Runners? Safety?



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    And you're more likely to get zapped by lightning than to be attacked. It's the irrational effect of anecdotal "evidence" that makes you scared. If running outside is that scary, go hop on a treadmill at Planet Fitness.

    One in six women gets zapped by lighting?

    I don't know if truly one in six women who run get attacked (or have been), but with the number of women runners multiplied by the number of times they go out and run, I would probably guess that they should be more concerned with getting hit by a car (while lightning is real, I'll be germane to common running dangers). I'm not able to find any stats, so maybe it's not easily tracked or maybe it's insignificant considering most murders/rapes are committed by the ones who know their attackers rather than random guy hiding behind a bush.

    Some common sense considerations that don't involve carrying weaponry would be to be vigilant of your surroundings (as in no headphones, be looking around), run with a partner, have some sort of live-tracking GPS, or to just know the area you will be running in and let someone know.

    Live tracking GPS and letting somebody know doesn't do anything in case of attack. It just ensures your body will be found.

    I've parsed down the likelihood. My age, stranger, not my home, time of day, etc. It's low enough that I run outside at night, but it's high enough that it will always be a consideration.

    When was the last time you figured out your chances of being affected by violent crime?

    I've been mugged once, so that's made me more vigilant. Aside from that, I don't concern myself with it too much.

    Speaking in a generality here, but I'd say the increase in smuffies taking up running has probably led to an increase of "suspicious" folks out there who in all reality are just going about *their day and got caught staring at the new runner chick's butt in hot pink microshorts and a sportsbra - ladies in the gym get annoyed by this, women outside of the gym lose their minds and want to run armed like Lara Croft in Tomb Raider.

    You follow me to my car after staring at my butt in the gym and you're liable to need another knee cap.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I run outside of town by myself quite often. Last year, I had a van pass me 3 times and each time slowed way down then sped up after he passed. It just made me really uncomfortable. So I got a German shepherd. I've always wanted one anyway, so that was just more of a reason to get one. She's really protective and while I wouldn't expect her to protect me, she makes me feel safer because she looks intimidating.

    I also always make sure my husband knows which route I'm going and about how many miles (on good runs I'll add a few extra miles) that way he knows if I've been gone too long.

    I would suggest, if you feel uncomfortable running by yourself. Look into running groups.

    I can't believe your husband allows you to run alone. That seems way too risky.
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    ALWAYS trust your instincts. Carry a phone and pepper spray. Be aware of your surroundings like you were today. Don't feel bad about not giving them the benefit of the doubt.
  • tardis358
    tardis358 Posts: 5 Member
    Seriously ladies, cover it up a little. I know someone's going to call this slut-shaming, but it's just common sense. If you've got 90% of your body exposed or even are wearing totally skintight clothing then yes, you will attract more attention than a woman in less revealing clothes. I'm not saying you automatically become safe by dressing more modestly, but it's just one more little safety step you can take.

    To the OP: I'm not sure why anyone would find running in a cemetery disrespectful as long as there's no funeral happening. The people below the ground don't care: they're dead. It's the living you need to worry about, and as long as you don't bother them, they shouldn't be bothered by you.
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    And a mean, don't you dare eff with me look on your face helps.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    And you're more likely to get zapped by lightning than to be attacked. It's the irrational effect of anecdotal "evidence" that makes you scared. If running outside is that scary, go hop on a treadmill at Planet Fitness.

    One in six women gets zapped by lighting?

    I don't know if truly one in six women who run get attacked (or have been), but with the number of women runners multiplied by the number of times they go out and run, I would probably guess that they should be more concerned with getting hit by a car (while lightning is real, I'll be germane to common running dangers). I'm not able to find any stats, so maybe it's not easily tracked or maybe it's insignificant considering most murders/rapes are committed by the ones who know their attackers rather than random guy hiding behind a bush.

    Some common sense considerations that don't involve carrying weaponry would be to be vigilant of your surroundings (as in no headphones, be looking around), run with a partner, have some sort of live-tracking GPS, or to just know the area you will be running in and let someone know.

    Live tracking GPS and letting somebody know doesn't do anything in case of attack. It just ensures your body will be found.

    I've parsed down the likelihood. My age, stranger, not my home, time of day, etc. It's low enough that I run outside at night, but it's high enough that it will always be a consideration.

    When was the last time you figured out your chances of being affected by violent crime?

    I've been mugged once, so that's made me more vigilant. Aside from that, I don't concern myself with it too much.

    Speaking in a generality here, but I'd say the increase in smuffies taking up running has probably led to an increase of "suspicious" folks out there who in all reality are just going about *their day and got caught staring at the new runner chick's butt in hot pink microshorts and a sportsbra - ladies in the gym get annoyed by this, women outside of the gym lose their minds and want to run armed like Lara Croft in Tomb Raider.

