losing a jean size..



  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    i'm just curious how long or how much weight it took before you lost a jean size? I realize that everyone is different.. but i'm just curious because one of my biggest goals is to fit into a pair of jeans that is far too small for me!
    A few weeks
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Haven't lost a size yet. I'm so bummed - I really want to go shopping for new clothes!!
  • allstarlolo
    Current size 16 and 15 lbs down...have yet to drop a size!
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Not sure I can help with the lose a pant size, but i do know the opposite. I went from a juniors 5/6 jean US to size 8 with only a 10lb gain size 10 juniors and 12 juniors seem to be a 15 lb difference. I have heard that the larger sizes take longer to drop. Heck a size 5 juniors and too much salt can mean your pants are too tight :frown:
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    Switch brands. For instance, switch from a Gap size 6 to Chico's size 0. LOL
  • Cyndesire
    Cyndesire Posts: 56 Member
    Wow, everyone is really different here. I am down 65 lbs and started at a 22. I can get into a 14 now. I carry most of my weight in my hips and thighs. I hope to see a size 10 by August.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I've lost 12lbs since Sept and have NOT lost a jean size. Of course I was pushing the limits of my jeans then and now they are pretty comfortable. So I don't know, maybe 15lbs? I'm also 5'9".
  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
    It depends on a lot of factors.....I'm 5'2" and started in size 24 mostly (some 26, some 22). I've lost 18 pounds and haven't changed sizes yet. I started at 293 and am at 275 now, my pants are getting a bit looser, but not enough to change a size yet.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    ive only lost 9 pounds and i already fit comfortably into jeans i could not close before. :)
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    I have just dropped a size within the last week or so. It took me almost 30lbs before it happened. I went from a 16 to a 14.
  • JengaJess
    JengaJess Posts: 109 Member
    I've lost 10 lbs and my size 12 pants are getting too big.
    But at the same time, size 10 pants aren't fitting very comfortably. Still feel a little too tight.
    So I'm giving it another few weeks before I start switching sizes.
    I'd love to be in the single digits.
  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    I'm 5'10" male. Went from 215 to 160. My jean size went from 38 to 32.

    I doubt that there is a certain number of pounds for each size because of fat placement on different individuals, and even if you hold body type constant, it's probably more of a percentage of fat lost instead of a set number of pounds. For example from 38 to 36 size for me might have been 18 pounds, but going from 26 to 34 was another 15 pounds, and from 34 to 32 may have been another 10 pounds. (just throwing out examples) Or maybe it is actually fewer pounds per size difference when you are "largish" than when you get smaller.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    In ~4 months I've lost 13 lbs, from the 170s to the 150s, and I haven't lost any jeans sizes. I'm still a 12, though I have lost inches in my waist and hips so the 12 fit me differently. 10 is still way too tight though.

    I was told 10 lbs per traditional size 12, 10, 8 etc... but it doesn't happen like that for everyone.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I think it depends how much you weigh and wear you carry your weight.

    When I started I was 245lbs, I waited for a loss of 20-30 lbs and then I had dropped 2 sizes.

    Currently I am high 150's and I wear a 6 or 8...
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    I've gone from a very tight 10 to a comfortable 8 after losing 14 lbs.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I'm down 18lb and haven't lost a jean size. I carry most of my weight on my thighs though. I have gone down 1 size in tops.
  • Alex_murphyy
    Alex_murphyy Posts: 50 Member
    I lost about 75 lbs total and went from an Old Navy pant size 14-16 to 2. That said, I didn't really start dropping sizes until I'd lost the first 35 ish lbs or so. Seemed like an eternity before I started needing new clothes, then like I was constantly having to replace them!

    I agree with this post! I have lost 19lbs and i can feel my pants getting looser but I havent lost a size yet.
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    The replies here just goes to show how it is different for everyone. Even sizes! Someone said in the high 150's they wear a 6/8 at that weight I fit in a 10. I think height and where you carry your weight makes a difference.

    On to your question! lol A few years ago I lost 30 lbs and went from a size 14 to a 10...so 2 sizes after 30 lbs.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I think it depends on 1 body shape, 2. starting point. I am pear shaped and for me it's about 10 pounds at least to see the size getting looser, another 10, perhaps to lose a true size. however my waist is always the first to go. So losing weight for me is kinda awkward to buy pants.
  • leon0897
    leon0897 Posts: 35 Member
    Well I've lost about 16 pounds so far and haven't really noticed a size drop. My pants are really baggy though but I'm not going to buy any pants until I can fit into a 38 waste (currentyly 42 but probably closer to a 41 or 40 now). I'm hoping to get into the 230's by the end of this month which will be the lightest that I have been in years. I'm focused man!