Teased for Tracking



  • RhysJ13
    RhysJ13 Posts: 72
    Or you could go with:

    "Don't pester me about how I choose to eat, unless you'd like me to start calling attention to YOUR eating habits!"

    that usually shuts them right up.

    OMFG yes the double standard!! It's perfectly acceptable to eat a whole box of donuts apparently, but I get told I'm crazy for working out every other day and counting calories >_<
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    I just flex my biceps and chest, pull up my shorts and give 'em a leg shot. Then I say "when my wife starts telling me it ain't working anymore, I'll stop."

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I just flex my biceps and chest, pull up my shorts and give 'em a leg shot. Then I say "when my wife starts telling me it ain't working anymore, I'll stop."

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This is very much full of win.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    "I'm sorry- how is this any of your business again"

    "I'm not asking you to weigh your food"

    "it takes you longer to complain about my logging than it does for me to log my food"

    " I'm sorry- how is this disrupting your day"

    "I'm sorry I didn't realize your life was so boring you had to spend your day nosing about mine"

    "I'm sorry how much weight have you lost this month?"

    "I'm sorry- how much is your dead lift at this point??"

    "I'm sorry when was the last XXXX event you ran??:

    my number one- for all time rudie of all rude's is

    "when I want to look like you- I'll eat like you"

    "I'm pooping at 3 PM this afternoon- if you could be there to add your comments in on that - it would be great- because I really do appreciate your input in my life!!!"

    people are so rude.

    You're doing fine- don't give them the satisfaction. seriously. push back a little and keep on being fierce. No body has time for that type of rubbish atttidue.

    So much awesomeness with this.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    If someone wants to talk about tracking calories, I'm happy to do that.

    This is the future. Easy control of body weight. Arguing against it is like arguing against horseless carriages or mobile devices as viable technological and lifestyle advances.
  • fxg20
    fxg20 Posts: 61 Member
    People seem to treat weight loss like it requires some voodoo magic of potions and rituals to ward off hunger. Why the (not bro) scientific approach, the one that seems to work best to me, is questioned is hard to understand.
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member
    I had that problem...until I started looking awesome. No one says anything anymore. :)
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    "I'm sorry- how is this any of your business again"

    "I'm not asking you to weigh your food"

    "it takes you longer to complain about my logging than it does for me to log my food"

    " I'm sorry- how is this disrupting your day"

    "I'm sorry I didn't realize your life was so boring you had to spend your day nosing about mine"

    "I'm sorry how much weight have you lost this month?"

    "I'm sorry- how much is your dead lift at this point??"

    "I'm sorry when was the last XXXX event you ran??:

    my number one- for all time rudie of all rude's is

    "when I want to look like you- I'll eat like you"

    "I'm pooping at 3 PM this afternoon- if you could be there to add your comments in on that - it would be great- because I really do appreciate your input in my life!!!"

    people are so rude.

    You're doing fine- don't give them the satisfaction. seriously. push back a little and keep on being fierce. No body has time for that type of rubbish atttidue.

    I'm stealing the third one!!! With permission of course :-)
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    This happens to me ALL THE TIME!! I went to two of my friends house for dinner one night. I asked them what the ingredients were so I could track properly.. and the reply? They told me I have an eating disorder because I am so obsessed with what I eat and that what I am doing is not healthy. This was coming from the girl who lived with me before her wedding.. was already a size 4.. but her husband to be was 5 lbs lighter and she had to weigh less than him and lived off of one greek yogurt and one can of tuna a day for three months... (They are the type of people that they will argue that the sky is red until their last breath because they are ALWAYS RIGHT).. so you know what I did? I told them that was extremely rude, uncalled for, and really not any of their business what I do in my life. And now I don't go over to their house anymore during meals (or ever really..)

    People are dumb. So vent away :)
    I'm sorry you have to deal with idiots.

    edited for typos.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Once again, i am lost as to why anybody cares that someone makes an offganded comment about something they do. Are they paying your bills? Putting gas in your car? No? Why give a damn about their idiot opinion?

    Next person to say something-tell them to start writing checks for your groceries snd THEN theyre free to share what they think of your eating habits.
  • MelonJMusic
    MelonJMusic Posts: 121 Member
    "I'm sorry- how is this any of your business again"

    "I'm not asking you to weigh your food"

    "it takes you longer to complain about my logging than it does for me to log my food"

    " I'm sorry- how is this disrupting your day"

    "I'm sorry I didn't realize your life was so boring you had to spend your day nosing about mine"

    "I'm sorry how much weight have you lost this month?"

    "I'm sorry- how much is your dead lift at this point??"

