"Overheating" after a long run?

At the beginning of the year I started training for a 1/2 marathon. The 1/2 marathon came and went last month, and I'm trying to stay on track for a couple others this year.

I really only run about 3x/ wk, and do cross training 2x. When I run, it varies between 3-9 miles. I've found that when I run over 7 miles or more, my body has trouble cooling down. Its not just a couple hours after, I'm talking 5-6 hours afterward.

The even stranger thing is that the temps I've been running in are 45-55 degrees, and during my runs I don't feel extremely overheated.

I just find at night, when I'm trying to go to sleep, I toss and turn. Then when I finally do get to sleep, I wake up multiple times throughout the night because I'm sweating. Maybe I'm just going crazy, however I've only noticed this after my long runs so I thought I'd check to see if anyone knows what this could be, has experienced it, and/or has tips on how to avoid it.



  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member


    Or are these just hot flashes :)
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    i was always under the impression that endurance athletes specifically timed their training to peak for events.....you sure you aren't burning yourself out?

    id decrease training volume

    if the same runs are getting harder, your training schedule sucks... period

    for example... if you were using hal higdons Novice 2 training Half Marathon 12 week program... week 11 has 23 miles of volume... week 8 has 20 miles of volume (spanning 3-9 miles per run... wink wink....)... I dont think dropping ~10% of your weekly volume, and continuing on that path for months, is a great idea... surely plenty of runners run more further, but, we cant all be ultra marathoners. the body needs down time here and there or you can expect an injury.

    id consider these early warning signs to back the F off... if it was me id take a whole week off and then change my volume and get soem advice from running forums..... theres a lot of people who run for years and dont know F all about running... good rule of thumb, if they've been injured multiple times, they may not be the best source of advice
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sounds like hot flushes to me. You do cool down after your run but you wake up all sweaty - because you get hot again from the hot flush...
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Not heard of a relevant example to be honest. Perhaps you arent eating or hydrating enough....or the hot flushes.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I suffer from Night sweats on occasion. i wake up soaking wet even if its a cool night. It's worth a visit to your doctor normally they are just one of those things but they can be a sign of something under lying like an infection
  • jellybeanmusic
    jellybeanmusic Posts: 161 Member
    Since I got fitter, I defo sweat more. I never used to sweat at all but it's like my body is more efficient at it or something now. Perhaps it's just that? Or have you always been fit?
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    After your runs do you eat a big meal? I've woken up hot & sweaty at night after eating big meals. Otherwise I have no clue how the running could be doing it. You really dont seem to be overtraining at all.