Healthy foods or eating clean for weight loss



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    ok but OT,

    eating clean helps people lose weight because clean food takes up more volume in a stomach with fewer calories, so you get full without having to eat as many calories.

    simple as that.

    What foods, or what types of foods, make people most satisfied in the long-term varies significantly from person to person. It's not always about volume.
  • bakechad
    bakechad Posts: 10 Member
    Eating nutritionally dense foods or "eating clean" will most likely cause you to lose weight because you will be much more full and nutritionally satisfied. Not to mention you will feel better and have a lower likelihood of contracting disease.

    With that said, you can lose weight eating nothing but Cheetos everyday if you limit the quantity to <1500 calories.
  • SkiesAreGray
    SkiesAreGray Posts: 12 Member
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    ok but OT,

    eating clean helps people lose weight because clean food takes up more volume in a stomach with fewer calories, so you get full without having to eat as many calories.

    simple as that.
    I have to agree with this.

    Macro's are important - you can eat your entire calorie allowance in fat, but it's not going to help your weight loss. Ideally you should be looking for a split of 40% Protein, 30% Carbs & 30% Fats per day.

    Protein rich foods keep you fuller for longer as it takes the body longer to metabolise them and you don't get an insulin spike like you would with things like white bread and refined carbs which then leads to a crash later on, meaning you'll be reaching for more carb filled foods to fill that void.

    Eating clean is a good way to stick to strict macro guides, as if followed strictly will cut out all refined and processed foods.

    This. All of this.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    As many others said... no miracle foods will help you lose weight faster/easier... calories in/calories out is what's going to do that for you. However, I try to eat "clean" as much as possible for several reasons... 1) diabetes runs in my family... so I try to watch my sugar intake 2) I have PCOS and insulin resistence so avoiding carbs and dairy helps with those symptoms 3) I just overall feel better if i'm eating mostly foods that DO something for my body aside from the calories alone (ie veggies, fruits that have vitamins... proteins that help rebuild my muscle after lifting, etc).

    That being said.... I eat chips here and there... I eat ice cream here and there... just small quantities... not everyday :)
  • emilycapshaw
    If you are interested in learning about clean eating and what foods can help with weight loss, check out the book 21 Day Superstar Cleanse by Rainbeau Mars. I bought it recently and LOVE it. It teaches you a ton about how to loose weight and become healthier without starving yourself. I highly recommend checking it out, its filled with good stuff and worth your money.
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    I would eat in moderation and weight train with light cardio. I wouldn't worry about the number/weight, but more about how you feel about yourself. If you are happy and comfortable then don't worry what others think. Just be happy and healthy and do you whats best for you.

    Also, you can stay at 160 and still completely transform your body to where people would assume you way far less. Body composition changes drastically when you you dedicate yourself to a workout routine with weight resistance and eating healthier.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    ok but OT,

    eating clean helps people lose weight because clean food takes up more volume in a stomach with fewer calories, so you get full without having to eat as many calories.

    simple as that.
    I have to agree with this.

    Macro's are important - you can eat your entire calorie allowance in fat, but it's not going to help your weight loss. Ideally you should be looking for a split of 40% Protein, 30% Carbs & 30% Fats per day.

    Protein rich foods keep you fuller for longer as it takes the body longer to metabolise them and you don't get an insulin spike like you would with things like white bread and refined carbs which then leads to a crash later on, meaning you'll be reaching for more carb filled foods to fill that void.

    Eating clean is a good way to stick to strict macro guides, as if followed strictly will cut out all refined and processed foods.

    This. All of this.

    NONE of this, actually. Caloric deficit is all that matters in weight (fat) loss. Macro splits have nothing to do with weight loss. There is nothing special about at 40/30/30 split. Eating at a deficit, even if all fat, will result in weight loss. Your body is burning more than you are taking in, period. Also, you do realize that protein ingestion also causes an insulin spike. Studies show that the insulin response to a high protein meal can be even higher than the response to a high carb meal. Also, your body can synthesize and store fat even when insulin levels are low (basal rates). So the argument that insulin spikes cause people to get fat is dumb. And besides, insulin is responsible for a host of other things as well (i.e. muscle growth via protein synthesis).

    And the arguments about insulin spikes and crashes causing someone to reach for more food are ludicrous. Have you ever heard of personal responsibility and control? At the end of the day, you control your hand reaching for more food, not insulin.
  • ashburton88
    ashburton88 Posts: 3 Member
    ok but OT,

    eating clean helps people lose weight because clean food takes up more volume in a stomach with fewer calories, so you get full without having to eat as many calories.

    simple as that.
    I have to agree with this.

