yoga length

So this might be a redundant question but what are the benefits of daily yoga? I have recently started and quite enjoy it but 45 minutes burns about 130 calories for me and I feel like I could get a more intensive workout and calorie burn with something like zumba or kickboxing instead ( favorites).


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Yes, if your goal is calorie burn, do cardio.

    1. I'm a nicer person after I do yoga. I have a long way to go to be a nice person, but it's still an improvement.
    2. If you're tight, then an increase in flexibility is a great thing.
    3. My posture when I'm not doing yoga is pretty good and fantastic when I'm in class
    4. I let things go more often. I hold fewer grudges. I'm more content with "what is".
    5. I can do all sorts of fun poses - I stand on my head, hands, arms; I touch my feet to my head. It makes kids laugh.
    6. I have an entire group of friends I didn't have before.
    7. I enjoy it. If you find something you enjoy, you'll stick with it. If you enjoy kickboxing, then by all means do that. If you like yoga, than do that too. You'll be much healthier and happier of you find things you enjoy.
    8. I'm all around stronger than I used to be.
    9. If I'm stressed out, I can go stand on my head for a bit, and I feel better.
    10. Yoga helps me be more aware of the effect food has on my body. I notice if I have too much caffeine, my palms sweat. If I eat junk, I feel like junk.

    That's what yoga has done for me.
  • ndepape
    ndepape Posts: 5
    I love yoga, because it is gentle and quiet. My life is hectic. I got stuff going on. I love yoga, because it's like a retreat. It might not be a cardio workout, but it's a workout.

  • hellsbells3272
    hellsbells3272 Posts: 128 Member
    Yes, if your goal is calorie burn, do cardio.

    1. I'm a nicer person after I do yoga. I have a long way to go to be a nice person, but it's still an improvement.
    2. If you're tight, then an increase in flexibility is a great thing.
    3. My posture when I'm not doing yoga is pretty good and fantastic when I'm in class
    4. I let things go more often. I hold fewer grudges. I'm more content with "what is".
    5. I can do all sorts of fun poses - I stand on my head, hands, arms; I touch my feet to my head. It makes kids laugh.
    6. I have an entire group of friends I didn't have before.
    7. I enjoy it. If you find something you enjoy, you'll stick with it. If you enjoy kickboxing, then by all means do that. If you like yoga, than do that too. You'll be much healthier and happier of you find things you enjoy.
    8. I'm all around stronger than I used to be.
    9. If I'm stressed out, I can go stand on my head for a bit, and I feel better.
    10. Yoga helps me be more aware of the effect food has on my body. I notice if I have too much caffeine, my palms sweat. If I eat junk, I feel like junk.

    That's what yoga has done for me.


    And don't do something else instead, do it as well if you like. I do. I do yoga x 2, bodybalance (similar to yoga) x 1, aquafit x 1 and bodypump or kettlebells x1 or 2 - good all round workouts :)
  • megg0616
    megg0616 Posts: 59 Member
    I do yoga also. You can get a really good burn depending on what type of yoga you do. I prefer hot vinyasa flow or hot power hour. The rooms are heated to 105 degrees. I come out of class looking like a sweat bucket but I burn at least 500 cals in one session. The classes are focused on your breathing with movement. My breathing as in how much air I can inhale and exhale has vastly improved. I cans walk/ run longer just because I can breathe better from doing yoga not to mention my strength is far better than it ever has been. I can now do full push ups in perfect form with no problems. I strongly suggest looking into heated yoga classes. It's well worth it.
  • curvygirly911
    curvygirly911 Posts: 105 Member
    You're all fantastic!!!! Such helpful posts and details! Thanks so much.
    I want to be a daily yogi and I think I will. I can just add in a bit of cardio as well beforehand so I have more calories burned.
    I can't do hot yoga bc of health reasons but great feedback. Thanks so much :)
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    Yes, if your goal is calorie burn, do cardio.

    1. I'm a nicer person after I do yoga. I have a long way to go to be a nice person, but it's still an improvement.
    2. If you're tight, then an increase in flexibility is a great thing.
    3. My posture when I'm not doing yoga is pretty good and fantastic when I'm in class
    4. I let things go more often. I hold fewer grudges. I'm more content with "what is".
    5. I can do all sorts of fun poses - I stand on my head, hands, arms; I touch my feet to my head. It makes kids laugh.
    6. I have an entire group of friends I didn't have before.
    7. I enjoy it. If you find something you enjoy, you'll stick with it. If you enjoy kickboxing, then by all means do that. If you like yoga, than do that too. You'll be much healthier and happier of you find things you enjoy.
    8. I'm all around stronger than I used to be.
    9. If I'm stressed out, I can go stand on my head for a bit, and I feel better.
    10. Yoga helps me be more aware of the effect food has on my body. I notice if I have too much caffeine, my palms sweat. If I eat junk, I feel like junk.

    That's what yoga has done for me.

    This. Surprisingly, in the past 3 months I've gone from a cardio bunny and chronic undereater to really focusing on yoga, and things in my life have really calmed down, slowed down and become more centered. I still do cardio, but yoga has been incredible in so many ways. The trade off of less calories burned has been worth it x 10.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I don't do yoga for the calorie burn - there are better ways to get a burn. I've never even counted the calories from yoga as I don't really consider it to be exercise (for my purposes.) It's certainly not cardio. Personally, I do yoga for the awesome stress busting effects. I don't consider 45 minutes of yoga to be a waste. It's an investment in my mental health and it's great for strength and flexibility, too. If you're in a class, it's also a very social activity, but in a very low-key, low-stress kind of way.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It's not the length that's important.