Is a goal to lose 90 lbs in 7 months achievable?

I know that everyone says a healthy weight loss goal per week is 2 lbs. I started this journey in October 2013 at 298 lbs. My goal weight is 160 and I want to be there in time for my wedding in December of this year. I think that breaks down to roughly 3-4 lbs per week.
Is this something that would be detrimental to my health?
Or is this something achievable and maintainable?
What are your personal goals?
What helps you to set goals that are reachable?
Does everyone abide by the 2 lbs a week rule?


  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    2 lbs/week would be the max that would be recommended for someone your weight. 3-4 lbs/week would not only be difficult to achieve; it would also cause you to lose muscle mass in addition to fat.

    I can still lose 100 lbs and be in a healthy weight range, and I have my goals set to lose 1lb/week.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    If you're trying to be healthy, I would say no. I try to stick very close to the 2 pounds a week rule and it's meant that I have kept off what I have lost since last October. You don't want to lose too quickly because it tends to mean you're losing muscle and your skin doesn't come back in line (you can end up with "loose" skin if you drop too quickly.)

    In 7 months, I would say a healthy drop would be no more than about 70 pounds tops. (You might have the occasional week where you lose more than 2 especially if you've just changed your exercise routine.) It's not QUITE your desired 90 pounds but you can wait another coupla months to get there, right? It didn't come on overnight and it shouldn't come off that way either.

    As far as personal goals, I join short-term "challenge" groups on here to try and maintain focus. We set a goal to be achieved within 60-90 days to give us a focus and it's helping me to stick with this. I actually set my goal as 1.5 a week and then shoot for SLIGHTLY over that at the end of the 90. For example, 90 days= 12 weeks * 1.5 lbs per week= 18...I might set my end goal as 20 or 21 pounds.

    Another way of keeping on task is to remember: It's not all about the scale. Getting healthier sometimes doesn't "look" like a weight loss for a week or two...maybe you gained muscle tone and your body got SMALLER in the same amount of pounds..your clothes are go longer on the treadmill/elliptical before you're do more pushups...lift more reps/weight etc etc etc
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    i lost 84 in 6 months. so it can be done.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    I would say no because if it's for your wedding you want to look beautiful not ill. Drastic weightloss like that will probably leave you looking quite awful gaunt grey and just generally ill because you'll have lost so much muscle too.

    Yes do try and lose as much as you can, but mentally set an achievable goal. Add some weightlifting to make you look awesome and healthy and do not under eat - that is silly!
  • itsolyo
    itsolyo Posts: 27 Member
    i lost 84 in 6 months. so it can be done.

    what have you found to be successful?
  • itsolyo
    itsolyo Posts: 27 Member
    I would say no because if it's for your wedding you want to look beautiful not ill. Drastic weightloss like that will probably leave you looking quite awful gaunt grey and just generally ill because you'll have lost so much muscle too.

    Yes do try and lose as much as you can, but mentally set an achievable goal. Add some weightlifting to make you look awesome and healthy and do not under eat - that is silly!

    very true! I def don't want to look SICK---
  • itsolyo
    itsolyo Posts: 27 Member
    Another way of keeping on task is to remember: It's not all about the scale. Getting healthier sometimes doesn't "look" like a weight loss for a week or two...maybe you gained muscle tone and your body got SMALLER in the same amount of pounds..your clothes are go longer on the treadmill/elliptical before you're do more pushups...lift more reps/weight etc etc etc

    this is something i'm trying to teach myself to accept. i'm always worried about the scale but i know the inches are coming off.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I know that everyone says a healthy weight loss goal per week is 2 lbs. I started this journey in October 2013 at 298 lbs. My goal weight is 160 and I want to be there in time for my wedding in December of this year. I think that breaks down to roughly 3-4 lbs per week.
    Is this something that would be detrimental to my health?
    Or is this something achievable and maintainable?
    What are your personal goals?
    What helps you to set goals that are reachable?
    Does everyone abide by the 2 lbs a week rule?
    For what it's worth, since October I've lost just over 36 pounds and it's STAYING OFF. By December of this year at my current trajectory I would be around 190-192 pounds come December. My end goal is between 150-170 pounds so it's pretty close to yours.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    i lost 84 in 6 months. so it can be done.

    what have you found to be successful?

    i went on a medically supervised diet. I was seen by an RN and a DR once a week to make sure I'm healthy. they did blood work every other week.

