Diets to lose weight fast

Does anyone know any diets that help you lose weight fast? I have prom in less than a month and I'm trying to lose AT LEAST 20 pounds, more would be muy Bueno.

If anyone knows how to lose 1 pound in a day please let me know thanks xx


  • mskraemerspeech
    mskraemerspeech Posts: 32 Member
    Honestlyyyyy it's not going to happen. Do your research and you'll see that losing a pound a day is pretty much impossible. You can definitely commit yourself to working out everyday and eating at a deficit. Try Jillian michaels 30 day shred! I'm halfway through and already seeing results. You're probably going to get a rough backlash on this post so prepare for that. Try and just enjoy prom!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Buy a dress that is flattering, start a moderate plan of nutritious eating at a deficit, get some exercise, and enjoy the prom. You are not going to lose 20 pounds in a month. But all the rest of your life can be set on a path to health and fitness.
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    Does anyone know any diets that help you lose weight fast? I have prom in less than a month and I'm trying to lose AT LEAST 20 pounds, more would be muy Bueno.

    If anyone knows how to lose 1 pound in a day please let me know thanks xx

    Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no such thing. It sounds like maybe you've fallen prey to the lies they tell you in magazines. It's good that you're young, so you can unlearn these lies now.

    Here's the truth: weight loss and maintaining that loss is a lifetime effort. It's a state of being, not a state of temporary *doing*. It takes lots of time, hard work, loyalty, patience, and, after day, after day, after day, after day.....until you die. This is because being healthy is based on good character and good behavior, and anything good and worthwhile must be done long term, for life. Not for a few weeks.

    The sooner you can get rid of the lie that instant gratification is the most important thing in the world, the better. This is part of why you gained weight in the first place - you believed that getting what you wanted NOW (lots of food, sweets, etc.) was better than working toward being healthy LATER. Getting what you want NOW, on occasion, is nice. Like a birthday present. Or using part of your allowance for something at the mall. But my guess is that generally you want EVERYTHING now....and this is absolutely not how life works. Clarification: this is not how GOOD life works. This is how selfish life works.

    So work on your inner self - get rid of the instant gratification stuff, the NOW mindset. Work on being patient, dedicated, following a good eating plan, exercising regularly, and make up your mind to do it for the long term. I PROMISE you - when you reach your goal (which realistically would be more like 15-ish weeks from now) you'll have forgotten all about the prom and will feel good about the life that is ahead of you!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    Does anyone know any diets that help you lose weight fast? I have prom in less than a month and I'm trying to lose AT LEAST 20 pounds, more would be muy Bueno.

    If anyone knows how to lose 1 pound in a day please let me know thanks xx

    no, no and once more NO!!! Lets think about this and be realistic: even if you did lose twenty lbs in less than a month, you would look sickly and flabby and just not right. I don't believe anyone will tell you how to lose weight this fast unless they want to contribute to an untimely death. You can lose weight in a decent amount of time the healthy way and even after only five or ten lbs lost, you will start to look amazing just due to the fact that your body will be eating healthy and moving more than it is now. I don't want to discourage you from losing weight but its completely unhealthy with a 98% failure rate and also could be life threatening. Now if you want to talk positive body image, getting that natural healthy glow, making healtier choices in the foods you eat and what foods make you feel and look better, how to make every daily activity into an exercise or how to add more activity into your day and most importantly: how to choose the right style dress and undergarments to enhance what body type and curves you have then I am your girl. just message me. You are on the young side for this site: I hear has better resources and age appropriate community for you but I know how stressful an important event prom can be: don't stress, drink water and lost of it. take vitamins, get a spray tan or go tanning if you aren't against it, try to burn 300-500 or more calories a day, do toning exercises or at least yoga right away, eat vegies and fruits, stop the pop and juice, don't even bother with diet pills they don't work and cause heart issues or even death!! Make a hair and nail appointment for your prom, every girl feels pretty when those are all did up. Remember, everyone and I mean everyone who is your friend, family and prom date all love you for who you are right now. Don't forget that. Sexiness is 98% confidence. Strut what you got and do this the healthy way for your life not just for one night. :flowerforyou:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Um, no. How do you logically think you can safely lose 1 Ib a day? Heck, how do you even think you can lose 1Ib a day verbatim?
    Your prom being a happy and successful event, does not depend on your weight or dress size. Just find a killer dress in a size that will fit and aim to lose weight at a slow and healthy pace so that you can maintain for life.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Honey focus on exercising and eating well so your hair and skin look amazing and you feel good and strong and can dance the night away.