    You know, she didn't say they just stared at her. They actually moved and followed her. Attacks may be rare, but they do happen. So women should be careful. Not paranoid, but careful. And if a situation seems "off", one should follow their gut and do their best to avoid it.

    Reminds me of a funny picture I see on Facebook at least once a week...


    Nevermind the idiot who said "29 miles"
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    ALWAYS trust your instincts. Carry a phone and pepper spray. Be aware of your surroundings like you were today. Don't feel bad about not giving them the benefit of the doubt.

    I would suggest finding a running partner. Pepper spray is a terrible idea. Guess what happens when you spray it outside and don't happen to have the wind at your back. It's also not nearly as effective as people would think. I've had the high concentration type that they don't sell to everyday runners sprayed in my face many times, and it only serves to slow someone down and disorient, not stop.
  • stmcfred
    stmcfred Posts: 78 Member
    I only run by myself during the day. Never at dark. He feels better that I run with my dog. But yeah, my friends say that too.
    I run outside of town by myself quite often. Last year, I had a van pass me 3 times and each time slowed way down then sped up after he passed. It just made me really uncomfortable. So I got a German shepherd. I've always wanted one anyway, so that was just more of a reason to get one. She's really protective and while I wouldn't expect her to protect me, she makes me feel safer because she looks intimidating.

    I also always make sure my husband knows which route I'm going and about how many miles (on good runs I'll add a few extra miles) that way he knows if I've been gone too long.

    I would suggest, if you feel uncomfortable running by yourself. Look into running groups.

    I can't believe your husband allows you to run alone. That seems way too risky.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I don't listen to music when I run at night. as for weapons, that's not terribly legal, 'round these parts. but I do have a huge set of keys on a carabiner that gits nicely over my knuckles with the wad of keys in my hand....I just pull a few around through my fingers like wolverine claws and I'm good to go. The carabiner over my knuckles and keys in my palm make it so if I hit something with those keys they don't poke back at me or hurt my hand at all. I managed to punch a chip out of a granite counter top with them when I was showing someone how sturdy they were because they said that would never work as a decent weapon. lol.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    And you're more likely to get zapped by lightning than to be attacked. It's the irrational effect of anecdotal "evidence" that makes you scared. If running outside is that scary, go hop on a treadmill at Planet Fitness.

    One in six women gets zapped by lighting?

    The chance of an average person living in the US being struck by lightning in a given year is estimated at 1 in 500,000, while the chance of being struck by lightning in a lifetime is 1 in 6250 (estimated lifespan of 80 years)

    1 in 6 female runners get attacked while running?

    Why don't you find the number of people who are struck by lightening while running and I will find the number that are attacked and we will see which one is bigger?

    Here's mine:

    Can't open that one right now, but I think it's one that I've read before. Isn't it saying that violent acts against runners is very rare? I'm only going off the url so I can easily be mixing it up with another article I read recently

    Its less rare than being injured in a car accident but more rare than being killed in one. Which isn't particularly rare - and we also avoid people who are driving erratically. It's even appropriate to call the police before they hurt somebody.

    I'm read it later when I'm in my cpu. My phone is being a jerk right now. But by all means women (and men) should be aware of their surroundings and take proper precautions.

    My main point is that in most of these threads, the only thing required for everyone to agree that women should be scared for their lives and call the authorities is that 1) there's a man in the trail, and 2) she's on the trail too. There's never an actual attack, just a chorus of people stating that if a woman doesn't like the look (or mere presence) of a man she absolutely should cross the street/call the cops/shoot him in the face.

    Honest to God I'm sick and tired of having the cops called on me because I had the audacity to run in my own neighborhood. I walk from my house and they live far enough to have to drive there, but they are the ones acting like I don't belong.

    That doesn't quite describe the OP.

    The thing is that women are constantly being told that we are crazy and making this stuff up...until we aren't and then we should have been more careful and avoided the area/called the police.

    ETA: I'm also tired of being warned about the dangers of after-dark activity. I'm 42 f'n years old. What do you want to do about it?

    It never quite does, but that's mostly because the OP always gets to frame the parameters of the story. No one is going to purposely describe a situation in a way that puts them in a bad light.

    But still, let's look at this one a bit closer. Broad daylight, public place, with her kids on bikes, in an area where other people are around and have clear lines of sight, and is in an area that likely only has one or two ways out so that 2 guys attacking or abducting a woman while her kids scream bloody murder are going to have their lic plates, description, direction headed and probably cell phone pics disseminated to the authorities within minutes of them committing a crime.