    It was a shake only diet. well shakes and vegetables. they also had entrees i could eat.

    but to answer your question to what works best:

    put the fork down, get out and run.

    I walk 4 miles 5 days a week and run 5 miles a day 4 times a week. this week I'm kicking it up to 6 miles a day.
  • kyregi
    kyregi Posts: 55 Member
    I would not set a distinct weight goal for your wedding. This is "the" day of your life. Set your goal to:
    "Dancing through the night", which means your then to be husband has to get fit with you ;-)
  • desimia1
    desimia1 Posts: 60
    Anything is possible I suppose but Dont set yourself up for something that might not happen! Many people have done it with MFP that I have seen. Do your best and do it healthy! 2 pounds maybe three pounds a week is more realistic. I started at 309, I am at 276 right now and it has been slow for me. Everyone is different too so......... I will wish on my lucky stars for you!
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    I know that everyone says a healthy weight loss goal per week is 2 lbs. I started this journey in October 2013 at 298 lbs. My goal weight is 160 and I want to be there in time for my wedding in December of this year. I think that breaks down to roughly 3-4 lbs per week.
    Is this something that would be detrimental to my health?
    Or is this something achievable and maintainable?
    What are your personal goals?
    What helps you to set goals that are reachable?
    Does everyone abide by the 2 lbs a week rule?

    I started at a weight very close to yours and my goal is also 160. I've been on MFP since August of 2012, but have been working on losing the weight since May of that same year. I'm of the mindset of slow and steady, since the ultimate goal is not to GET to 160, but to MAINTAIN. And life happens. You may lose 3 pounds one week, then nothing the next.

    I would agree with what someone else said about setting a goal of "dancing with your husband." But if you really want to get to 160...I'd imagine it would be difficult, but you could probably get there, or very close to it. Not sure how you'll like the results of losing that much weight in such a short amount of time, though.
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    Here is a thought (since everyone has the more then 2 a week covered). You will need to purchase your dress months in advance of the wedding. While attempting to still lose dramatic amounts of weight (that will get harder as you get thinner). So you could end up with:

    1. A dress that is dramatically too big and has to have emergency alterations before your big day.
    2. A dress that is too tight because you overestimated your future weight loss and started to slow down after you ordered it.

    If I was in your shoes, I would probably get a professional involved about what can realistically be done with any dietary restrictions you may have, the shape you are in (bad knees, diabetes, etc.) and the time you have (not just months to the big day but hours per day to work out). Then sell yourself on the reality that 90 pounds is going to take serious work and serious time and if you even make it to "only" the 50% mark that's forty five pounds not walking down the aisle with you. That's not a failure but a big flipping success.

    I would also tell the dress shop/seamstress about what is going on so they can guide you to dresses that are easy to alter and/or are forgiving to changes in measurements. (A bodice that cinches up with ties is more forgiving then a fitted bodice with a zipper. Lots of beadwork and embroidery can be hell on taking in dresses at the seams.)
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    First, congratulations on your loss so far! If your goal is 160, and you have 90 to go, that means you've gone from 298 to 250 since joining MFP. Pat yourself on the back!

    I'm with those who think you'll be happier in the long run if you don't try to rush things. You've been losing 8 lb./month so far. It will get a bit harder as you approach your goal, so let's say you average 1.75 lb./week in the next 7 months. That's 52 lb. and would put you within 20 of your goal. Most people aren't going to notice a 20 lb. difference between your wedding photos and your weight 6 months later, and those who do will be impressed that you weigh *less* after your wedding than at it.
  • destinimac
    destinimac Posts: 10 Member
    The speed that you lose weight depends on how much you weigh at the time you are losing it. The more you weigh, the faster it will come off usually, but as you get smaller and smaller, you'll notice it gets harder to lose that last 20 lbs or so, but its possible so don't get discouraged. As for 90 lbs in 7 months, that is only about 8 weeks. Because of what I said about it slowing down as you reach your goal and the fact that its only healthy to lose about 2 lbs per week without losing muscle mass, I would aim for about 60 lbs in 7 months, and 90 lbs in 10 months!
  • andeey
    andeey Posts: 709 Member
    To answer your question: yes, it's possible to lose 90 pounds in 7 months. However, it's likely you want this to be healthy and long term, so perhaps consider a goal different than just scale weight?

