Being made fun of

So I joined the gym today and was really motivated to work out. Once I was about to get on a machine a group of girls that looked about my age began to laugh at me and make jokes like I wasn't right there. I didn't let it stop me but I did feel really bad and uncomfortable. My question is how do you deal with people that do this kind of thing?


  • hlcook
    hlcook Posts: 92 Member
    First, I'm really sorry that happened to you.

    Second, you have a few choices:

    1 you could talk to management, depending on the gym, they may have a policy about that. At the very least they should have supportive staff that will either step in or talk to you for a few moments to help you through it.

    2. You could say something to them, it may or may not help, and I know not everyone is comfortable standing up to bullies, but you could try that.

    3. Ignore them, turn up your music and work out.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Earphones with good music :wink:

    Are you sure they were talking about you? I tend to be a bit paranoid and think people are talking about me when really their conversation has nothing to do with me ... were they pointing at your or talking about that new girl two machines down or whatever that let you know it was you? If so, I'm sorry you had to deal with that, I think we all have to put up with people like that (who, really, tend to be insecure and trying to make themselves feel better).

    And just remind yourself that in the years to come, you will be cute and fit and happy and they will probably still be sad little punks.
  • Onderwoman
    Onderwoman Posts: 130
    So I joined the gym today and was really motivated to work out. Once I was about to get on a machine a group of girls that looked about my age began to laugh at me and make jokes like I wasn't right there. I didn't let it stop me but I did feel really bad and uncomfortable. My question is how do you deal with people that do this kind of thing?

    "About your age" is around highschool age, which is where the mean little *'s commonly do this kind of stuff. Complain to the manager if its a paid gym, immature little creeps shouldn't get away with doing that.
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    Man that sucks. I am self-conscious at the gym (especially in the weights section) so this would definitely make it difficult for me to go, even though in my head I would know that THEY were wrong and petty and their laughter said way more about them than it did about me. Honestly, I would try to find a different time to go when there was less likelihood that I would run into crappy girls (e.g. super early in the a.m.).

    Mean people suck. Sorry you're dealing with this. And also, way to go on doing your workout anyway. UGH... that must have been really hard - which means you're courageous.
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    Just make it your absolute goal to go every single day and become super dupa fit, and then, a few months on when they are still sitting laughing at people, whip out your super hot body and be like "laugh at this *****es!"
  • PinkPanther318
    PinkPanther318 Posts: 81 Member

    I am sorry this happened to you. When I go to the gym I just kind of pretend everyone else is invisible because I am there to change my life not worry about what people think about me. Plus those girls should care that your there because it shows your trying to achieve your goal also. Just ignore them I know its hard but remember why you are at the gym in the first place for you not them. Best wishes! Or you could just find a better gym.
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    DAFUQ?!? I would tell the managers at the gym about those stupid bishes. That's so disrespectful and they should be booted out on their little heineys.

    You're doing great and getting in shape FOR YOU. Just try to stay focused on your goals and remember that the majority of the people at the gym aren't like that...they either don't notice you because they are too busy working out themselves or they think "that chick's doing awesome"!
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    You deal with it by remembering why you are there and putting earbuds in, listening to music and ignoring them...

    they obviously do not take their fitness as serious as you, keep on at it, you will have the last laugh when you scult the mega body they can only dream of or "photoshop" lol
  • vincimama
    Darlink - do what I do every day - remember darlink you are fabulouz - darlink don't waste time thinking about it:drinker:
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Bullies suck! If you don't take it up with management handle it how I would, get on the machine and work it about twice as well as they are even capable of. Show em what you got! Hang in there and stick with it! You can do this!!
  • AdelaideNat
    AdelaideNat Posts: 89 Member
    Put your earbuds on, hit "PLAY" on your MP3 player & do your thing ! An example --> I wear crappy old track pants & tees for my workouts...don't give a rat's a** about the fashion trend at the gym and the looks I get, I'm there for ME and ME only :) Don't let naysayers get the best of you, just get in your "zone" and give it your best !


  • amandabethc
    amandabethc Posts: 16 Member
    I"m sorry that happened to you.

    I've been there. :(
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    are you sure they were even talking about you? sometimes when we are self conscience we are paranoid....if they really were, me personally....I would have confronted them...but I have a BIG mouth that can get me in trouble!! Best to jam the tunes, ignore idiots and work your booty off!
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I'd speak with management. If it happens again, I would go directly to management with them still there and point them out to the owner/manager. That kind of behaviour is so immature and ridiculous and has no place in a gym. They're stupid.

    Just don't let it discourage you, please. Kudos to you for going to the gym and working for a better you!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    First off congrats to you for joining the gym! I have lost 120 lb and I am still terrified to go to a gym and I am 37 years old. So you're miles ahead of me right off the bat!!!

    But seriously...I agree with the others here, you have received good advice. Don't let those dumb girls take up another moment of your precious time and energy.

    I would first of all just hope that they're as lame as they sound and won't even BE there next time you are in the gym. From the sound of it they are not as focused on fitness as you are and I think it's pretty likely they will be elsewhere much of the time when you are working out.

    When you keep going there and exercising at that gym regularly you will be more in the zone and have the upper hand because you will feel comfortable as though you have every right to be there, which of course you do. I don't have firsthand experience with this in GYM setting but I do have experience with similar stuff at work or in other public places where I became more confident and comfortable once I was "a regular" and knew what I was doing and felt good about my routine :-)

    Hope this helps a little. Haters hate themselves, remember that.
  • honeyjasmine
    Unfortunately most of us have to deal with people like this. I never understood how people can make fun of someone for wanting to lose weight and be fit...there's no reason to laugh at someone making the effort to do so at the gym. This is your life, your workout, your journey. You just need to focus on that and ignore those silly girls. If anything, use their laughter and insults as motivation for you to push yourself harder and you will be the one laughing in the end. Turn up your music and do your workout. :)
  • CherryMonRose520
    CherryMonRose520 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone, I think my biggest mistake was not bringing an iPod with me smh. I just feel like I can never win, If i'm sitting in McDonalds eating a bunch of unhealthy food people stare and laugh, if i'm in a gym trying to get in shape they stare and laugh... ahh human beings are too confusing!!!
  • CherryMonRose520
    CherryMonRose520 Posts: 12 Member
    And yeah i'm pretty sure they were talking about me. I can tell from them tapping one another and pointing at me then laughing and from hearing them say she's wasting her time here. I'm a very shy person, I wish I had a big mouth lol
  • AlohaMagnum
    AlohaMagnum Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry this happened to you. Don't let it deter your from working out though. Next time you go to the gym ask to talk to the manager and explain what happened. It will at least make them aware of the situation in case there is a problem in the future. When I go to the gym I put on headphones and probably look a hot mess, but I don't care. It's one of the benefits about getting older. It's hard when you are trying to do the right thing and ignorant people try and ruin it. You are doing great, keep up the good work! If it makes you more comfortable maybe you could workout with a friend. Bullies sometimes like to target people who are alone. Keep your head up, because it's so worth it. I wish I had started taking care of my body/health at your age. You are on the right path, don't let some jerks stand in your way. Best of luck!!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Just make it your absolute goal to go every single day and become super dupa fit, and then, a few months on when they are still sitting laughing at people, whip out your super hot body and be like "laugh at this *****es!"

    Honestly ^this. I got made fun of in zumba at first, now I'm asked what I'm doing.