200 and over?

Anyone 200 pounds and over trying to lose weight? Need motivation from other's suffering the big "two zero zero" and above. I can also give motivation and support.

I'm tired of seeing the 200-205 on my scale, so I'm making a change to get out of my box. Anyone care to join? ^_^


  • winter29
    winter29 Posts: 4
    I'm currently at 253.4. And I hate it. If I get to be under two hundred I would be super excited! I'll help with motivation Hun!
  • AlexiaLupis
    AlexiaLupis Posts: 27 Member
    For years I only worked in stone... So when people said over 200lbs it didn't sit in my head that I would be. Because of MyFitnessPal I've worked out I'm 266. I'm so disgusted with myself!
  • PennyJB63
    PennyJB63 Posts: 21 Member
    Add me if you want. I am at 225 right now and I dream of being in the 1's.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I started at 285 well that's the weight I'm admitting to but more than likely it was higher than that. But after about 15 months of learning about nutrition, what my body is capable of doing and lots of other fun things, I'm down to 179 as of today.

    So you can do it!
  • lemur933
    lemur933 Posts: 20 Member
    204, started at 230 with a goal of 150. So close to being out of the 200s.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    i started at 203.
  • JennyJacobsen
    JennyJacobsen Posts: 72 Member
    I just got back to wonderland a few days ago and I am SO proud of myself, I am at 197 hoping to stay here and get less. I need motivation also.I was 190 when I was pregnant with my boys but lost the weight, now I have spine problems and I got Heavier then when I was pregnant and I Hate it, So much that I started this Low carb, sugar, and sodium healthy eating lifestyle and it's working! I just started exercising so I should lose more. Good Job for all your hard work because that is what pays off! :D
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    At my heaviest I was 215, at my lightest (about 9 months ago) I was a smokin' 179. Now I am back to 202 :`(( So sad!! I am trying to get back down to where I was! I'm very tall and 'sturdily' built, so I think at 170 I would look like a super hot amazon goddess with sexy curves. I am going to be so, so happy to get back to 'one'derland!
  • LunaZuriel
    LunaZuriel Posts: 77 Member
    The only thing that pretty much works for my body type is plants, anything grown, is the only thing that helps me lose weight. I thank everyone for replying, I'll send out some friend requests here if anyone needs a hand?

    Onederland? Lol that's cute I should use that more often..O_O maybe it'll help me.
  • crazyqueencarla
    crazyqueencarla Posts: 38 Member
    Me! I started my weight loss journey at 275.... I'm currently at 211. I'm getting so close to onederland that I can taste it. :P

    I have a big treat planned for me when I get there. I'm going to go horseback riding. Something that I love and have been avoiding because of my weight for a long 5 years. So yay! Anyone else have any rewards planned for when they reach onederland?
  • skinnyontheinside27
    skinnyontheinside27 Posts: 20 Member
    I would LOVE to see 200 LOL, Currently 229......Keep at it~!
  • lestearns
    lestearns Posts: 1 Member
    Last time I had the courage to weigh myself a couple weeks ago, I was at 236 which was 6 lbs lighter than when I started. I've been completely slacking ever since then though so I'm sure I'm back up to that or probably even over it. This is the heaviest I have ever been, including when I was pregnant. It's so hard to eat healthy when everyone around you isn't. I haven't seen onederland since I was in high school lol
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have been in the 300s for a short time and in the 200s for over twenty years...now back in the 100s...you guys can do it, if I can!!
  • jwhackers84
    jwhackers84 Posts: 43 Member
    started at 260. Down to 241, And hoping I keep my motivation and the downward trend continues!
  • PinkPanther318
    PinkPanther318 Posts: 81 Member

    I'm over 200 but prefer not to give out my actual weight. My goal is 199 for right now, long term goal 140#
  • BrownEyedBetty
    BrownEyedBetty Posts: 85 Member
    Yep : (
    I started at 298lbs. down to 274lbs., goal is 180lbs.
  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    You'll get there. I started at 239 and just hit 199.8 today. I have never been more excited to see a number on the scale. Perseverance and never give up will get you to where you want to be. Good luck. You can add me if you're looking for more friends.
  • JessieSky
    JessieSky Posts: 79
    I just started...so I haven't lost any yet to my knowledge, but my starting weigh is 200. It's the largest I've ever been and I'm feeling in desperate need of motivation myself.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    You weigh what I did when I graduated high school. Right now I wouldn't mind seeing that again :grumble:

    I starved myself down to my lowest adult weight was 189 for my wedding. Still way too much for my height but I felt FANTASTIC! but I gained it all back, naturally.

    When I do break 199, that sound you all hear will not be a sonic boom, it will be me celebrating :drinker:

    You can absolutely do this!!!!!!! Cheers! :flowerforyou:
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    well way back in August I was 234.. just take this one day at a time and you will lose it. Good luck:flowerforyou: