what was your downfall/weakness?

WelshPhil1975 Posts: 138 Member
Mine was mostly portion size. I never ate biscuits or chocolate, etc (which makes it easy that I don't have to give stuff like that up) but I have always eaten too much. Still finding portion size difficult to be honest.


  • ravingnoah
    ravingnoah Posts: 24 Member
    There is a magical quality about the manner in which meat and cheese interact on a fundamental level that jacks into my stunted, uneducated taste receptacles and unleashes its wonderous mana, shooting hot electric bolts of joy through my primitive ape-brain...while at the same time engendering a fear that this buffet, this spread of food before me, this bacon burger stand may be the last food on Earth, ever...before the universe comes to a cold, hungry end...

    ...and salt. Dear, loving, tasty sodium...how I loathe when you are away from me.
  • KatieLouWho19
    KatieLouWho19 Posts: 776 Member
    Freaking Pizza and Chocolate. UGH!!!

    BTW ^^ poster above me is AMAZING with words! LOL.
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    Pizza and chips
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Wine. Definitely the wine.
    And the ice cream. I miss the ice cream. And the wine...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I think my biggest issue was ignorance. Simply not KNOWING how many calories (and nutritional info details) were in things, and going along believing that whatever I ate, ordered, or cooked was "semi healthy" but not having a clue. As a result, I routinely made some pretty silly decisions that I thought were okay. For example, getting a latte instead of a Snickers bar when the calories were actually higher and I would have been more satisfied by the Snickers. Not putting sour cream on my frozen burrito to "save calories" but still covering it in way too much cheese. Forcing myself to eat a bowl of shredded wheat with 1% milk for breakfast thinking it was a healthier meal than a cooked egg and a slice of toast with butter or jam.

    I am much happier now that I KNOW what I'm eating and I actually feel more satisfied with what I do eat. I find myself eating more sweets and treats now actually!
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    food.. :laugh:
  • lilaak007
    lilaak007 Posts: 37 Member
    Cookies, cant stop eating them
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Him..... But he's also my strength.
    (And no, no one around here) :angry:
  • KatieLouWho19
    KatieLouWho19 Posts: 776 Member
    food.. :laugh:

    This!! ^^
  • Boobookittyfq
    Boobookittyfq Posts: 454 Member
    liquor, ice cream, pasta... smh :grumble:
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Portion control, I do not eat often...I am trying too it helps with portions. I eat as often as I did when I was slim, not an emotional eater or binge but at dinner time if I really like something I eat way more than I need to. Also Milk, a lot of my calories went to milk even 1% I have found....thought that I was good because I don't ever drink soda (hate the stuff) :huh: