Horse People, where are you? Whinny if you can hear me!



  • dawnllambert
    Hello fellow Dressage rider! I hear you. Dressage demands so much (human) fitness. I've made a commitment as we'll. my amazon princess, Leviosa, is a big 17.2 Oldenburg. So challenging to keep that girl together!
    I've started watching what I eat, and have a new fitness regime, with an personal trainer that specializes in the biomechanics of human to horse.
    Ride 4x a week and to the gym 3x a week. I have a bad knee, and I'm blessed that I've a passion for a sport that doesn't require running!
    My inspirations for getting fit:
    - The amount of money we spend on our horses is outrageous! To get the most out our *ahem* "investment", we need to be fit.
    - Those beautiful dressage riders! They are all slim and easily wrap their legs around their mounts. I need that! :)
    - The ability to take our horses, and ourselves, "to the next level".

    A good ride makes my day! Having the energy and fitness to do so makes me happy. That's it in a nutshell.
  • granturismo
    granturismo Posts: 232 Member
    I started lessons in my late 20s and kept them up for almost the past 20 years. I had a bad fall a few years ago over a jump, had two spinal surgeries and was out of work for a few months. I love being around horses so have given up jumping and now get a flat lesson once a week. This can be difficult at times as my centre of gravity is slightly out so sometimes I dont notice that one stirrup might be a different length to the other.

    Its a little bit of exercise for me and but more importantly my time out.

    My lumbar spine is now slightly curved where it shouldnt be, so I need to do plenty of core exercises and also need to lose weight.

    We bought a 14h pony for our teenage daughter and now I spend every 2nd weekend driving them around to shows. Money pit but it keeps her very fit working around the livery yard and riding through the week.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Haven't posted in months. I broke 7 ribs in July and amazingly I'm still healing. However, I could have been riding but we had the most horrible winter ever here in the Chicago area. It was finally warm enough to ride last weekend so here I am. Before I broke my ribs I had gone from 186 to 156 pounds. Now, back to 186. Living in a chair hasn't helped and no riding definitely didn't help. But I'm back and going to ride myself back to 156. (Darn picture came out too big. Can't see my gorgeous horse)

  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Yay, equestrians!

    I try to ride atleast 3x a week. 1 lesson and 2 practice days. I don't own any horses, but I have the pleasure of working with 7 horses in exchange for working in the barn. They are a great mix of polo, eventer, hunter, OTTBs. And, as I said I take 1 lesson a week on top of that. So, barn chores and riding definitely keep me busy!

    However, I have a hard time with my eating habits lately! Running home from the barn and just picking up a pizza and a bottle of soda. That has to stop!!! Have to get back on track, as a couple of years ago I lost around 30 lbs. Thankfully, none of it has come back, but I definitely just feel DIFFERENTLY right now. So, back to counting calories it is!
  • germanveg
    germanveg Posts: 15
    I see that the original post is two years old, but oh well. I love talking about my horse :D I haven't ridden in a few years because I got so out of shape. I purchased a yearling Tennessee Walking Horse last year, thinking I'd be in shape by the time he's ready to go under saddle. So far, so good! He goes for saddle training in a year, so I have lot of time to lose the rest of my weight and get more flexible (and stronger). I'm hoping to do endurance riding with him (non-competitive) someday.

    Hope this photo works. This is my gelding at 13 months at his old home, a 2000 acre cattle ranch. He's 23 months old tomorrow, so it's an old pic, but it's my favorite shot of him :)

  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi horsey people!

    I have started dressage lessons after a very long 20 year break from riding and loving it. Currently riding a 17hh TB ex-eventer and a 15hh QH. Don't have any of my own but hope to own my own horse again one day in the next year or so. I love
    Arabians and Quarter horses and will probably get a Quarab. I also love going out bush riding and would love to do endurance riding.

    My instructor has recommended yoga and swiss ball excersises as things to add to my fitness training to improve my seat and core strength/balance, and riding without stirrups is great as well.
  • germanveg
    germanveg Posts: 15
    My instructor has recommended yoga and swiss ball excersises as things to add to my fitness training to improve my seat and core strength/balance, and riding without stirrups is great as well.

