Calling all girls that eat and lift!



  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    My goals aren't quite as close to yours, but I am looking for people that lift. I will be going back to crossfit/lifting in the next couple weeks and am usually there about 3 to 4 times a week. Am out right now due to medical. My diary is open to friends and I average around 1700 calories a day. So any of you can feel free to add me!
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    Lifter and eater here. Currently lifting ~4-5 days week with 3-4 cardio sessions and eating ~2,000 cals/day.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    I'm here! 31 y/o mom of 2 year old.. 156 lbs, heavy lifter 3 days a week. Wanting to get to 150 by may 31, I eat 1650 a day.. I try to eat as good as possible..
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    Do any of you ladies have desk jobs like I do? If so, is the struggle harder to eat more? I'd like to follow you if you are in a similar situation as I am. I use to work retail & not sedentary but I've picked up a new job which has given me a few struggles. Just looking for girls who lift in the same position as I am.

    I have a desk job. On the weekdays I work out at 5am; on the weekends I work out around 8-9am. What types of struggles are you experiencing?
  • jbkeough
    jbkeough Posts: 5 Member
    I'm very similar to many of you. Currently doing p90x 3 with some extras added in here and there. I'll send you a request!
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    Looking for advice from any female that has effectively lost body fat & stomach fat and tactics they used or recommend to others to star this process (what calorie deficent and carb/protein/fat daily intake)
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Me! I do SL 5x5 three times a week, some form of intense cardio once maybe twice a week and walk my dog every day. I also have a desk job where I sit on my butt for most of the day, but I get up as much as possible and do mini workouts in the break room for a few minutes (e.g. squats, plyo lunges, pushups, etc). I eat ~2,000 per day, which is my FitBit TDEE less 20%.

    ETA: On weekdays, all my major exercise is done in the evenings. I also make sure to bring snacks and whatnot to work so I stay on track and don't let myself get so hungry that I want to eat everything I can possibly find.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Yep, I'm a copy editor for a newspaper, so I work late evenings/nights, often until 1 a.m. I'm also nearly finished with school, getting my BFA in a few weeks, so I'll have much more time during the day. It's been a struggle to make time for workouts, but I'm almost there.

    I've done the machine weights at the gym, but I'd much rather be doing free weights, as they work out more small and core muscles. I have dumbbells at home that I use, but the barbells I find intimidating. I'm not sure how to change the weights, how to pick them up properly, etc. But I plan to learn :)
  • R8rLady75
    R8rLady75 Posts: 1 Member
    I run, bike, lift, do crossfit, and love to eat! :) Any of you are free to add me. Would love ideas on what's working for others so I can shake up my workouts some.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Just a dude here who appreciates a level headed, logic based approach. Good stuff
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I lift and I love food :smokin:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Do any of you ladies have desk jobs like I do? If so, is the struggle harder to eat more? I'd like to follow you if you are in a similar situation as I am. I use to work retail & not sedentary but I've picked up a new job which has given me a few struggles. Just looking for girls who lift in the same position as I am.

    I added you!

    I also have a desk job and sit for most of the day. I don't work out at lunch like some people do. On my lifting days (MWF), I wake up early, around 5AM, and do my hour of lifting (I have equipment at home, no gym for this girl). On my cardio days (TTh), I do it in the evening about 1.5-2 hours after dinner. I try to get in a walk on Saturday or Sunday with one complete rest day. I don't find myself wanting to eat more while at work. On lifting days, my breakfast/protein shake is about 500 calories with plenty of protein, so I'm full until lunch (it's less on cardio days because my protein shake comes at night after my workout). I split my 500 calorie lunch into two mini-meals, one at 12:30 and one at 3:30 - and I make sure I've got a good amount of protein in both. My dinners are normally around 450-500 calories as well. I also find pre-logging to be immensely useful - planning ahead stops me from going over in calories and it motivates me to stay on track. I even pre-log exercise because I know I'll feel really guilty if I have to go in and remove it because I skipped a workout. It's working great so far, and saving my exercise calories for the weekend keeps me sane and lets me indulge a bit, eat out, etc. while staying under my weekly limits. I don't feel the desire to indulge during the week, which works out great when my husband wants to go to a restaurant on Saturday night.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I net in the 18-1900 calorie range right now which is letting me lose REEEAAAAALLLLYYY slowly which is what I want right now. I want to see abs, but I don't want to be too thin or sacrifice too much LBM, so I'm a bit conflicted and going slow. I do StrongLifts 2x a week, Krav Maga (Israeli martial arts) 2x a week, and 5k run/another krav/video/putter around the gym/something 1x a week. So, my gross calories are probably 2100ish. I go lowish through the week and then eat all the extra cals on weekends.

    I have a desk job.

    ETA: I do expect interaction from my friends at least a couple of times a week, and I comment almost every day. Why else have friends?
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I eat big and lift big. Currently around 3000 calories a day, and aiming for 4-5 lifting sessions a week. Currently training for my first powerlifting comp, just over three weeks out.
  • ellojenn
    ellojenn Posts: 14 Member
    I have a little bit of fat around my belly. I don't really want to cut my calories (doing the 1200 a day but want to build) and just want an honest view on how long it will take. When I use to do lots of cardio, fat loss was much faster but cardio isn't my focus anymore so the pace of fatloss around my belly is much slower. Any tips?
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I eat & lift! I'm currently doing Body Beast, and am currently trying to build & bulk. I also do some cardio regularly. Feel free to send a friend request; please mention lifting interest.
  • Brooke4206
    Brooke4206 Posts: 140 Member
    I have a little bit of fat around my belly. I don't really want to cut my calories (doing the 1200 a day but want to build) and just want an honest view on how long it will take. When I use to do lots of cardio, fat loss was much faster but cardio isn't my focus anymore so the pace of fatloss around my belly is much slower. Any tips?

    You will not build on 1200 a day. You should begin lifting. Eat to fuel your workouts and gain muscle.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I'm a dude.
    I lift
    I eat
    My diary is open.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I'm 5'5" just started SL5x5 2 weeks ago. I workout 3x a week to it, I walk 5 miles a day every day.