    Get a dress that looks good on you now as your are and in a knock out colour. Do not go with the crowd and try on dresses that look good on your friends. Be your own hot self and make your own stand and own statement.

    I think everyone on here would rather you enjoy your prom and dance like a madgirl rather than go to your prom and get carted away on an ambulance when you pass out from silly crash and burn fad dieting (not to mention the ambulance bill will be waaaaaaay more than your dress).
  • ClaudiaKho13
    ClaudiaKho13 Posts: 229 Member
    you cant possibly lose a pound in a day
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Does anyone know any diets that help you lose weight fast? I have prom in less than a month and I'm trying to lose AT LEAST 20 pounds, more would be muy Bueno.

    If anyone knows how to lose 1 pound in a day please let me know thanks xx
    So this prom has appeared out of thin air? Is it like a pop up shop? In reality it's not going to happen weightloss is not instant and if you want to lose weight and get healthy you need to do it over a reasonable period of time which a month isn't
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    low carb should shift weight really quickly as you get rid of a lot of water, look in to terriann 123, its a diet plan in the UK its not really harsh low carb you can still have two low fat yogurts a day unlimited meats, salad items ect. it does work. the plan cost 12.99 this gives you the book that explains everything and also access to the facebook group page. in the first 10 days (stage 1) you can lose up to 10lb. its not dangerous your not starving yourself if anything you feel fuller more then usual due to all the protien, but you do eat a lot of meat lol
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Does anyone know any diets that help you lose weight fast? I have prom in less than a month and I'm trying to lose AT LEAST 20 pounds, more would be muy Bueno.

    If anyone knows how to lose 1 pound in a day please let me know thanks xx

    you didnt now you had prom till just now?!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    1 pound per day? Is this a serious question?
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Any starvation diet should do the trick....


    Might also kill you tho.. so don't recommend it - instead look into healthy alternatives and lifestyle changes so the weight you lose is permanent and doesn't come raging back +10 when you get hungry and stop 'dieting'...
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Get some Spanx and a dress that fits well. You can't lose this amount of weight at this point.
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    Nothing is going to get you to lose weight that fast. Try Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30, eat well, and hope for the best. I'm not trying to be snarky or sarcastic but the only way you'll lose 20lbs in less than a month. without damaging your health metabolism, is if you remove a limb that you're not particularly fond of.
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    eat stop eat program.......................but you cant lose 20 in a month
  • Uhm I asked it didn't I ? I have done it before but the last diet made me almost faint in Track, so I was wondering if there was any other things to help
  • Does anyone know any diets that help you lose weight fast? I have prom in less than a month and I'm trying to lose AT LEAST 20 pounds, more would be muy Bueno.

    If anyone knows how to lose 1 pound in a day please let me know thanks xx

    you didnt now you had prom till just now?!

    Yeah, I was just asked so
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    If he asked you, he already likes you the way you are!

    You can't lose 20lbs that quickly, but here are some tips that may help for some quick results. Eat CLEAN.... fish, chicken, or even a plant-based diet. Make sure you get enough protein though. AVOID white bread, sugar, pasta, and anything processed (canned and pre-packaged food). Concentrate on lean meats and veggies and be active throughout the day. Lots of water. This will yield the best and quickest possible result, in the healthiest way possible.

    Have fun!
  • Hi how do you work out your target numbers for macro nutriant diet ?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Does anyone know any diets that help you lose weight fast? I have prom in less than a month and I'm trying to lose AT LEAST 20 pounds, more would be muy Bueno.

    If anyone knows how to lose 1 pound in a day please let me know thanks xx


    Do you exercise now? If you haven't worked out regularly, start now. You can lose INCHES. The scale isn't the only (or even the best) measure of success. Work on some strength training and lose inches in no time.