    When we tell women to work out in a safe area, what would be better than this? What is the likelihood that 2 guys were planning to attack her under the circumstances she described? Yet merely coming into this thread and suggesting that she was probably OK gets me labeled as a troll and anti-female safety.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    People may call me whatever they want, I've run trails and country roads alone with no cell phone. Yeah, I creep myself out be it about the metal hair clip in a thunderstorm, or that guy with the broken down car, or the squirrel that makes enough noise to be a moose... So far, all of it has been in my head.
    Worst thing that ever happened to me whilst running was people making fun of me.
    Yet, statistically improbable, I had an egg thrown at me from a car, whilst I was walking my dog.

    Yeah, bad things happen, but probably not when you expect them...
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    And you're more likely to get zapped by lightning than to be attacked. It's the irrational effect of anecdotal "evidence" that makes you scared. If running outside is that scary, go hop on a treadmill at Planet Fitness.

    One in six women gets zapped by lighting?

    The chance of an average person living in the US being struck by lightning in a given year is estimated at 1 in 500,000, while the chance of being struck by lightning in a lifetime is 1 in 6250 (estimated lifespan of 80 years)

    1 in 6 female runners get attacked while running?

    Why don't you find the number of people who are struck by lightening while running and I will find the number that are attacked and we will see which one is bigger?

    Here's mine:

    Can't open that one right now, but I think it's one that I've read before. Isn't it saying that violent acts against runners is very rare? I'm only going off the url so I can easily be mixing it up with another article I read recently

    Its less rare than being injured in a car accident but more rare than being killed in one. Which isn't particularly rare - and we also avoid people who are driving erratically. It's even appropriate to call the police before they hurt somebody.

    I'm read it later when I'm in my cpu. My phone is being a jerk right now. But by all means women (and men) should be aware of their surroundings and take proper precautions.

    My main point is that in most of these threads, the only thing required for everyone to agree that women should be scared for their lives and call the authorities is that 1) there's a man in the trail, and 2) she's on the trail too. There's never an actual attack, just a chorus of people stating that if a woman doesn't like the look (or mere presence) of a man she absolutely should cross the street/call the cops/shoot him in the face.

    Honest to God I'm sick and tired of having the cops called on me because I had the audacity to run in my own neighborhood. I walk from my house and they live far enough to have to drive there, but they are the ones acting like I don't belong.

    That doesn't quite describe the OP.

    The thing is that women are constantly being told that we are crazy and making this stuff up...until we aren't and then we should have been more careful and avoided the area/called the police.

    ETA: I'm also tired of being warned about the dangers of after-dark activity. I'm 42 f'n years old. What do you want to do about it?

    It never quite does, but that's mostly because the OP always gets to frame the parameters of the story. No one is going to purposely describe a situation in a way that puts them in a bad light.

    But still, let's look at this one a bit closer. Broad daylight, public place, with her kids on bikes, in an area where other people are around and have clear lines of sight, and is in an area that likely only has one or two ways out so that 2 guys attacking or abducting a woman while her kids scream bloody murder are going to have their lic plates, description, direction headed and probably cell phone pics disseminated to the authorities within minutes of them committing a crime.

    When we tell women to work out in a safe area, what would be better than this? What is the likelihood that 2 guys were planning to attack her under the circumstances she described? Yet merely coming into this thread and suggesting that she was probably OK gets me labeled as a troll and anti-female safety.

    If they were security, they would have been in a clearly marked car with clear identification. When my mom was attacked with a guy with a knife, who tried to force her into his car, it was in broad daylight with other people around and right across the street from her apartment building. She still has the scars on her hand from that attack.

    Your answer to this, is that women should be less vigilant because you've had to spend two minutes talking to the cops a few times.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Seriously ladies, cover it up a little. I know someone's going to call this slut-shaming, but it's just common sense. If you've got 90% of your body exposed or even are wearing totally skintight clothing then yes, you will attract more attention than a woman in less revealing clothes. I'm not saying you automatically become safe by dressing more modestly, but it's just one more little safety step you can take.

    To the OP: I'm not sure why anyone would find running in a cemetery disrespectful as long as there's no funeral happening. The people below the ground don't care: they're dead. It's the living you need to worry about, and as long as you don't bother them, they shouldn't be bothered by you.

    Clothing works with lions and wild dogs too.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I don't think you are anti-safety. And I get what you are saying. And honestly, now a day later and calmed down, you are right. I was safe enough probably. But I didn't panic, I didn't run screaming to my car and roll out tires squealing, I didn't call the police. I pretended they didn't bother me, and went about my business while keeping an eye on them. But It did creep me out then, because I started thinking what if crap in my head. And it made me wonder if I should have handled it differently.

    But I am not the kind of woman who instantly thinks all men are murdering rapists. If I passed you, jogging down the street, and we pass each other and you give the "hey-hows it going" head nod, it wouldn't bother me a bit. I would nod back and keep going. It wouldnt bother me a bit if we happened to be in the same parking lot, tying our shoes or something, and you struck up a conversation. But there is a line between being a friendly person, and being a creeper. The first time they passed and kind of waved, no big deal, that's what people do. The second time they passed and slowed and I watched them watch me as they went by, and even further through the side view mirror, okay that was creepy. The third time, when they actually stopped in my path and got out, and I had to stop short and change direction to avoid passing them within arms reach, that was crossing the line. That place is very large, there are 6 lanes that cut across, and two lanes going down each side. They didn't have to choose mine each time. That's the part that worried me.

    But I do get what you are saying, for the most part, yeah it was not a cool thing for them to do, but they weren't going to abduct and murder me in full view of witnesses.

    And I don't think you were the one who said it, but in reference to the pp about "slut shaming" and women should be decent and all that. For the record on that, I was decent, no short shorts, and no boobage on display. I have little girls that I have to set examples for. And I'm trying to do that by showing them to have respect for themselves and their bodies, and to be strong and healthy.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I don't think I would run there anymore. Not because I think running in a cemetery is bad (I wouldn't do it, it's not really a "thing" people do here) but because it's too secluded. This is a very bad thing.

    I run only on public streets, heavily trafficked ones.

    We have a great running (trail) park here that I love love love to run at. But, we had a jogger across town get stabbed while at a similar park and that's all it took for my husband to tell me NO (he's a sheriff so, he is super conservative on where I run without him).

    As long as you run towards traffic and keep your eyes peeled for cars turning, you will be much safer in the long run then running at a semi secluded cemetery.

    ETA that I was attacked by a large breed dog and was able to defend myself with just my body. It was inside my neighborhood prior to hitting the streets.

    I would be more worried about animals (as long as you are on a busy street) than a person attacking you.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Seriously ladies, cover it up a little. I know someone's going to call this slut-shaming, but it's just common sense. If you've got 90% of your body exposed or even are wearing totally skintight clothing then yes, you will attract more attention than a woman in less revealing clothes. I'm not saying you automatically become safe by dressing more modestly, but it's just one more little safety step you can take.

    To the OP: I'm not sure why anyone would find running in a cemetery disrespectful as long as there's no funeral happening. The people below the ground don't care: they're dead. It's the living you need to worry about, and as long as you don't bother them, they shouldn't be bothered by you.

    the 1800s called and they want their Victorian Age mindset back
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    Your answer to this, is that women should be less vigilant because you've had to spend two minutes talking to the cops a few times.

    try answering "what are you doing here" to men with guns and badges from the time you are 12 till the time you die and get back to me on if it's a big deal or not.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Seriously ladies, cover it up a little. I know someone's going to call this slut-shaming, but it's just common sense. If you've got 90% of your body exposed or even are wearing totally skintight clothing then yes, you will attract more attention than a woman in less revealing clothes. I'm not saying you automatically become safe by dressing more modestly, but it's just one more little safety step you can take.

    To the OP: I'm not sure why anyone would find running in a cemetery disrespectful as long as there's no funeral happening. The people below the ground don't care: they're dead. It's the living you need to worry about, and as long as you don't bother them, they shouldn't be bothered by you.

    First post. I call troll on this one.
  • RushBabe_214
    Seriously ladies, cover it up a little. I know someone's going to call this slut-shaming, but it's just common sense. If you've got 90% of your body exposed or even are wearing totally skintight clothing then yes, you will attract more attention than a woman in less revealing clothes. I'm not saying you automatically become safe by dressing more modestly, but it's just one more little safety step you can take.

    To the OP: I'm not sure why anyone would find running in a cemetery disrespectful as long as there's no funeral happening. The people below the ground don't care: they're dead. It's the living you need to worry about, and as long as you don't bother them, they shouldn't be bothered by you.

    the 1800s called and they want their Victorian Age mindset back

    ^ This. Seriously.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    And you're more likely to get zapped by lightning than to be attacked. It's the irrational effect of anecdotal "evidence" that makes you scared. If running outside is that scary, go hop on a treadmill at Planet Fitness.

    I don't know what denomination they are. It really doesn't matter. The pastor's wife comes there to walk. She said the way they see it is that if they allow kids/families to be there, then at least they are on safe streets and not on the back roads were traffic is uncontrolled and they are at risk for getting injured. She said their board (of deacons or directors??) voted on it and it was agreed, and as long as people were respectful and there was no vandalism, they would continue to allow it.

    But in any case, there is no PF within 75 miles of me. If there was, it sounds great, $10/month and pizza on Mondays. Heck yeah, I'm in.

    But seriously, there is only one gym in my area and I can't really afford a membership right now. Which is why have been trying new, free, out of doors things for my fitness.

    So, thanks for your input.