How do you compensate for binge eating?

hi guys! Just wondering how do you compensate for binge eating? I separate it from cheat days. I have 1 cheat day a week but there are times when I just can't control myself and eat a lot specially on my period when I get a lot of sweet cravings or those days when people bring home my favorite treats. I just consumed about 3,000 calories last Wednesday and I already had a cheat day on Sunday and had my birthday on Saturday so I felt really upset that I ate so much calories in a week so right now I'm trying to eat less (like 200-400 calories a day) cause I can't go for a jog til Tuesday.


  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    at this point I'd just put it in the past and start fresh. Typically if I had one bad day I would compensate by doing the 5/2 diet and take two days of the week and only eat 500-600 calories. I don't know what your daily calorie allotment is but you may not have room to correct it.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Lol, hate myself for it for about a week.. Then begin again!
  • FatGuyNL
    FatGuyNL Posts: 23 Member
    Binge eating (for me it usually lasts a few days, usually a weekend) just inspires me to get my s**t together and work harder in the gym the next time out, so I make myself pay in the weight room or doing cardio.

    A month ago I started drinking 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar in water 20 minutes before I'm going to pig out to help keep the blood sugar relatively stabilized.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    Be extra careful, ask is this really worth it? Get right back on track, and stick your guns girl.Drink a lot of water, and keep busy, maybe stay active in another way forr an hour or two, and it will still be considered exercise. Good luck.
  • Jamr8231
    Jamr8231 Posts: 73 Member
    DON'T compensate! If you do that, you'll begin a vicious cycle which will be almost impossible to break.

    Tomorrow's a new day. Eat normally and exercise as usual.
  • AjaGracie
    DON'T compensate! If you do that, you'll begin a vicious cycle which will be almost impossible to break.

    Tomorrow's a new day. Eat normally and exercise as usual.

    Agreed. Don't punish yourself for making a mistake, start fresh the next day and remember your body is your temple. Treat it right <3
  • yourpalsoap
    DON'T compensate! If you do that, you'll begin a vicious cycle which will be almost impossible to break.

    Tomorrow's a new day. Eat normally and exercise as usual.

  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Yeah, you really can't compensate for it. You just have to get back on track.
  • Synthemesc94
    I don't compensate naturally. I used to be anorexic and now I sometimes struggle with binge eating periods when I'm stressed. The one thing that really helped me was not counting those days and just try to do better the next days. I also have experienced that a binge day or even two does NOTHING with my weight.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    While I will admit to sometimes attending a cardio class I normally wouldn't in an attempt to undo certain dietary indiscretions, other times I simply have to scrap a week or two. It's a marathon, not a sprint :smile:
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    I don`t. I forget about it and move on with life.
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    I wish I could help but I am still working through it myself. I just logged in baked ziti into the calorie calculator to try and use some logic to abstain. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
  • tannadine
    tannadine Posts: 115 Member
    This is so hard for me too - the past two days I've felt have been very 'binge-y' after almost a week of being on plan. I've decided to just drink a lot of water to flush the excess salt out of my system and wait until I'm hungry again to eat again today. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow to draw a line under the excesses of the past two days.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I have a go-to one-day meal plan that's full of vegetables, has a decent amount of protein and is low in calories. I made it up myself, so it's all food I like and I do it after a heavy day (or days). I do gentle yoga or an easy walk for exercise and drink a ton of water. It's 100% mental for me: It stops a negative trend, it gives me a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day, and it puts me back on track.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    DON'T compensate! If you do that, you'll begin a vicious cycle which will be almost impossible to break.

    Tomorrow's a new day. Eat normally and exercise as usual.

    I totally agree.

    I prefer not to call mine a "binge" when I overindulge since true binge eating is a different thing to me, part of an actual disorder.

    Last night was probably my worst though since joining MFP a year ago. I had half a bottle of champagne which led me to my total calorie maximum for the day and THEN ate a bunch of Easter candy and two slices of homemade pizza late in the evening...rare for me and caused me to be over more than 700 cal. Normally I am under every day except 1-2 days per month when I go over by fewer than 200 cal.

    Today is a new day. My husband and I did a bunch of errands and a 4 mile hike. We are going out for dinner tonight. I will be back under my calorie goal today and every other day for awhile. I'm truly ok with it.

    However I will remember the yucky feeling I had last night when I went to bed, and waking in the night feeling out of it and kinda sick and sweaty...and I won't overindulge as much next time.
  • CookieNom
    CookieNom Posts: 19 Member
    As said above - compensating only leads into a cycle. If I know I'm going to have a binge, I just enjoy it and take the next day as a new day. I don't over exercise or eat too little the next day as this isn't the way to go imo.
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    I felt like I had to compensate for it cause I've seen good progress with my tummy which is my problem area and I'm trying to get it toned but I thought that me going over my daily limit would just increase the fat in my stomach and hide my abs and I don't want that to happen! lol it's pretty hard for me to get rid of my tummy fat i don't know why. but maybe I should stop putting too much pressure on myself and just start over the next day and hope that I don't do it again
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    I eat more...if youre gonna do it wrong, do it right
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    DON'T compensate! If you do that, you'll begin a vicious cycle which will be almost impossible to break.

    Tomorrow's a new day. Eat normally and exercise as usual.

    Yes. This!