Not Hungry, Not Losing Weight

My metabolism took a dump the last few years. I went from 130lbs at 5'5" to my recent heaviest at 153lbs :/ I eat great, caloric deficit, and workout 5-6 times a week. I'm really at a loss and feeling more discouraged than ever. I don't drink alcohol anymore which I figured would help with something but no it hasn't. I am extra confused because I don't ever feel hungry. I eat because I know I need to especially with my activity levels. Should I only eat when/if I'm hungry?! I have wanted to try that to see if listening to my body would help but I could seriously get by with very little if that's the case and I'm concerned that may not be a good idea. I'm already struggling with getting enough as is.

Side Note- The doctor said I had subclinical hypothyroid, which I'm being treated for. I thought the meds were supposed to make a difference but I haven't seen any over the past few months. Also I work 12hr shifts at a desk job with no breaks, so I'm sure this doesn't help....but I pack my ISObag with healthy food for the shift and still stay active.

Anybody going through something similar or have any tips? I'd just like to be back to 135lbs :/


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Use 1 of the many calculators that are floating around here (links in just about every post), figure out your TDEE and take a cut from that (20%) or so.. and go from there..

    Depending what you used to eat calorie wise, you may not feel hungry anymore.. that doesn't mean anything.. your past the listening to your body stage.

    I am guessing with you being 5'5 and 150, working out 5-6 times a week you should be eating somewhere between 1600-1800 calories.. so since I can't see your diary and you say your not hungry I am guessing your around 1000.. will just guess here but you probably need more protein as well. (120g)

    I know, how can I eat that much? Try it and see.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    Thank you @Greenrun99. Your estimate for my calories I'm eating now is probably about right. I'm trying to eat more but might have to do gradual increase or eat more calorie dense foods. The food I eat is very healthy and filling, not high calories so I'd have to eat A LOT. Your estimate for how much I should be consuming is way higher than what I am currently, I will try to fix that!