
stephthomas33 Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all!

I just got this app today and am loving it already! I am a 24-year-old recent college grad from Utah. I had my first baby 6 weeks ago and went back to the gym today. I'm nursing my daughter but am anxious to get back in shape ASAP- even during the holidays! Is anyone else out there breastfeeding and using MFP?


  • Cortni27
    Cortni27 Posts: 12 Member
    I am! I just downloaded the app today too! I am 28 and my son is 3 months old and I can't wait to wear non-maternity jeans again! lol
  • Thanks for replying! Glad to have someone in the same boat to chat with. I did pretty well during the week but slacked off this past weekend!

    I'm eating about 400 more calories than they set as my goal because I'm breastfeeding- I lost a pound in a couple days so I think it should work- as long as i don't get too lazy during the holidays!

    What are some of your goals?

    Good luck!
  • CGade
    CGade Posts: 46 Member
    Good job ladies!!! My girls are all out of the baby stage, but I still remember how hard the postpartum body issues were! Please just remember to be kind to yourself...your bodies just gave you amazing gifts and had to work incredibly hard to do it. Enjoy those babies...they grow waaaaay to fast :ohwell:
  • EmmieSu
    EmmieSu Posts: 136
    Way to go, ladies!! I nursed all 4 of my babies, and enjoyed it so much, that I am going back to school to become a lactation consultant. It is great that you are giving your babies the best there is to offer, and taking caring of your bodies at the same time. Sadly, I waited until my 4th was weaned before I started. Just remember to take care of yourself, don't push it to hard. To great of a calorie reduction will decrease your milk supply, plus the needful vitamins that your little one needs!
  • EBF my 6 month old! Just signed up for MFP today! Hoping to loose baby weight!
  • Welcome! I'm still breastfeeding my 12 month old, but not as much as before. It's nice to have other breastfeeding mommies on here!
  • My son is 6mos i am not breastfeeding anymore BUT I am still trying to lose the baby weight...I am almost done we can do this!
  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member
    My daughter was just born, and I want to start keeping track of my calories again. I suppose the best thing to do is just eat an additional 400-500 calories for breastfeeding and have your counts always be off? I would be nice to have special circumstances like this built into the system's calculations.
  • MaryMary11
    MaryMary11 Posts: 20 Member
    Breastfeeding baby #9 here! I'm 41 and doing it again. :) I'm finding the pounds come off a lot slower than they did in my 20's and 30's so now I'm here. I also found that I would keep about 5-10 extra pounds until I weaned and always thought it was easier to lose weight when I wasn't breastfeeding. I guess the idea that breastfeeding will help you lose weight was never true for me. I got pregnant with the last two while still breastfeeding, and have an extra 10 pounds from them + the extra weight from my new baby. It really makes me wish I had worked harder to lose it before getting pregnant again.

    Good luck to you nursing moms!! We can do it!
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