    If you incorporate strength training along with your caloric deficit, you're more likely to reshape your body and may lose multiple clothing sizes while the scale doesn't drop as dramatically. Example: since January of this year, I've gone down only 11 pounds, but lost two pants sizes.

    Just something to consider so you don't set yourself up for possible failure by focusing only on the scale weight.

    Also, check this out:
  • cathyg415
    Just a thought. . .

    Why not lose weight at a steady maintainable safe rate and focus on losing INCHES rather that the pounds??
  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    Could it be possible? Yes, but instead of trying to reach your goal by then I'd recommend working hard to simply lose weight, workout and eat right, (don't cheat and don't starve yourself). If you set a goal, to say lose the weight in time for your wedding, you will drive yourself crazy, you'll get on scale to weigh in and the scale won't move, it will knock you down, you'll be saying "I can't lose this weight" etc... Then you will get depressed and reach for your favorite junk food. Or simply give up. Or, be very depressed on your wedding night because you didn't get to where you wanted, you would have missed your goal. (perhaps a small chance you reach it, but how long it takes you to lose the weight is something you can't predict.)

    It is hard enough to keep patience when on this journey, but when you give yourself a deadline, it would be hard for you to stay with it. You will be knocked down over and over, because this isn't a straight line, you don't lose in a nice steady amount. I went through weeks were I lost nothing, then would start losing again. It is a roller coaster, up and down all the way through.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Very good advice from FireOpalCO on the dress thing, and from previous posters on not wanting to look sick for your wedding! When I spent time on wedding boards I saw way too many frantic last minute "OMG MY DRESS DOESN'T FIT" posts. Wedding planning is stressful enough without bringing that on yourself.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I know that everyone says a healthy weight loss goal per week is 2 lbs. I started this journey in October 2013 at 298 lbs. My goal weight is 160 and I want to be there in time for my wedding in December of this year. I think that breaks down to roughly 3-4 lbs per week.
    Is this something that would be detrimental to my health?
    Or is this something achievable and maintainable?
    What are your personal goals?
    What helps you to set goals that are reachable?
    Does everyone abide by the 2 lbs a week rule?

    The maximum healthy weight loss is 2 lbs per week. If you're losing more it's probably water. Some water will be lost but too much leads to dangerous levels of dehydration.

    I think your goal of losing 3-4 lbs/week might be a little extreme. I would hate for you to do all the work, not hit your goal weight by December and become discouraged. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint.

    Personally, I'm hoping to get to 135 but I'll be happy with 140 (healthy BMI for my height of 5'5".) I have my weight loss goals set for 0.5 lbs/week but I've been pleasantly surprised that I'm actually losing more like 1 pound/week. Even eating what seems like a LOT of food. I would have bet against this, but recently I've been "wasting" 250-300 calories/day because I just can't eat any more. Some MFPers "save" calories, I don't. If I don't use them within the prescribed 24 hour period, they're gone. Period.

    As for reaching my goals, because I have an ED, I weigh/measure and log every bite that goes into my mouth. Even if I go over my calories, which I haven't done in awhile. I have failed at eating "clean" before, so I eat what I like as long as it fits in my macros. I've changed my mindset which used to be: I have to change myself and eat what someone else says I "should" eat because it's "good for me." Now, my mindset is: "I'm going to eat what I like, fit it into my macros/calorie allowance and make only those changes that I can make for life."

    Oh, yeah, and I work out like a beast. I used to hate lifting because I thought it was boring. I still think it's boring but in only three weeks I've seen a real change in my body composition and I "likey"!! :glasses:

    Lastly, I don't rely on the scale alone. I take measurements every week. I thought I had plateaued recently because the scale wasn't moving, so I took my measurements and was pleased to find that I'd dropped about 2 inches from my waist, an inch from each thigh and added to my biceps and calves. It's all muscle. I can tell because I can see the definition.


    [edited for typo]