After Plateau

Hi, I don't post very much but I comment every once in a while. I just want to motivate those who have been stuck in a number for a while! I had been so for the past 2-3 weeks and I was getting so frustrated: I was more hungry, I didn't want to work out! anyways, I just kept going, telling myself that I was doing this for my life not just to lose weight and today I weighted myself and I am 500 grams lighter! I know it is not heaps but it is great and right up there with what I want to lose every week!

So my motivation for today is! you can do it! we can do it! this is our life, these are our bodies! let's take good care of them:)


  • torirachael
    torirachael Posts: 2 Member
    This is GREAT to hear! I hit a plateau and give up everytime! HELP ME?? I want to get in amazing shape!!
  • 22452245
    22452245 Posts: 4
    Congrats on the weight loss! And thanks for sharing.

    I seem to have hit a plateau the past two weeks as well and it is so frustrating. The inches continues to melt off, albeit slowly, which should be enough to tell me that I am still on track. But it is that darn number on the scale that means so much.

    Glad to know I am not alone.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Great Post!

    I have had a week or two here and there with no losses too. Keep on keeping on! It came off fast the next two weeks for some reason. Our bodies don't have a calendar :P

    I get on the scale nearly every day and so I see all those blips where it goes up a pound too. Those are also normal. If they freak anyone out - don't weight so often!!
  • Jfox2014
    Jfox2014 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks guys!

    Yes, I've decided to weight less frequently and just enjoy getting fitter and healthier:)