I don't have a scale.. and i don't want one

i really trying not to focus on the number, instead on toning up and leaning out… i wish that MFP had an inches lost thing instead of pounds lost.. I use a measuring tape and pictures to track my progress… Sometimes i WANT to weigh myself so i can see if i lost pounds but then i don't want to get obsessed with that number…. any one else like this?


  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    If you go to MY HOME > Check-In, you can enter in measurements for neck, waist, and hips. There's an option to add additional measurements as well.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    If you go to MY HOME > Check-In, you can enter in measurements for neck, waist, and hips. There's an option to add additional measurements as well.

    Yep, I check in about once a month and enjoy running reports to see the progress.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Was this just a brag post?

    You can track your waist, hips, and neck measurements using MFP and the MFP app.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    If you go to MY HOME > Check-In, you can enter in measurements for neck, waist, and hips. There's an option to add additional measurements as well.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    Like others said, you can track your waist, hips and neck. I just wish you could add additional measurements like biceps, calves, thighs, etc.

    EDIT: Nevermind, you can track other measurement! Thanks alphaloria! Go to Home->Goals->Track Additional Measurements.
  • Was this just a brag post?

    You can track your waist, hips, and neck measurements using MFP and the MFP app.

    Whats a brag post?
    I know you can track them, but people have those things on their profiles that is like a meeter for pounds lost and I just wish they had one for inches lost.. unless they do and i just don't know about it…
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    You can use tickerfactory.com and copy the code into your profile or your message board signature, though you will still have to update it externally on ticketfactory's website. You can also see those reports on your dashboard.
  • Ohhh ok! cool! i will check it out. Thanks :)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    i really trying not to focus on the number, instead on toning up and leaning out… i wish that MFP had an inches lost thing instead of pounds lost.. I use a measuring tape and pictures to track my progress… Sometimes i WANT to weigh myself so i can see if i lost pounds but then i don't want to get obsessed with that number…. any one else like this?

    Me! I'm totally with ya! The best indictor of progress is the mirror and how my clothes fit. I could care less about a number on the scale!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you go to MY HOME > Check-In, you can enter in measurements for neck, waist, and hips. There's an option to add additional measurements as well.

    This ^^

    Though I do wish it would show on your feed when you lose inches like it does when you lose pounds. It seems less like bragging when it automatically pops up than if you have to post it yourself.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    How can you calculate your TDEE if you don't know your weight though?
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    wow. it must be hard living in your world. So she doesn't want to judge herself by what you use to judge and therefore she should just shut up?

    And what about not watching tv makes you a snob?
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    How can you calculate your TDEE if you don't know your weight though?
    Observation over time. Using any kind of TDEE calculator is just an estimate -- you have no idea whether or not it's accurate until you see how your body reacts to your intake. If you stay roughly the same size, you are eating at maintenence (discounting the effects of exercise, of course). The number on the scale really doesn't matter as much as your size anyway.
  • I hate this. Weight is a measurement. It is a data point, as are other data points.

    If you really feel this way, I would follow your logic and ask why measure anything? Just go by how you feel.

    Ignoring data is ignorant. It means something. It is important. that's why your doctor will always weigh you for every appointment. It is meaningful. If you are increasing in weight, but your waist is getting smaller, and your body fat is going down, that's meaningful data, and it's interesting too.

    Ignoring your weight is kind of like people that don't watch TV. It's a bit snobbish. It's fine if you don't feel like weighing yourself, but I don't know why people that don't weigh-in have to brag so much about how they don't weigh-in. Just be quiet and don't weigh. No one really cares.

    lol i actually don't have a TV either.. not for snobby reasons, for financial reasons.. plus there is a TV in the gym right?! :tongue: … and to clarify I'm not ignoring my weight. i just KNOW that muscle weighs more than fat and I'm just trying to look leaner, not necessarily weigh less.. i just started on this journey and I'm trying something different and not focussing on the number on the scale. Not bragging about it its just a fact. Please clarify how that is an ignorant standpoint? Ohh because i asked a question about it??

    AGAIN this is my second day on here and this is the General diet and weight loss HELP forum and I'm being told "It's fine if you don't feel like weighing yourself, but I don't know why people that don't weigh-in have to brag so much about how they don't weigh-in. Just be quiet and don't weigh. No one really cares."
  • How can you calculate your TDEE if you don't know your weight though?

    Its not that i don't KNOW my weight. there is a scale at the gym. just don't have one at home and i don't want to use it track my progress.
  • gizzymoto333
    gizzymoto333 Posts: 10 Member
    Jesus christ. You are not ignorant for not wanting a scale. Ignore that person.
  • I totally hear you! I got really scale obsessed for a while and got really mad when I saw progress in the way my clothes fit etc, but the darn scale wouldn't budge! Now I take my weight once a week and completely agree with you to use it as a measurement and not as a measure of success or worth, which it often becomes.