Getting workouts in with a toddler and long work week



  • MichelleD7896
    MichelleD7896 Posts: 7 Member
    I get up at 4:45-5AM. It's hard at first, but once the habit is formed, it becomes second nature. You can pop in a DVD and work out at home or go for a quick 3 mile run around the neighborhood..

    It's the only time I can get it done. I don't have the energy after work and that's really my family time anyways.

    This is probably what I'll end up doing. We already go for walks when it's nice out, but that just doesn't feel like enough. I'm NOT a morning person, so it's going to be tough... I'll have to power through.
  • zaniazong
    zaniazong Posts: 10 Member
    I usually work out in the evenings for about 30-50 minutes doing Jillian Michaels workouts. Why don't you try to find half an hour after your child goes to bed and exercise at home?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I try to go to the gym one evening a week after dinner (or occasionally after the kids go to bed), and once on the weekend, plus I ride my bike on my lunch break one day, and again, once on the weekend. Taking a longer lunch break one day a week is fine at my work, and sacrificing that one evening a week isn't much. My gym has daycare, or I leave the kids with the husband, and I've even been paying a babysitter to cover the bike rides these past few weeks.
  • AnitaCRice
    AnitaCRice Posts: 114 Member
    I feel your pain. I'm also mother to a toddler, and I work full-time. I don't work out as much as I did before I had my son, but I have discovered that I have to work out first thing in the morning. I just set my alarm for 30 minutes earlier, and try to drag my butt out of bed. It isn't easy, and sometimes I do hit snooze too many times, but it's the only time I will do it.

    I also will try to go for a walk during my lunch break at work, just to get in a little more activity. I work on the first floor of our building, but I walk up to the third floor to use the restroom a few times a day, which helps as well.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I would probably suggest the early morning workout or trying to evaluate what tasks can be made more efficient to gain some time at night. Maybe you can include your son in the workout. My son is now 5, but even at 3 he's always been interested in "working out" with me. Heck, I've gotten in workouts playing with him. The time with our children is important so I wouldn't suggest skipping that time, but you may be able to get in a few things with him in addition to your fun time.
  • SamanthaKayShaver
    SamanthaKayShaver Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in the same situation. I have an 18mth old and work 7-5 M-F.

    My schedule looks like this:

    4:30- Wake up/drive to gym
    5-6am- Work Out
    6-630- Shower/Change
    645-5- Work (I only have a 30 minute lunch so i never leave)
    530- Get home and cook dinner
    600- eat dinner
    630-8 Play with daughter while cleaning house. She helps me load the dishwasher, has her own broom, etc. Cleaning usually only takes 30 tops if I stay on top of it. We make time to color, play with her stuffed animals, or watch her baby shows if i'm just too exhausted.
    8-9 Baths, Pack gym bag for next day, read a book with her
    9 - bedtime

    Grocery shopping, errands and such are left for Saturday. Sunday is family day, when we go to the zoo, park, lake, etc.

    My husband and I work opposite shifts, so I feel like a single parent most of the week. I workout at 5am everyday because it doesn't cut into mommy/daughter time, and my husband leaves for work right after i get home. I find that if i stick to our routine, its not so hectic. And I incorporate everything i do into "our time." Down the road, she probably won't want to do chores with me. She could always tell me about her day/do homework while i clean the kitchen, though! lol