Down 37 pounds but don't feel successful?



  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    You are doing some great things. First, you're down 37 pounds which is amazing. You could be floating around that point where all of a sudden you will tell a difference in how much better you look..sometimes it happens within a few pounds. But it will happen.

    You are also a realist and realize that you need to lose more. Don't you see those people on here who lose some of their weight and think they look good and you think.."keep going.. you're doing great…but you're not there yet!"

    You also have great drive and are anxious to get to goal. you want to celebrate the loss..but you want to be done and at goal. That is a good sign that you will get there.

    You are well on your way..that 37 pounds is a healthy loss.. your heart is beating better…and you look better than you think.. keep it up!!! You can do it.
  • atfirstblush
    atfirstblush Posts: 88 Member
    You are definitely not alone we have all felt like that. I told my husband today that I'm so made at myself for gaining this much weight and he just said take it one week at a time. I lost 25 pounds and yet I have quite a bit more to go too. But don't you feel great? I know I do. I cleaned my entire house yesterday and didn't even get winded. I have dropped a size and I am up to 60 minutes a day on the treadmill. I try to break my weight loss into mini losses of 15 pounds at a time so it's not so overwhelming at once.
  • NegaAshley
    NegaAshley Posts: 35 Member
    I often struggle with the same feelings, but I remind myself of that cliche but useful saying, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    I know the feeling
    however you have to stop that line of thought and celebrate what you have done so far
    you could have kept doing what you were doing and you would have been heavier than when you started
    instead YOU made a change
    and there is a difference
    like the others said take a picture preferably in the same outfit
    and every month take pictures

    Also how do you feel?
    do you feel better even if you are not close to your goal weight you are lighter I bet there are lots of things you can do now that you could not do as easily before

    Keep it up
  • mistress8956
    mistress8956 Posts: 265 Member
    I feel just as large today as I did when I started. My mind knows I've lost weight, my clothes know I've lost weight and the scale tells me I lost weight! but I don't 'see it' maybe one day my head will catch up to my body. You are def not alone!
  • BurghGirl03
    I'm just getting started on my weight loss journey (I have 140 lbs to lose) and I can say in all honesty, your 33 lbs. lost is inspiring to me! I say keep up the good work and stay positive. I have this posted on my workout Pinterest board: "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily." Remember to motivate yourself every day that you're on this path in anyway you can think of. You can do it!!
  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 142 Member
    You are not alone. I've lost 21lbs, at 235 now. I'm still wearing the same clothes, no size change. And that has been pretty much my feelings. Not really feeling it as of yet, although the loss is what it is.
    I've tried to think about 10lb mini goals, but that hasn't really brought about a satisfying feeling. Its more of an acknowledgement. I think if I fit into the next size, I might feel some accomplishment . .. but parts of me think that will be about the same as the 10lb increments.
    Maybe as others have stated, the mind set takes longer to appreciate the accomplishments you've made. And maybe the trick is that we shouldn't make to much or rather expect too much with mini goals as ultimately we still have a long way to go to the ultimate goal.
    Who knows maybe we shouldn't make to much of the weight loss as we go through this process. Maybe if we make so much hoopla over various mini-weight loss goals we're setting ourselves up for feeling a failure when we don't.
    Maybe it is okay to not feel successful in the sense of celebrating so large. Maybe we should appreciate the weight loss as what it is . . . and its a process toward that ultimate goal.
    I don't fret over it. I somewhat like the thought of not making the lifestyle change a big deal. It is what it is.
    We are all so different in how we motivate and how we pursue our goal in being healthier. Just wanted you to know you are not alone.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,456 Member
    Great job losing the weight! We are like weight loss twins - I started at 240 and now at 204, wanting to eventually be 140, someday. I'm still wearing the same size pants as last year, but the shirts have gotten smaller (I know I'm not alone in dealing with this phenomenon :) My deal is binge eating - I'm trying to get back on track after going off the wall for a few months. I just keep showing up, logging my food (mostly), exercising more than I used to, and generally just being aware of my food choices, horrible or not. Good luck to you!
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    Please go out and buy a dress,nothing expensive but flattering.trying on much smaller clothes will lift you up,no doubt.
    Take care and keep going strong
  • GCF45
    GCF45 Posts: 1
    If beating up on myself worked for weight loss I could be skinny in days...but I have to face the fact it is more likely to drive me eat!