    Macro's are important - you can eat your entire calorie allowance in fat, but it's not going to help your weight loss. Ideally you should be looking for a split of 40% Protein, 30% Carbs & 30% Fats per day.

    Protein rich foods keep you fuller for longer as it takes the body longer to metabolise them and you don't get an insulin spike like you would with things like white bread and refined carbs which then leads to a crash later on, meaning you'll be reaching for more carb filled foods to fill that void.

    Eating clean is a good way to stick to strict macro guides, as if followed strictly will cut out all refined and processed foods.

    This. All of this.

    NONE of this, actually. Caloric deficit is all that matters in weight (fat) loss. Macro splits have nothing to do with weight loss. There is nothing special about at 40/30/30 split. Eating at a deficit, even if all fat, will result in weight loss. Your body is burning more than you are taking in, period. Also, you do realize that protein ingestion also causes an insulin spike. Studies show that the insulin response to a high protein meal can be even higher than the response to a high carb meal. Also, your body can synthesize and store fat even when insulin levels are low (basal rates). So the argument that insulin spikes cause people to get fat is dumb. And besides, insulin is responsible for a host of other things as well (i.e. muscle growth via protein synthesis).

    And the arguments about insulin spikes and crashes causing someone to reach for more food are ludicrous. Have you ever heard of personal responsibility and control? At the end of the day, you control your hand reaching for more food, not insulin.

    Ludicrous? Yes you control your hand reaching for the food, not insulin, but while there are many that have the discipline that you clearly do, there are also many that do not, and will give in to cravings. Limiting those cravings will certainly help in the quest for weight loss.

    I have had a read up on your note that protein also spikes insulin levels, in some cases more than carbs, and you look to be correct, so I take that back. However, refined carbs still spike blood sugar, meaning that it will still cause a crash afterwards.

    While I agree that you will still lose weight eating 100% fat and still being in calorific deficit (which I agree is the most important part to weight loss), the journey will be much longer than if you eat a more balanced diet, more akin to the 40/30/30 you say is nothing special. While you may well be right that it is nothing special, it is more likely to give the desired result faster than eating all fat/all carbs/all protein.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    ok but OT,

    eating clean helps people lose weight because clean food takes up more volume in a stomach with fewer calories, so you get full without having to eat as many calories.

    simple as that.
    I have to agree with this.

    Macro's are important - you can eat your entire calorie allowance in fat, but it's not going to help your weight loss. Ideally you should be looking for a split of 40% Protein, 30% Carbs & 30% Fats per day.

    Protein rich foods keep you fuller for longer as it takes the body longer to metabolise them and you don't get an insulin spike like you would with things like white bread and refined carbs which then leads to a crash later on, meaning you'll be reaching for more carb filled foods to fill that void.

    Eating clean is a good way to stick to strict macro guides, as if followed strictly will cut out all refined and processed foods.

    This. All of this.

    NONE of this, actually. Caloric deficit is all that matters in weight (fat) loss. Macro splits have nothing to do with weight loss. There is nothing special about at 40/30/30 split. Eating at a deficit, even if all fat, will result in weight loss. Your body is burning more than you are taking in, period. Also, you do realize that protein ingestion also causes an insulin spike. Studies show that the insulin response to a high protein meal can be even higher than the response to a high carb meal. Also, your body can synthesize and store fat even when insulin levels are low (basal rates). So the argument that insulin spikes cause people to get fat is dumb. And besides, insulin is responsible for a host of other things as well (i.e. muscle growth via protein synthesis).

    And the arguments about insulin spikes and crashes causing someone to reach for more food are ludicrous. Have you ever heard of personal responsibility and control? At the end of the day, you control your hand reaching for more food, not insulin.

    Ludicrous? Yes you control your hand reaching for the food, not insulin, but while there are many that have the discipline that you clearly do, there are also many that do not, and will give in to cravings. Limiting those cravings will certainly help in the quest for weight loss.

    I have had a read up on your note that protein also spikes insulin levels, in some cases more than carbs, and you look to be correct, so I take that back. However, refined carbs still spike blood sugar, meaning that it will still cause a crash afterwards.

    While I agree that you will still lose weight eating 100% fat and still being in calorific deficit (which I agree is the most important part to weight loss), the journey will be much longer than if you eat a more balanced diet, more akin to the 40/30/30 you say is nothing special. While you may well be right that it is nothing special, it is more likely to give the desired result faster than eating all fat/all carbs/all protein.

    It won't. Weight loss is strictly an equation of Calories in - Calories out. There are ways to facilitate calories out and there are ways to help moderate calories in. But 40/30/30 = 20/40/40 = 30/10/60 if the calories remain the same (adjusted for a minor amount of TEF)
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    ok but OT,

    eating clean helps people lose weight because clean food takes up more volume in a stomach with fewer calories, so you get full without having to eat as many calories.

    simple as that.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    ok but OT,

    eating clean helps people lose weight because clean food takes up more volume in a stomach with fewer calories, so you get full without having to eat as many calories.

    simple as that.


    I'd suggest that "high fiber" foods take up stomach volume. However, I (personally) find fat to be most satiating (given a reasonable balance of the other macros.
  • verhunzt
    verhunzt Posts: 154 Member
    My "green" foods are cottage cheese, soups, fish, veggies (especially canned veggies!) and most fruits.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    What are some of the healthiest foods to eat that will contribute to weight loss? What is the big deal with eating clean? What is considered clean food? Will eating clean help with weight loss?

    The second question has been answered for you ad nauseum, so I'll just answer the first one: Seafood is a great choice. Some fish have around 80 calories for 4 ounce serving, it's packed with protein and healthy fats. Cod, talapia, hadock, whitiing, flounder...all delicious and nutritious, especially if you cook them without the deep fried batter.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    ok but OT,

    eating clean helps people lose weight because clean food takes up more volume in a stomach with fewer calories, so you get full without having to eat as many calories.

    simple as that.


    Not necessarily. Nuts and avocado are clean foods, yet very small and high calorie.

    Since they contain fiber and fat they can be very satiating, but in terms of volume per calorie they fall pretty short.
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    Clean Eating Refers to not eating ANYTHING that is processed. Meat & Veggies.. (nothing canned or boxed) all fresh and organic & GMO free. as far as grains.. quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato things like that. you can add me if you want to peak at my diary..

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Clean Eating Refers to not eating ANYTHING that is processed. Meat & Veggies.. (nothing canned or boxed) all fresh and organic & GMO free. as far as grains.. quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato things like that. you can add me if you want to peak at my diary..

    Your diary is open. Lots of food that does not fit your definition in there.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Clean Eating Refers to not eating ANYTHING that is processed. Meat & Veggies.. (nothing canned or boxed) all fresh and organic & GMO free. as far as grains.. quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato things like that. you can add me if you want to peak at my diary..

    Your diary is open. Lots of food that does not fit your definition in there.

    I was curious how turkey bacon, sausage, Fiber One brownies, cookies, Quest bars, barbecue sauce, almond milk, Subway and Sara Lee bread, grape jam, Jif peanut butter, and bagels are "unprocessed". I also doubt that eveything you got at Red Robin and Subway are organic and GMO free.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Caloric deficit is all that matters in weight (fat) loss. Macro splits have nothing to do with weight loss. There is nothing special about at 40/30/30 split. Eating at a deficit, even if all fat, will result in weight loss. Your body is burning more than you are taking in, period. Also, you do realize that protein ingestion also causes an insulin spike. Studies show that the insulin response to a high protein meal can be even higher than the response to a high carb meal. Also, your body can synthesize and store fat even when insulin levels are low (basal rates). So the argument that insulin spikes cause people to get fat is dumb. And besides, insulin is responsible for a host of other things as well (i.e. muscle growth via protein synthesis).

    And the arguments about insulin spikes and crashes causing someone to reach for more food are ludicrous. Have you ever heard of personal responsibility and control? At the end of the day, you control your hand reaching for more food, not insulin.

    Truth. Macro ratios should be determined based on fitness goals and personal preferences. Calories in, calories out for weight loss.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    ok but OT,

    eating clean helps people lose weight because clean food takes up more volume in a stomach with fewer calories, so you get full without having to eat as many calories.

    simple as that.


    Not necessarily. Nuts and avocado are clean foods, yet very small and high calorie.

    Since they contain fiber and fat they can be very satiating, but in terms of volume per calorie they fall pretty short.

    Personally, I will either buy the single serving packets of nuts or I will weigh them out and put them in individual snack baggies. I could easily down a pound or so of mixed nuts without batting an eye.