
Three years ago I weighed 174 lbs., 2 years ago with MyFitnessPal assistance I weighed 150 lbs., today I weigh 178 lbs.

2 years ago I was in an auto accident and spend six months in therapy. At that point the therapist said he had done all he could and now it was just a matter of time to see how much my body would heal. At that point my weight was up to 170 lbs. For the past year and a half I have done nothing to exercise and have not kept track of my eating.

It is time for me to get back to doing things right. I will be using MyFitnessPal to monitor my eating, but I need help with the exercise. Does anyone know a site that I can put in my limitations and they can give me a suggestion of exercises I could do? Hopefully the suggestions may also help overcome the limitations.


  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Have you gone to physical therapy? You could do that or work with a personal trainer. I know it can be expensive. Other than that you can try to search online or for books. A really good book that helped me is "The New Rules of Lifting for Life". There are a lot of New Rules books, so don't get the wrong one. The LIFE book is the one for people that have had injuries and need modifications and to work their way up. I was also hit by a car while riding my bike (by a person that could not see well enough to be driving and they almost killed me) and a few years before that I was in my brother's car (as a teenager). The car had no seat belts. It was icy, he was speeding. I was asking him to slow down. But, he hit ice and we drove into a telephone pole and I was tossed against the windshield and dashboard multiple times. Another time after that I was rear ended from behind (also as a passenger) and injured my neck for a third time because I am petite and the seat belt did not fit correctly. Plus I was already born with a genetic problem in my legs/feet and had a growing problem as a teenager. So, I understand. The LIFE book really helped me a lot!!!
  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    I don't know of such site, but list your limitations and I'm sure you will receive help.
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member
    Without knowing exactly what your limitations are, it's difficult to make suggestions, however..

    Leslie Sansone Walk At Home - These are basically marching in place to the beat of music. She throws other moves in, too, but you can totally modify them to suit your needs. She even goes over how to modify them frequently.


    Sit and Be Fit (I believe that's the title) it's an exercise routine developed for people with severe arthritis. Pretty much everything is done sitting.

    If you're willing to share a little more information I'm sure there will be many people who can offer more/better suggestions!
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I'm not sure of any site. Your PT should be able to tell you what exercises, if you are still in contact with your physical therapist.

    I got hit by a car a while back, and i gained weight during that period of time, too, and still haven't lost it all. My injuries were knee and shoulder, and the way i had to limp caused an ankle injury. I still deal with all three, and i found that braces/stabilizers helped with the knee and ankle. I found that re-strengthening exercises, including some stretch band work, helped the knee. You can probably find what exercises go well with your particular condition if you google it, but i'm sorry, i know of no sites off hand.
  • RobinLynx
    RobinLynx Posts: 60
    Have you gone to physical therapy? You could do that or work with a personal trainer. I know it can be expensive. Other than that you can try to search online or for books. A really good book that helped me is "The New Rules of Lifting for Life". There are a lot of New Rules books, so don't get the wrong one. The LIFE book is the one for people that have had injuries and need modifications and to work their way up. I was also hit by a car while riding my bike (by a person that could not see well enough to be driving and they almost killed me) and a few years before that I was in my brother's car (as a teenager). The car had no seat belts. It was icy, he was speeding. I was asking him to slow down. But, he hit ice and we drove into a telephone pole and I was tossed against the windshield and dashboard multiple times. Another time after that I was rear ended from behind (also as a passenger) and injured my neck for a third time because I am petite and the seat belt did not fit correctly. Plus I was already born with a genetic problem in my legs/feet and had a growing problem as a teenager. So, I understand. The LIFE book really helped me a lot!!!

    This is really useful advice, thanks so much for posting (even though I 'm not the OP)! I've managed to find about 6 different lifting exercises than can be done that don't impact my spine problem in a bad way, but that book sounds perfect.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Have you gone to physical therapy? You could do that or work with a personal trainer. I know it can be expensive. Other than that you can try to search online or for books. A really good book that helped me is "The New Rules of Lifting for Life". There are a lot of New Rules books, so don't get the wrong one. The LIFE book is the one for people that have had injuries and need modifications and to work their way up. I was also hit by a car while riding my bike (by a person that could not see well enough to be driving and they almost killed me) and a few years before that I was in my brother's car (as a teenager). The car had no seat belts. It was icy, he was speeding. I was asking him to slow down. But, he hit ice and we drove into a telephone pole and I was tossed against the windshield and dashboard multiple times. Another time after that I was rear ended from behind (also as a passenger) and injured my neck for a third time because I am petite and the seat belt did not fit correctly. Plus I was already born with a genetic problem in my legs/feet and had a growing problem as a teenager. So, I understand. The LIFE book really helped me a lot!!!

    This is really useful advice, thanks so much for posting (even though I 'm not the OP)! I've managed to find about 6 different lifting exercises than can be done that don't impact my spine problem in a bad way, but that book sounds perfect.

    You're Welcome. I hope the book will help you.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    No site will do this because of liability concerns. Ask your PT for a list of what not to do. If he didn't give you this already you're probably good to go. You may wish to work with a trainer that is familiar with injuries similar to yours and can show you how to work around your limitations while improving your condition
  • AngelDeLaNoche
    My therapist gave me no list of things not to do. He told me to do what I can and to keep pushing my limits. I have been going to a trainer but the funds for that are running out. I am looking for something to help me long term that I can afford.

    My biggest problem is my left leg/ankle/foot. I have to mentally tell my ankle to bend on every step, tell my leg how far up to move, and tell my knee how far to bend. What for everyone else is automatic, those natural movements are not that for me any more. Aside from the ankle not bending as well as it used to, the foot, knee, and leg have full mobility.

    The other limitation is that the right shoulder does not have full mobility. I rarely notice this since the mobility it does have is enough for over 90% of what I do. I really only notice this when I try to exercise.

    I'll look into the books and exercises that have been mentioned.

    Thank you for your stories and support. The accident was that the car I was driving was hit by a drunk driver who was speeding and ran a red light. This was less than two miles from the local hospital and emergency room, but they medflighted me to a different hospital over 30 miles away that had a better trauma center. The EMTs at the scene did not expect me to survive. I have no memory of the accident, the ER, the hospital, or my first week in rehab. My first memory is eating lunch in rehab about a month later. Even after that I have conflicting memories, I remember being in two different cities for Independence Day.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    That sounds like a horrendous accident. Drunk driving is so destructive. I know other people that have been through that.

    Is your physical therapist helping you to develop a workout plan that you can continue on your own? That's important.

    The most difficult lingering injury for me is my left knee. Both knees are a challenge, though. And sometimes my neck and right shoulder. I also have some issues from scar tissue in my right leg. My wrists are sometimes a challenge as well. But, I am a dancer. I had to stop doing ballet. I do contemporary dance.

    Lifting weights in a safe way helps to build strength in muscles and connective tissue.