    I was hoping yoga would help me with my balance. And flexibility. I got out of shape and lost the little bit of flexibility I had. It's amazing how hard something simple like reaching a stirrup with your foot from the ground can get when you're out of shape :/ lol
  • rubystar2
    Hi All,
    I no this is an old post but would love to connect with horesy people! I have a QH and do trail riding and campdrafting. :smile:
  • Lauriegirl530
    Neighghghgh I am too.
    I have 3 horses, in Wisconsin, no indoor except when I can haul to, very little riding has been happening, but a whole lot of barn work has been.
    Weather looks to be getting better and I am crazy to get riding regularly.
  • crazyqueencarla
    crazyqueencarla Posts: 38 Member
    I had a horse when I was younger... sadly I had to find him a new, more enjoyable home when I went to college. After that, I gained and gained and gained to the point where I would not have/should not have been able to ride.
    So, my big reward when I get down under the 200's is to go on a trail ride. ^_^ it's something I'm looking forward to big time. I think when I get even lower I'm going to start taking lessons and get back into it.
  • germanveg
    germanveg Posts: 15
    I had a horse when I was younger... sadly I had to find him a new, more enjoyable home when I went to college. After that, I gained and gained and gained to the point where I would not have/should not have been able to ride.
    So, my big reward when I get down under the 200's is to go on a trail ride. ^_^ it's something I'm looking forward to big time. I think when I get even lower I'm going to start taking lessons and get back into it.

    My horse is one of my main motivations for weight (other than health, family, etc....). I miss going riding. It's been years. I quit after I started gaining large amounts of weight. I bought my horse as a yearling last October hoping that I'd be in shape by the time he goes under saddle (spring 2015!). :)
  • germanveg
    germanveg Posts: 15
    Hi All,
    I no this is an old post but would love to connect with horesy people! I have a QH and do trail riding and campdrafting. :smile:

    Hi! I'm a trail rider, too. I am on some horse sites and one of them has a group for riders that are trying to lose weight, but there are always jerks that go on there to tell people they're too big for their horses so I tend to avoid posting on there.

    I've never heard of campdrafting. I don't do a lot of western stuff, but my horse was born and raised on a cattle ranch so it should be in his blood lol.
  • germanveg
    germanveg Posts: 15
    Neighghghgh I am too.
    I have 3 horses, in Wisconsin, no indoor except when I can haul to, very little riding has been happening, but a whole lot of barn work has been.
    Weather looks to be getting better and I am crazy to get riding regularly.

    I'm like this in the summer. I can't tolerate heat above 80 and I live in Dallas, TX -_- I'll try to see my gelding early morning or late at night for some attention, but not going to seriously work with him until it starts cooling down lol.
  • SarahG626
    SarahG626 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm not sure how active everyone still is on this post, but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. I live in Central Ohio and do not currently own any horses. My family did have 4 Belgians (draft horses) but my Dad sold them about 10+ years ago. I started riding reiners (taking lessons) a few years ago and found a new trainer in late 2012. I am leasing one of my trainer's mother-in-law's horses. I showed in reining and reined cow horse shows last year. So far this year we've had 1 of each show and I've already set 2 personal bests at each, winning to Green 2 class at the NRHA show last weekend. I am not yet sure how to upload a picture here and have a picture ordered from the NRHA show so when it gets here, I will attempt to upload it.

    Looking for some active MFP people to add as friends. Need supportive cheerleaders here to keep my motivation going! Feel free to add me with "horses" in the message. :) Happy riding to everyone!
  • 03428
    03428 Posts: 48 Member
    Here! Trek leader/riding instructor, proud of my little ponies
  • gcbma
    gcbma Posts: 112 Member
    Horse lover here too!! I am losing weight so that I and the horse can be more comfortable. That's not the only reason, but it's a big reason! I stopped riding when I got pregnant (over three years ago), and just haven't had much time. As my kiddo gets older, and I hopefully continue to lose weight, I AM going to get back in that saddle!
  • 12by21
    12by21 Posts: 2
    I've been showing AQHA/APHA horses since I was two! Riding isn't a reason for me to lose weight but it does make you look better in show clothes :)
  • OPile
    OPile Posts: 104 Member
    Thought I'd resurrect this to see if there are any horse people still around. I have a 17hh 8 yo hunter, a 15.3hh 11 yo lusitano, a 10 month old lusitano colt and a welsh pony. I started losing weight to be less heavy on my lusitano and to look better at a big show (Royal Windsor) that we showed at last weekend. I wanted to have lost 35 pounds by then, I'd lost 33 which was ok.

    Anyway. Any horse people want to add me please?

  • ilikesloths7
    I went to Royal Windsor show this year! Not showing, just spectating. I went on the Thursday. Great fun :)

    Another horse lover here :D

    I have a 15.1hh 16 year old (who acts like a 3 year old...) Connemara and a 15.3hh 18 year old Welsh/Warmblood cross who's currently out on loan. and I ride a friend's lil' fat cob a few days a week :)

    I'm working towards doing the Newmarket Heath sponsored ride in August atm!
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm a horse person, add me if you like! I have a 9yo Quarter mix mare. I love her, but she's only 14:2 so I feel bad about riding her since I weigh so much! She's one of my motivations to get into shape.