Supportive friendly friends wanted

Hi, I’m new to the forum, looking for friends for motivation, advice, tips and chit chat. I’m 43yrs old, looking to lose 63lbs.


  • mandy5135
    mandy5135 Posts: 67 Member
    I've got quite a bit more to lose than you 143lbs. But I'm always looking for friendly friends. You can add me:)
  • catllew
    catllew Posts: 9 Member
    Of course, will do :)
  • ThenewCharisse
    ThenewCharisse Posts: 20 Member
    you can add me, I have 100 pounds to lose.
  • catllew
    catllew Posts: 9 Member
    Request sent :)
  • drctbone88
    drctbone88 Posts: 13 Member
    You can add me,this diet is so easy,I eat all day,you will love it
  • jpikey66
    jpikey66 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, add me too. Log in daily and diary open for you to nose at lol ????????????????????
  • MrZareba
    MrZareba Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm pretty new here also. I have to loose 30lbs, which is probably nothing in the eyes of most people, but it's more complicated than that because I'm a physical wreck. Being a half-pro basketball player in the past makes the whole situation for me really difficult, what's more disturbing is that I was never used to be on a diet. I'm trying to loose this weight for over 3 years now, unfortunately with no effects.

    I have litearally no friends here because no one from my town uses myfitnesspal, so any supportive friends will be really appreciated!
  • AliceHogan
    AliceHogan Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I've done the whole MFP before just on my own but ended up just gaining it all back so trying the whole group thing this time :) I'm quite big on the exercising and fitness side of things so I'm here for any tips if you want them
  • catllew
    catllew Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks all, will add you all to friends, and wishing you all the best on MFP, looking forward to get to know you all in the coming months :)
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Feel free to add me. My diary is open and I have logged over 1100 days. I have reached my goal but I enjoy working out and counting calories.
  • twentiesgirl_22
    twentiesgirl_22 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I joined two weeks ago and I wouldn't mind having more support. I have about 50lbs to go! Feel free to send me a friend request. :)
  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am 40 years old. I joined mfp in 2012 and lost 30 lbs which was my goal but since then I gained it all back. I am so over this so this is my first day back on track. I have been through the ups and downs of the weight lose journey so no judgement from me only support. I could use you support too. We have a hard journey ahead of us but we can do this.
  • catllew
    catllew Posts: 9 Member
    Added Amy :)
  • I am 45 years old , only started gaining after 40, need to lose 15 - 20 for my clothes to fit again. Not as much as you but seems impossible right now! Trying though.
  • wantintolose40
    wantintolose40 Posts: 28 Member
    Please anyone feel free to add me as well. I joined in 2012 but didn't stick with it ...rejoined in March of this year and I think we can always use friends for motivation and support! I want to lose 40 pounds.
  • Rocky791
    Rocky791 Posts: 52 Member
    I am new as well and you can add me! I would like to lose about 75 lbs.
  • SimplySmylin
    SimplySmylin Posts: 66 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have a little under 120 lbs to lose. I'm halfway through week 3. It will be quite a journey, but we can do it!
  • laxmi1234
    laxmi1234 Posts: 6 Member
    Please add me too. I have 100 lbs to lose too
  • HappyGramps
    HappyGramps Posts: 10 Member
    If you don't mind having an old geezer as a friend, feel free to add me. We both have about the same amount to lose, and I can use the support as well. We can do this! :smile:
  • eallen65
    eallen65 Posts: 19
    Hi Catlew, Im 48 and looking to lose around 45lbs and also get my cholesterol down, just been told I could have a heart attack within the next 10 years if I don't get myself in shape, good luck in reaching your goal. :smile: