week long binge need support/advice

I used to workout everyday and I was doing good until some problems came up and since then i've been extremely stressed, so instead of working out i've resorted to binging :( This has been going on for a while, but this week was one of the worsts. I have been going overboard with chocolate, chips, and candy. Today i ate SO MUCH, that includes almost a whole cake in one sitting and i feel HORRIBLE. All of my progress is gone and i wish i could just back to how i used to be. I feel like im gaining weight and im never going to be able to lose it if i keep doing this! i cant stop thinking about all of the food ive eaten this week and i dont know what to do to make me feel better. Each time I binge i look foward to the next day so i can start fresh, but its pointless because i end up ruining it one way or another. If anyone has any advice i would greatly appreciate it!!!


  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    a week of bad eating seems so impossible to me. one day of eating bad is the worst. three meals bad, I wouldn't be able to run at the level I am currently running at. if it's a week, I wouldn't be able to run at all. i couldn't live with myself if I did that.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    you are going to need to tell yourself to stop eating. for one. log everything you ate on here so you can see the data. how much you went over board. which a whole cake OMG, i won't even touch a small slice of cake. you need to take control of your life before you end up in the hospital or worse.
  • Ashaleet
    Ashaleet Posts: 59
    Altough I agree that you need to take control of your life, I wouldn't say it so harshly...
    You need to control the food, don't let it control you.
    Stop letting your emotions control when you eat.

    finally, yeah maybe some stuff happened. and maybe it was some serious stuff, but now you're even more stressed out than you were before because of the binging. If you're too stressed to work out at least continue to log your food. It helps.

    Good luck to you
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I like the saying face your stuff, don't stuff your face. I hope you work out your problems soon and we all know food is not the answer. I tell myself I have to take care of myself and no do this destructive overeating stuff.

    I remind myself I want to fit into those clothes. This week I have been fighting overeating also, cold here and stayed in too much which leads me to overeating. It also helps me if I try on clothes, this reminds me I want to stay in these clothes since I lost 45 lbs not grow out of them. I use to have to unzip my jeans because they were so tight and I could not wait to get home to get them off, miserable feeling.

    I think we have to be accountable, I use to overspend and I think weight is about the same. The consequences are there if we spend too much or eat too much. We have to discipline ourselves because we cant have it all. Drink some coffee, chew some gum, have healthy foods only at the house for starters.
  • michele0101
    I have done the same thing but it lasted even longer. I know how you feel. When it's time you will stick to it. Everyone has their own timeline. I just think to myself that six months from now will be here anyway. I can either be thinner or fatter at that time. Sometimes I think, "Would a skinny person eat that?" A lot of times I have to remember that even though I don't see changes that i need to be consistent to see change. Just don't give up even if you have to re-start a million times!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,592 Member
    try eating at supposed maintenance for a solid consistent amount of time(until you feel ready to cut) --- this could really help stop the binging ... I should know its what I did to stop my constant binging (you will still have times you overeat but seriously this really helped me )
    decide if you need to get some help with the problems you have faced recently- emotionally,mentally which ever way
    calm down its okay :flowerforyou: i know you feel out of control but you will figure it out and as long as you never give up completely you are still making changes and you are still learning
  • crazyminxx
    crazyminxx Posts: 13 Member
    You can't change what you have done. You can only change what you are going to do. Stop beating yourself up we have all done it.
    I try to plan ahead and have strategies for things that are likely to be road blocks. Take small steps to get back on track, if that is what you need to do. Make a list of other things you can do when you are feeling stressed - remember food is only a temporary fix - it doesn't get rid of the stress and likely is creating even more stress.
  • BiggMikeSurf
    BiggMikeSurf Posts: 68 Member
    Listen, you're talking to the KING of binge eating. I'd eat if I'm sad, happy, or bored, or just because. I realized a few years ago, looking back when I was a teenager or even just a little kid, I dealt with every problem I had with eating. I've been like that my whole life. And when I mean binge I mean binge.. Like 2 Dominos Pizza and lava cake binge, or go to 7-11 buy two taquitos, a pack of grandmas vanilla cookies, a caramello bar, and a snickers. I needed that snickers bar for a snack on my way to taco bell right? lol. So Yeah, i know binge.

    The trick to beating this is... it can't be beaten with tricks... look, you're human, and you made a mistake. It won't be your last one I guarantee you, but you just have to move forward. Since I've been starting to workout and eat healthy again, I dealt with problems a little differently. If I'm upset, or something is stressing me out.. I just walk... I grab my phone, and listen to music, and walk my dog (husky).. Sometimes that walk turns into a run... and the next thing you know I just had a workout session. But to workout wasn't the goal, the goal was to change how I would normally handle a situation.

    You have to change how you handle things. You have to find that thing, that you can do, that replaces, cakes, cookies, candy bars, etc... and it has to be real. Food is powerful, and alluring, but it's fleeting. It makes you feel better for only a short period of time, and then you feel worse. You need to find something that is just as powerful to you and replace the food with that.

    Lastly, don't dwell on the past. What's done is done. Learn from it, and move forward. You can do it.