    "I'm sorry when was the last XXXX event you ran??:

    my number one- for all time rudie of all rude's is

    "when I want to look like you- I'll eat like you"

    "I'm pooping at 3 PM this afternoon- if you could be there to add your comments in on that - it would be great- because I really do appreciate your input in my life!!!"

    LOL thank you for making this list. After I read OPs post, I was going to make my own, you saved me the effort lolol.

    I'd add:

    For the rude ppl: "Its better than shoving random crap in my mouth all the time like most ppl."

    For the genuinely inquisitive: "I'm tracking to make sure Im eating enough---not too much, not too little because it works better for me. My relationship with food is healthier this way."
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Ask them if they want tickets to the gun show. I do, and then flex, and usually they laugh and never bring it up anymore.

    However, I DO get the "Wow, you're always so healthy!" and "You don't REALLY eat chili cheese fries on the weekend."
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    People are fat *kitten*. Just sayin'.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    You are right to vent because it's none of their GD business.

    I have two big work conferences coming up where I know hundreds of people, most of whom are too polite/nice to comment on how I look different, but some of whom will. I've already worked out a strategy: a quick "thank you" and change of topic. I don't log in front of anyone though except my husband, and even he's not massively nosy.

    I could tell my husband worried I was being excessive, but he understands that it's working and why, so he's cool with it now. It's trickier trying to track and not communicate to my daughter obsessive health habits. I've just started to mention eating healthier and being more healthy in general, rather than calorie counting, and if she looks interested I'll explain more.

    How to deal with young daughters and weight is not easy.
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    It really sucks but it happens and by the sounds of it to a lot of us. I get the same thing. I would weigh so much more right now if I did not track my food. I have been tracking for over 7 years. People think its nut but oh well I look good so screw them! Be proud of what you have done and do let them hate on you.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    People seem to treat weight loss like it requires some voodoo magic of potions and rituals to ward off hunger. Why the (not bro) scientific approach, the one that seems to work best to me, is questioned is hard to understand.

    2 reasons I think - 1) people want a quick fix (see the posters on here asking about pills, shakes etc) and 2) a lot of people think that you have to be starving on 1200 cals a day (a mistake many of us made when signing up here and putting lifestyle as sedentary). People at work struggle to believe that I eat 1900 cals a day (BTW if anyone checks my diary atm its set higher, just below maintenance as I have a few days holiday.), have chocolate most days and booze on the days I don't have chocolate. I'm lucky that most people have been incredibly supportive but I do get the occasional sarcastic comment (being called skinny in a certain tone of voice - I still have 50+lbs to lose). In the OP's position I'd just tell them to mind their own business.
  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member
    Thank you for the responses. I was very curious to see if others experienced the same thing and, while it is unfortunate that apparently this happens often, I am just glad that I have others to relate to.

    A lot of what was said here really makes sense. I talked to my personal trainer last night about it and what he said basically reinforces what was said here. He said (and I'm paraphrasing, can't remember everything word for word) that first of all, they're bringing the subject up to you because they're taking notice of your change and their general interest is peaked. Second, when you explain what you do and they say off-handed comments to you like that, those comments are their ways of being defensive. When they hear you explain yourself, they suddenly recognize that it takes work and discipline, something that you have that they do not yet have. Those comments are their personal ways of either expressing jealousy or in some way protecting themselves from the realization that it does, in fact, take effort and that you really DO need to get bad eating habits under control and clean up your overall diet. For some, it is hard for them to accept this truth, and others simply don't want to.

    The thing is, at least for me, tracking is just a part of my every day life like anything else. I try and explain, "No really, once you do it for a little while, it just becomes second nature and it's not a big deal." Then I just get those panicked or blank stares, LOL.
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    Tracking isn't a big deal for me at all in my daily interactions with people. I just do it quietly on my phone when I get the chance - or at the end of the day if I have to. I have posted on Facebook about reaching weight loss milestones, so people who are FB friends with me get puzzled when they see me eating a slice of pizza, a piece of candy, or something like that. They'll say "You're doing so well, you can't eat things like that!" But I really am not eating very different things from what I did before. The difference is that I now eat less of it and am much more aware of how much/when/why I eat, and if I have a treat, I'll work out harder that day or have a smaller meal later on. I wouldn't say weight loss is easy all the time, but a lot of people seem convinced that it must be miserable and boring, and overall I just don't see it that way. I still enjoy food and life!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I think people just get surprised that we can do useful things with computers and technology anymore :)
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    "when I want to look like you- I'll eat like you"

    Love this. Annnnnnd noted.