What is the deal with sodium?

Im talking about a "normal" and not excessive intake. I have heard from some people "you need to be careful of your sodium!" when i am adding salsa for flavor, using salt to season my food, eating deli meat.. etc. I'm by no means drinking soy sauce.. i know that it can make you bloated and "gain" water weight. To me those are temporary and not SUPER concerning.. i mean, i don't want to be bloated all the time.. are there more risks and problems that I'm not aware of? i always thought we needed some sodium?



  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I think it's more if you have a medical issue. some people (i think diabetics) really have to watch their sodium intake.

    after i run I try to spike my sodium because i sweat so much that I need to retain some of that water and have something that has salt. but my diet if you look at my diary is very heavy soduim. I almost always go over every day. but it works for me. I run a lot so sodium isn't a huge concern. now if I'm having 10,000 mg of sodium a day then I have to re evaluate my eating habits.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    As long as you have no health concerns and drink plenty of fluids, it should not be a problem. People with heart problems and other illnesses have to watch sodium intake. A certain amount is needed to survive and provided you drink enough liquid, water retention and bloating should not be a problem.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Yes I too am always over on sodium.. im still losing weight.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I just find my loss stalls when my sodium is high (water weight). I try not to be over but I am today, mostly due to convenience foods. My cals are still low so far though so I will have to find a snack for later with little or no sodium :ohwell:
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    If you're in good health, sodium is not a big issue. I for one have a pretty high-sodium diet but my blood pressure is perfect, so I don't worry about it. Sodium can make you retain water though.
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    I don't even use a salt shaker and I go over my sodium almost every day. My blood tests before my current diet showed my sodium levels were normal. I'm guessing I drink enough to flush it all out.
  • casualzen
    casualzen Posts: 12 Member
    The larger problem is that food manufacturers tend to add more and more sodium to their products. It's a cheap, easy way to add more flavour to things. But cumulatively it becomes a problem for a good number of people: the telltale sign is high blood pressure. This is why it's important to periodically track what you eat for a week and see what your sodium intake is like. Use 2,000 mg sodium daily as a rule of thumb (less than that if you're being treated for high blood pressure).
  • jpjudith
    jpjudith Posts: 2
    well if it happens that you eat a sodium-packed meal (like packaged noodles), just drink LOTS (and by lots I mean 2 or even 3 times more than usual) of water to prevent bloating/water retention. Our bodies do need all of the nutrients but as always - moderation is key.
    Of course if you don't mind the extra belly pooch or few pounds+ on the scale than you do not really need to worry about the sodium, I however do mind (cause I blow up like a balloon REALLY fast, like one slice of medium pizza makes me look like I'm 7 months pregnant), so I try to keep my intake of sodium low. But you know, to each is own, you know your body better than I do :)
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Unless you have health problems, such as high blood pressure, sodium intake is really not an issue as long as you're also getting plenty of fluids.

    I have my sodium goal manually set higher as I have really low blood pressure and my doctor threatened me with sodium tablets. I would much rather get the flavor. LOL!
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    well if it happens that you eat a sodium-packed meal (like packaged noodles), just drink LOTS (and by lots I mean 2 or even 3 times more than usual) of water to prevent bloating/water retention. Our bodies do need all of the nutrients but as always - moderation is key.
    Of course if you don't mind the extra belly pooch or few pounds+ on the scale than you do not really need to worry about the sodium, I however do mind (cause I blow up like a balloon REALLY fast, like one slice of medium pizza makes me look like I'm 7 months pregnant), so I try to keep my intake of sodium low. But you know, to each is own, you know your body better than I do :)

    If your body is bloating up that badly from one slice of pizza, I would see a doctor. That is not normal.

    OP, you do not need to drink 2-3x the recommended amount of water if you're having extra sodium. A couple of extra cups would ordinarily cut it.
  • notsorrymrsjackson
    Thanks for all of the good info guys! :)
  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    I personally find that if I go way over on my sodium, the next day I retain enough water that it appears like I've gained weight. And I hate seeing that. Add in the fact that heart disease runs in my family, I want to monitor my sodium intake and keep it within the recommended daily allowance as much as possible. Of course, going out for dinner can totally blow that, so it's a balancing act. :-)

    As others have said, if you're in good health, you shouldn't have any major issues from excess sodium.
  • Biggirllittledreams
    Biggirllittledreams Posts: 306 Member
    It's just worrisome if you're an athlete, have heart/blood pressure problems, etc. for it can set off your potassium/sodium levels if you can consume too much or too little, which would be dangerous for those at a higher risk for dehydration due to sports, or those with medical conditions that make them sensitive to such.

    Otherwise, as long as you're not consuming millions upon millions of sources of sodium you should be okay. The worst that happens is bloat - which many people illogically fret over, which is what you mentioned. If you find yourself consuming a lot of sodium, just drink a lot of water and have a bit of tea or something to help re-hydrate your system/avoid a concentration of sodium.

    It's not salsa you necessarily have to worry about (although salsa still does bloat you for other reasons). It's more so foods that are heavily processed (using salt as a preservative), fast foods, and things of that nature you really have to look out for. :)
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I dont know... I've never worried about sodium. That said, I dont eat much processed or fast food, but I always always season my food with plenty of salt and spices. Havent had a problem and I dont drink copious amounts of water either
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    If you have high blood pressure it'd be worth cutting down on sodium to see if it'll help. Otherwise ... yeah, overhyped.