    I have friend going into have her gallbladder removed because of rapid weight loss (needed for removal of a cancerous growth) It's the fact that is encouraging me to go slow, appreciate the food I have.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Hehe take a look at my ticker. I'm in worse shape than you and yeah I totally get it. What helped me was to have clear goal points so that I could see my progress. My first goal point I have already passed. Being able to do squats and star jumps. My next goal. Which I am getting pretty close to is being able to do a genuine push up. Those made me see real progress and kept me hanging in there. After I can manage a push up my next goal will be to be able to do a pull up =)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    I don't feel successful with weight loss. Other people think I'm awesome, but I'm still the same person in a not-so-fat body.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    You have done an awesome job! I know how you feel - on one hand, you've lost so much weight, but on the other hand, there's still so far to go. Looking at the big picture can be overwhelming, but I try to focus on meeting smaller goals. Those smaller goals break up the big goal into manageable pieces.

    You've lost the amount of weight of an average 3-4 year old child. That's a lot! You've done so well, and I know you can keep going!
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    put on a pair of pants that fit when you started. then you will see the difference. that is a great accomplishment and you should feel very good about yourself. i know the person losing weight is the last person to notice because we see it everyday but others have noticed by now and yare proud of your journey. keep up the great work.
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    Totally feel the same way. As of yesterday, I hit my 100# loss mark. I still have 38# to go to meet my "rough" goal. But I too am having a hard time being proud of what I have accomplished. Just becuz I am disgusted with myself for LETTING myself get to this point in the first place. Especially since about 7 years ago, I had lost weight on South Beach and got down to about 10# more than I am right now, and due to some emotional/other stuff in my life, put it all back on. This time I know I can do it, and it's all under control, but still it's definitely a "head" thing and I realize that even after the weight issue is under control and I DO meet my goal, I'll definitely have to deal with a mental issue that will probably take even longer than it took to lose the weight. But it'll come, I know it will. In the meantime, I feel SOOO very much better, look better, my whole outlook on life is better. So it's all good. And with time, it'll all meld into one. That's my take on it. And ya, I have to do the picture thing. I've always hated pix of myself, so didn't do that. I did do the measurements, and have had to buy new unders 5 times during this journey and totally buy new clothes twice, so have a pretty small wardrobe right now. But the measurements tell it all.
  • KittyLumpkins
    KittyLumpkins Posts: 2 Member
    You sound exactly like me. Then I gave up and gained it all back. This time I know that baby steps are still steps in the right direction and this is a LOOOONG process that may take me a year (or two).
    You go girl!! You can only get to your goal by losing SOMETHING!!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    The first thing you have to do is kick that negative nancy that's in your head making you feel like a failure to the curb. She's obviously delusional, you've lost 37 pounds!!! That's AMAZING!!! So kick that negative nancy out, and keep going! You're doing awesome.

    It's a hard habit to break, I know, been there. You have to work on it every day. When you start feeling like a failure say 37 lbs!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    YES! I know all too well what you're feeling. I started at 240. Strangely, I felt "fattest" throughout the 190s-170's range. The best way I can explain it, is at 240, I was fat all over and it was proportionate. But once I hit onederland, my arms and legs thinned out, but my torso and hips were still heavy - so I looked disproportionately "fatter" in those areas. Which was a huge buzzkill when I should have been revelling in my success of a significant, fast loss. Because let's face it, you & I both started in January (or so says your profile), a year apart, and a 30+ loss in that time is quite a drastic change.

    All I can offer you is to focus on where you're going; not where you came from. Patience, dedication and perseverance. Keep at it, and DO NOT GIVE UP. Set yourself smaller, interim goals because this next part is where it's a grind. Add in an exercise goal as well (if you can) to keep yourself motivated. What worked for me was adding a secondary goal of a 500 daily calorie burn.

    And yes, there are days that I'm ashamed that I let myself get up to 240. WTF was I thinking? Why didn't I do anything earlier? However, I can't go back in time to fix that, and I'm not going to allow myself to be pessimistic and beat myself up over something I can't change. All I can do is move forward, and make sure that I NEVER allow myself to start that slide again. I'm within a pound of my original goal weight of 160. Which I'll likely pass and reduce to 155. So that in the future, should I see 160 on the scale again - early warning system alarm bells will go off, and I'll immediately take steps to correct it BEFORE I find myself at 240 again.

    And finally, you should also congratulate yourself that you realized you needed to do something at only 263 lbs. It could have been a lot higher had you done nothing for another year!
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    I feel just as large today as I did when I started. My mind knows I've lost weight, my clothes know I've lost weight and the scale tells me I lost weight! but I don't 'see it' maybe one day my head will catch up to my body. You are def not alone!

    I felt like this when I hit 35 lbs down. A friend told me to fill up a backpack with 30 lbs of weights and walk up and down the stairs a few times. It was a great demonstration of what a difference the weight loss made for me. I was huffing and puffing carrying the backpack load, while the lighter me had no troubles.

    Comparing photos helped ... and looking at your photos, it's made a big difference for you.

    Be proud of what you have done, and keep carrying on!
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