Tips for a weekend with the family

Hi everyone!

As Easter is this weekend, I am heading away for a weekend with my family and am worried about how this might affect my weight loss so am looking for hints and tips.

I am currently using Slimfast shakes once a day (usually breakfast) as it works well with my lifestyle (cycle to work so don't want to eat beforehand and it is difficult to store food at work). But I don't want to 'admit' to this to anyone else, particularly not my family who are all pretty fit and in shape! I do most of the cooking for myself and my boyfriend when I am at my home so I can control calorie most of the time. But when we are all together, my mother will go into feeding mode and that means three proper full meals per day.

So does anyone have any useful hints for keeping within that calorie goal when you are away for a few days as part of a family gathering? Ditto for keeping up with exercising when I don't really want them to see me in my exercise gear, hot and sweating! I don't want to make a big thing to them of trying to gt myself back into shape but equally, I need to keep myself on track!


  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    have three proper full meals a day, make good choices, eat at maintenance, one weekend won't kill you ;)

    and above all: HAVE FUN!!!
  • 8675309walker
    8675309walker Posts: 25 Member
    In the same boat! Going on a camping trip with the family. My plan is to shop ahead for meals that help me watch my calories and stay active all weekend. I dare anyone to bring a chocolate bunny or Cadbury egg in my direction! Good Luck & enjoy your weekend!
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Enjoy your weekend with your family and share their meals with them - just say 'no thank you' to any of the absolute horrors and take portions in accordance with what you have learned from here so far. When away you have to eyeball portion sizes a bit but you can get back on track after the weekend. If anyone comments that you're not eating much just say you have tummy cramps or that you're full - it was so delicious. I find it helps to talk a lot at the table and to try and hide the fact that I haven't been back for 2nds or 3rds!

    Remember food at family gatherings has been prepared with love - eat and enjoy it but don't go overboard. 'No thank you' - not just yet - I'm so full now' are useful phrases. 'I'm on a diet' is bound to cause friction.

    Have a lovely weekend
  • dortilolma
    dortilolma Posts: 103 Member
    It may be worth letting one person know your situation - just so that you know somewhere there has got your back and you may feel it takes some of the pressure off.

    Other than that - mind your portions, log everything as best you can, try and not beat yourself up if you go over, maybe try and get out for a few walks with your family and, most importantly, have fun!
  • rwhichelow
    I am going to my nan's tomorrow, which will be horrendous diet wise too. I'd say don't let it ruin your fun, if you want to eat, then eat BUT a good way to deal with this is to choose not to eat after a certain time, only have 1 serving of the meals and when you get offered a chocolate or something, do just have the one. you get as much satisfaction from one as 10. I'd say let this be a no-worry weekend, it's easter, it happens. Just be super good next week to make up for it if it bothers you that much? :) have a lovely easter!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Get up in the morning and have a scenic run....
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    portion control and moderation are pretty awesome things....
  • emmaxbon
    emmaxbon Posts: 123 Member
    Something which I heard a few years ago at a WW class was to up your calories(well points as it was WW) to maintenance level for a special occassion. Gives you extra room for enjoying yourself and if its only 2 or 3 days and you are within your normal / reduced calorie goal for the rest of the week you should still lose.
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    do a 24hr fast
  • as124
    as124 Posts: 27
    I'm usually the one who fills the plate with all the holiday ham and sides. But I'm just going to take small portions of things I definitely want to eat, and ignore the rest. I'm sure my family will be asking questions, but I'm just going to tell them I want to enjoy my meal, not feel stuffed. Instead of exercise in the formal sense ask some family to go for a walk or do some kind of sport outside.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Well my first thought when I read the subject line “tips for a weekend with the family” was “alcohol, alcohol, and then more alcohol!” but you're looking for different advice so disregard that.

    So first off, this is your immediate family, right? Then there should be no need to hide anything from them, especially if they are into fitness, they should embrace the fact that you are trying and be supportive of you as well. And if they are not supportive, tell them to get on-board with you or get out of the way, be strong and in charge and don't back down.

    So take your slimfast with you and stick to your program, if you so choose to do so. As far as the exercising goes; same thing, they should be proud of you and supportive; if not than you just be proud of yourself for making the effort and don't worry about what they think “Just do it!”

    Never give up, never surrender!

    Good luck, and just stick to your guns!

  • kimsmith4u
    Hey there, sometimes over weekend getaways it is not easy to find the right types of foods. What I can advise you to do is, go for more grilled options and fill up your plate with vegetables and salad. Avoid refined carbs and try to plan out the restaurants where you will be eating at. 1 weekend is not going to take your back massively but it can hinder motivation. So try to keep within the rules of eating eating lean protein, vegetables, and healthy fats you should be alright.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Focus on protein, veggies, fiber, and water. You can load your plate up with those, and it'll appear that you're still "eating" whatever they fix. So what if you don't have the biscuits or whatever other carbs they have! :)

    If you don't want them to see you getting all up in "workout mode", it could be you just "relax" that a bit and take a "move more, sit less" stance. Get up and move around as much as possible - whether it's taking out the trash a few times a day or doing the dishes or doing a few extra loads of laundry and even cutting the grass! Something that would qualify for movement that burns calories.

    The other way to approach it would be to just be yourself and bring your slimfast shakes, get all up in your workout mojo, and be your awesome b@d@$$ self!!! The "This is what I'm doing, and I don't care who knows it" stance!!!
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    have a wonderful time, enjoy yourself

    focus on taking advantage of having others cook for you to have things that include lots of fresh veggies
    my go-tos when out are things like grilled steak (meat of fish) and large salads

    if they come with chips - I try to keep those 'till last and then really savour eating 1-5 rather than all of them.

    take advantage of being somewhere else by exploring the grounds on foot and take advantage of any fitness centres or gyms

    but don't stress it - it's three days - have fun
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    My mom is an incredible cook and hostess, so I understand. What I would do is call her in advance and tell her that you are trying to get in better physical shape, but you are keeping quiet about it. Ask if you could makes some requests/suggestions about the menu. It's probably a little late to scour cookbooks for alternate recipes, but not for picking up extra fruit and making sure there is low fat dressing that you like for the salads.

    My mom honestly loves a call before she goes to the grocery store so she has a chance to ask questions (are there any special dishes your husband's family do traditionally for this holiday that he would miss, what does your son like for breakfast, remind me of any allergies or restrictions).
  • milla1985
    milla1985 Posts: 153 Member
    Awwww. Thanks for all the tips and support guys!

    I don't see my family all that often, so I suppose the main thing is to enjoy the time that we do spend together. The weather is looking pretty good as well, so that means more time outside and more opportunities to do some exercise/go for long walks! :smile: