Anyone Try Bolthouse Farms Smoothies? Healthy or Not



  • 3Heather24
    I just "found" Naked's Green Machine and I love it! I HATE, hate, hate fruits and veggies, but this is a great way to get some "healthy" into my diet! I know people down them for too much sugar, but as someone who is far from a clean eater, I don't care about the sugar content. I haven't tried Bolthouse yet, as I just came across it, but I will soon. It sounds very comparable to Naked, though.
  • llsealey
    I read that naked juice has had law suites for false advertisement
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    "Healthy" is extremely subjective. The only thing I don't like about these smoothies is how incredibly easy it is for me to drink half my day's calories in one sitting if I'm not careful.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I tried the Bolthouse Protein Plus chocolate one and it tasted fantastic like delicious thick chocolate milk.

    However, I kicked myself immediately afterward for misreading the serving size and realizing the cals/sugar was X 2. It wound up being my entire lunch that day :-P
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I like the Bolthouse green smoothie. I wouldn't worry about going with the protein line especially if it cost more(haven't see that one) its probably soy/whey powder added which you do better to get from fresh protein sources.

    Make your own smoothies. I do it every morning. I prep my fruit in large batches and freeze. This way I get a good variety of flavor. I blend with greek yogurt and kefir and a ripe banana. I just prepped 6 lbs of tangerines! Yummy!!! Mine are between 280 to 450 calories, but I have about a pint and a quarter per smoothie, so you can half that if your calorie intake is low, making them from 140 to 225 calories. I will use berries of all types, kiwis, many varieties of citrus, pluots, mangos, peaches, cantalopes…. I have used so many varieties. Oh, I just started using pomagranates as well!! Love me a pom and blueberry smoothie! The seeds are annoying from the pomagranate, but are easy to get used to… like blackberries and kiwis!

    I gotta start doing prep but first I need a blender/juicer that wasn't a cheapie $20 and will burn up motor fast.
  • carolineire
    carolineire Posts: 65 Member
    I never thought about freezing my smoothie prep, can you freeze cucumber, kale, spinach and apple without it going all meh?
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    I never thought about freezing my smoothie prep, can you freeze cucumber, kale, spinach and apple without it going all meh?

    I prepare ziplock freezer baggies with different fruits(apples included), spinach and/or kale and I've never had a problem with things going "all meh". I don't have a super powered blender so I cut up everything before I freeze it, and let it thaw some before blending. The greens look moist once thawed but that's just from the fruit juices.

    I also use snack size baggies to prepare the dry ingredients ahead of time, such as ground almonds/flax seed/sunflower seeds, oats sometimes, and protein powder sometimes. My baggies are labeled and easy to reuse since I'm using the same dry ingredients in it. I don't reuse the fruit baggies. I typically make 10-12 days worth at a time (of both type baggies). I also mix up the fruits in my baggies so I don't have the same thing every time.

    Something else I did was freeze yogurt in an ice cube tray then dumped the frozen cubes into a Baggie to keep frozen. T hey are 1/8c per cube so when I want yogurt added I just toss one in. (I was letting my large container of plain yogurt go bad towards the end, this was a good solution for me)

    Come smoothie time I dump a Baggie of prepared fruits/veggies, a Baggie of prepared dry ingredients, unsweetened almond milk, and optional frozen yogurt cube. Yummy and quick. I started doing this to save my fruits and veggies from going bad before I got to them, to save time when I really needed it, and because making them one at a time I tended to over make. I now know exactly how much, measurement wise, needs to be in the fruit/veggie bag and the max I can use in the dry baggies without going overboard.
  • abbnor
    abbnor Posts: 2
    Yes they are healthy, and they taste great. I have one everyday for lunch and it keeps me full till like 5. But eating oatmeal with it is perfectly fine listen to your body if your hungry eat something!