014? do they write it the other way in some countries?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    how was my diary for 15/04/2014? thanks, for all the comments guys <3

    i think you mean 04/15/2014? do they write it the other way in some countries?

    Yes, they do.
  • lacaro1
    lacaro1 Posts: 81 Member
    how was my diary for 15/04/2014? thanks, for all the comments guys <3

    i think you mean 04/15/2014? do they write it the other way in some countries?

    Yes, they do.

    Actually, 04/15/2014 is only used in the US, the rest of the world writes day/ month/ year as in 15.04.2014 (ok except for China, they write the year first^^)
  • jillmreyn
    jillmreyn Posts: 2 Member
    If you suspect you have an eating disorder it is best to get a professional assessment from an intake therapist at an eating disorder treatment center. Eating disorders are diseases and should be treated by doctors/professionals who understand the disease.
    I have an eating disorder. I am a restrictor and avoider of food and then I binge eat. It is never about the food or calories it is more about what is going on inside of you. You could be eating healthy and still losing weight because of the stress/trauma in life your going through and that usually requires professional help. Also, if you are losing weight, you might have to reduce and/or stop the exercise for a time frame.
    I went to treatment three times at different treatment centers around the country. Where do you live? I highly recommend Castlewood Treatment Center in St. Louis, MO.
    They do have a location in California called Monarch Cove too. You can call them and just do a free phone assessment to find out what they would recommend. Hope that helps.
  • jillmreyn
    jillmreyn Posts: 2 Member
    I did review your diary and you aren't eating all your calories and your protein levels are none to very low....You would do better eating more protein and you are eating a lot of fruit for breakfast. I would eat one fruit, one good source of protein, like oatmeal, eggs, turkey bacon for breakfast and a grain like granola. You definitely need about 6-8 glasses of water for hydration or your electrolytes will be very bad. Looking over the Diary it does look like eating disordered behavior and I would highly recommend seeking professional help.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    how was my diary for 15/04/2014? thanks, for all the comments guys <3

    i think you mean 04/15/2014? do they write it the other way in some countries?

    Yes, they do.

    Actually, 04/15/2014 is only used in the US, the rest of the world writes day/ month/ year as in 15.04.2014 (ok except for China, they write the year first^^)

    wow, i really need to get out more. how do they do it in NorCal?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    how was my diary for 15/04/2014? thanks, for all the comments guys <3

    i think you mean 04/15/2014? do they write it the other way in some countries?

    Yes, they do.

    Actually, 04/15/2014 is only used in the US, the rest of the world writes day/ month/ year as in 15.04.2014 (ok except for China, they write the year first^^)

    wow, i really need to get out more. how do they do it in NorCal?

    We use the date convention of 16APR2014 (for ex). This was also the format at the last company I worked at. Don't know if it is becoming scientific convention, or what.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    how was my diary for 15/04/2014? thanks, for all the comments guys <3

    i think you mean 04/15/2014? do they write it the other way in some countries?

    Yes, they do.

    Actually, 04/15/2014 is only used in the US, the rest of the world writes day/ month/ year as in 15.04.2014 (ok except for China, they write the year first^^)

    wow, i really need to get out more. how do they do it in NorCal?

    We use the date convention of 16APR2014 (for ex). This was also the format at the last company I worked at. Don't know if it is becoming scientific convention, or what.

    We write the month first in Canada also, so it's a North American thing.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    i am already seeking help, just advice helps
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    OP - are there any foods that you used to really enjoy, that really made you happy? Could you try adding some of those into your diet to help with calories? Maybe you really used to like your mom's mac and cheese, or an aunt's coffee cake. Getting some food that you enjoy could help you get your calories up higher. Liquid calories could be very helpful as many have already mentioned. Best of luck!
  • Zero_excuses
    Zero_excuses Posts: 9 Member

    Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but an idea could be to add in a supplement drink like fortisip or ensure. As they are nutritionally balanced you'd be able to just get a little top up on your intake and know that it had all the things in it that will help you repair your body and mind :) Generally speaking I used to find a handful of nuts quite helpful either raw or as a butter.

    Also ( this was given to me IP and a good habit I stuck with) An evening drink before bed like ovaltine,horlicks or hot chocolate and a banana or a biscuit or other small snack helps you sleep and just gives you a little more intake.

    Another thing I tried to do was not to attatch too much emotion to food and not to see it as punishment or reward - just nourishment. I also tried to enjoy eating as a social and bonding occasion maybe with family or friends. Nothing extravegant, but tonight for example, I plan to roast a chicken without extra fat in the oven, seasoned and to boil up some carrots and beans and pop in some potatoes and gravy (you could make this with oil if you wanted more cal) then I will invite my brother over and eat with him and catch up over dinner and then there probably will be some chicken left over for tommorows lunch! (and of course some scraps for my spoiled kitty).

    Finally I tried to make my excercise more social and relaxed and less driven by calories - now I often yoga and hang around after to chat (this also clears your mind wonderfully). But I do still run, but out of enjoyment and to raise money for mental health charities :) A little excercise helps manage stress, keeps you refreshed and healthy, too much excercise can make you tired and unhappy

    I hope that helps, and apologies if I've said anything to offend,

    best of luck OP :)
  • kagc1969
    kagc1969 Posts: 5 Member
    you are so correct in your reply about exercise while recovering from an ED.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    how was my eating today guys?
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    Just looking at your diary, you haven't met your calorie goal once? I'm just wondering how you think you're doing?

    The next question I'm asking you, I'm asking with the upmost of respect, and from one ED sufferer to another, but what exactly are you hoping to gain from getting us to look at your diary? As I've said already, you haven't met your calorie goal once (2,323 calories, which for somebody your age, is insufficient for recovery), so having us check your diary obviously isn't helping you increase. As a fellow sufferer, having so many people observing how much I'm eating would actually be very unhelpful for me because I'd feel like I was 'failing' at anorexia if I ate enough (that will only make sense to ED sufferers!).

    Really, the only people who should be watching your food diary is you and an ED professional. I honestly can't see how this can be helping you.
  • hlm711
    hlm711 Posts: 38 Member
    Got to agree with the above..
    I'm also in recovery so I do understand that you will be wanting reassurance from others about your intake, but your not meeting your daily goal-so there isnt much advice anyone can give except meet your goals, specific macros aren't really your priority right now, just calories.
    I'd suggest stop trying to seeking verification from others, except a medical professional specialising in ED and just meet your goals.