Happy, not healthy. All support welcomed (and needed) :)

Hello all,

I hope you're having an absolutely brilliant day. Me? I can't complain.

To introduce myself: I am a busy first-year grad student who has denied my health under the excuse of being...a busy grad student. I'm done with that *kitten*. It's time to manage my health, lose the weight I've wanted to for years, and treat myself the way I know I deserve to be treated. Despite being busy, I can make better choices, I have just chosen to deny that I have choices. But I do.

How will I do this, you ask? I'm asking myself the same question. My plan is to set realistic goals, continue to live my life happily (even if that means eating Saturday night bar food and drinking Saturday night beers), and make some changes that will positively affect my health.

But, I can't do it alone. I've tried. I've joined MFP multiple times and have avoided the "community" aspect with the fear of being judged and the fear of receiving unsolicited, snooty health advice. The reality is - or my reality is - I can not do this alone. I need support of people who are going through similar things (or who have gone through similar things). I need accountability. I need encouragement. I need people who get it (read: who ACTUALLY get it).

I'm a sarcastic, foul-mouthed, fiery girl who loves life and adores people (most of them, anyway!). If you took the time to read what I had to say, I would love to connect with you.

Thanks in advance. Let's rock this.

- Jody


  • Ronij59
    Ronij59 Posts: 191 Member
    add me! you firey little vixen! You sound like you are full of life and yet need some major motherly support. I could do that for you if you are willing to give back and support me too! I am much older and have so much more to lose. But I did take the time to read your post and would like you to add me. Let's rock this weight loss thing and ROCK IT HARD!
  • ThenewCharisse
    ThenewCharisse Posts: 20 Member
    Add me, no judgment here
  • phantasmagical
    phantasmagical Posts: 66 Member
    Feel free to add me...I'm in a similar place, after years of grad and law school, followed by a truly horrible job, and lots of weight gain and fitness loss. I fixed the job situation; now it's time to work on the healthy-happy-me bit.