Trying to gain muscle, how much should I eat/exercise?



  • tinarae62
    tinarae62 Posts: 6 Member
    Exercise can be really dangerous during anorexia recovery. Depending on a lot of factors (the length of time the disease was active, how long you've been eating at a higher intake, how much mass you lost and how much you've gained back, etc.), you could still be very much at risk for a heart attack. Someone else may be able to tell you when it's safe to start exercising, but at 5'6" and 100 pounds, it's probably not safe for you to be doing weightlifting. 2000 calories sounds low for someone in recovery, too (I'm in no way an expert, but from what I've seen, a lot of people cite 2500 as being a good ballpark).

    Please, please, please talk to a doctor who specializes in anorexia recovery. I'm not trying to shut you down or criticize you, and if you're already under the care of a treatment team that's wonderful. A lot of the advice you've gotten isn't geared toward or appropriate for someone recovering from anorexia, and I'm worried that you could get hurt.

    thank you, I really appreciate you concern and kind words. I probably should have been more specific, but I was anorexic from the age of 14-18, and at nearly 20 years old now I still struggle with it occasionally. I have bipolar depression and anxiety so sometimes it's hard for me to eat. but on a brighter note I'm eating at least three meals a day as best I can, and I'm trying to eat more healthy foods and increase protein and vegetables. but I love sugar too hahaha. I've never talked to a doc about my anorexia, I've always felt like they wouldn't care, but it's something to think about for sure(: thanks for your help!
  • tinarae62
    tinarae62 Posts: 6 Member
    I would like to gain roughly ten pounds and tone throughout my body. I'm 5' 6" and 100 lbs. I do 20-30 squats and 20-30 lunges every day, 20-30 bench push-ups, and workout my core for about fifteen minutes every day. Several times a week I hike for about an hour or two. My concern is that I haven't gained a pound, although I do look more toned than before and notice my strength and stamina have improved. Before I could barely do five push-ups or ten squats a day. Any who, I would appreciate any advice on what my calorie intake should be, I would say I eat about 2000 a day. I don't always have time to eat healthy but I'm working on this as well. My main goal in the long run is to get a butt(: Thanks for your help!
    Given your post below sounds like you excise a fair bit. When I'm doing a lot of exercise I need about 3000-4000 cals to keep me from losing weight. So I'd say 2500 is a good place to start (if you're keeping up with your activity). Look up TDEE calculator. And don't underestimate your activity level.

    If you're recovering from anorexia like you said, sometimes the increase in cals can feel like quite the unbearable punch. Increase gradually (but progressively, just like weight training). Snack on high cal foods but keep it nutritious: avocados, salads with dressings, edamame, plus topped with seeds/nuts, meats with currys with coconut milk etc. That way the quantity of food isn't such a punch in the face either. Eat early! Eat often! Eat late! Food is a beautiful thing that can help fuel for a beautiful body. I'm glad you're trying to recover. Goodluck to you. Keep in mind many people here are over weight and trying to lose. Don't let that skew your thoughts into doing what those around you are doing.

    Just to give you an idea this is the difference of me putting on 10 lbs of weight:

    If you ask me my bum looks way better now ;)

    thanks so much for your advice! yeah typically when I hike and do a workout in the same day I eat probably closer to 3000 calories. and I've definitely decided I should increase to at least 2500 a day to see progressive weight gain. and great idea about healthy snacks like you mentioned, I'll try eating more healthy foods like that too(: thank you!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Please, please, please talk to a doctor who specializes in anorexia recovery. I'm not trying to shut you down or criticize you, and if you're already under the care of a treatment team that's wonderful. A lot of the advice you've gotten isn't geared toward or appropriate for someone recovering from anorexia, and I'm worried that you could get hurt.
    This. Being under a doctor's care is essential. Please do not try to do this without help from professionals.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Also, as far as how much you should exercise, lifting three times per week is enough. Plenty of rest will help you gain your muscle, and burn fat at the same time.


    Here's a question for you. How do you build muscle?

    Here's another question. How do you burn fat?
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Stronglit 5x5 is a highly recommended novice (as in, anyone who has less than a year of seriosu strength training) strength training programme. It's relatively simple, and has you gradually increasing weights each week. It also has you squatting three times a week which will get you that *kitten* you want in no time!

    I'm a couple of weeks in, and trying to eat a 500-1000 calorie excess each day, with around 1gram of protein for every lb of body weight.

    Feel free to add me, also.

    Just so you know, when someone mentions that they have anorexia, we leave giving advice to the handful of people that really know what they're doing. You know that because they always advise the OP to go back to their doctor. They usually have to repair metabolic damage first.

    Women can only gain .25 lb per week in muscle so it is recommended they go for .5 gain a week. That's 1700 cals pw, about 250 cals extra a day.

    Good luck on your bulk!
  • Don't forget the importance of carbohydrates when building muscle. After a workout the body needs the carbs to help in the repair and building of the torn muscles. Yes protein is vital for energy.....but carbs are vital in an average or under weight person trying to build.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I was going to pick up on the 500-1000 thing, but he did specify that was what he was doing.
    I suggested 250-400 on the basis that it's quite likely, I would say OP would at the same time find herself burning more calories from BMR, which would use up more calories.

    As it goes, I'm planning my bulk on a fairly strict 250 cals extra a day - I know I may not get the gains I might from higher calories, but that should give me minimial fat gain as I still need to lose some fat.

    Also to note that while it doesn't hurt, you shouldn't need 1g/lb of body weight when bulking - when in a calorie surplus your body doesn't need as much protein because you should have plenty of energy from carbs, so the protein can be more purely directed towards muscle growth.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    I was worrying about you last night and called my psychologist friend who specializes in eating disorder recover stuff. She said no sane professional would be allowing you to exercise until your BMI was in a healthy range. She said even with weight training it should be held off until the patient is in a healthy weight range because the danger is so high. Please seek some professional help. If you aren't going to do that, you need to focus on gaining weight first, exercise once you are in a healthier weight zone. Professional help is your best option. You said you are formerly anorexic, but a BMI of 16.1 suggests you are very much still struggling with this issue. Take care.:flowerforyou:
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    2000 calories perday is perfect for building muscle .. idk if your hiking 1 -2 hrs perday but if you are i think you should go a bit into
    2290.. calories sometimes not all the time because it seems a bit intense depending on your speed or how high the hike you may burn2600 max at the end of the day + also add your normal workout routine with the squats ect . ( just advice your choice )
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in addition to the professional advice others have stated..I would add the following..

    lift heavy using compound movements < starting strength and new rules of lifting for woman are great resources…
    set macro % to 40 protein, 30 fats, 30 carbs
    eat about 100 to 200 calories over maintenance a day …
    work out in the four set range about 8-10 reps each ..

    repeat until you get desired results..
    good luck to you
  • rainbowxelephant
    rainbowxelephant Posts: 71 Member
    I was worrying about you last night and called my psychologist friend who specializes in eating disorder recover stuff. She said no sane professional would be allowing you to exercise until your BMI was in a healthy range. She said even with weight training it should be held off until the patient is in a healthy weight range because the danger is so high. Please seek some professional help. If you aren't going to do that, you need to focus on gaining weight first, exercise once you are in a healthier weight zone. Professional help is your best option. You said you are formerly anorexic, but a BMI of 16.1 suggests you are very much still struggling with this issue. Take care.:flowerforyou:

    Agreed, keeping your bodyweight under 85% of the expected minimum clinically classifies you as still very much anorexic.

    Please please PLEASE don't start lifting, please stop working out in general, and see a doctor. Get on a meal plan. You need to gain until a bmi of about 20 before you should even consider lifting or really working out. Honestly, you have much more than 10 pounds to gain. Speaking as a former anorexia sufferer who is weight restored- eat. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you.
  • matt6050
    matt6050 Posts: 56 Member
    I would like to gain roughly ten pounds and tone throughout my body. I'm 5' 6" and 100 lbs. I do 20-30 squats and 20-30 lunges every day, 20-30 bench push-ups, and workout my core for about fifteen minutes every day. Several times a week I hike for about an hour or two. My concern is that I haven't gained a pound, although I do look more toned than before and notice my strength and stamina have improved. Before I could barely do five push-ups or ten squats a day. Any who, I would appreciate any advice on what my calorie intake should be, I would say I eat about 2000 a day. I don't always have time to eat healthy but I'm working on this as well. My main goal in the long run is to get a butt(: Thanks for your help!
    Given your post below sounds like you excise a fair bit. When I'm doing a lot of exercise I need about 3000-4000 cals to keep me from losing weight. So I'd say 2500 is a good place to start (if you're keeping up with your activity). Look up TDEE calculator. And don't underestimate your activity level.

    If you're recovering from anorexia like you said, sometimes the increase in cals can feel like quite the unbearable punch. Increase gradually (but progressively, just like weight training). Snack on high cal foods but keep it nutritious: avocados, salads with dressings, edamame, plus topped with seeds/nuts, meats with currys with coconut milk etc. That way the quantity of food isn't such a punch in the face either. Eat early! Eat often! Eat late! Food is a beautiful thing that can help fuel for a beautiful body. I'm glad you're trying to recover. Goodluck to you. Keep in mind many people here are over weight and trying to lose. Don't let that skew your thoughts into doing what those around you are doing.

    Just to give you an idea this is the difference of me putting on 10 lbs of weight:

    If you ask me my bum looks way better now ;)

    thanks so much for your advice! yeah typically when I hike and do a workout in the same day I eat probably closer to 3000 calories. and I've definitely decided I should increase to at least 2500 a day to see progressive weight gain. and great idea about healthy snacks like you mentioned, I'll try eating more healthy foods like that too(: thank you!

    you guys are amazing! I'm recovering right now and just wanted to interject and say how inspiring ^this is. thank you!