Giving up Alcohol?

I know that if I gave up alcohol, I would binge less, cut out a TON of calories each weekend, and feel better mentally and physically.
I only drink 1-2 times per week, and I don't feel a dependence on it, but it is a huge social piece of my life... Has anyone tried to give up alcohol for the sake of their fitness / health / weight loss? I would love to hear how you feel about it! :)


  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    yes for sure alcohol will make you feel hungry when your not even hungry .. i have the problem i always go over my 1850 calories when drinking alcohol i go up to almost 2500 in that day and also i only drink 2 days of the week just like you . i use to drink alcohol everyday of the week but now i do only 1 or 2 days of the week i find that beer dose'nt increase my bingeing its more so the liquor
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    As long as you fit it in your calories it's fine, I drink at least 3 days a week and I'm still loosing but I always eat less that day and have my dinner planed for after I drink so I know just what I can have. I want to cut it back to 1 day a week only but until then I just fit it in my cals.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    id recommend drinking light beer like bud light 2 cans max in the 2 days if you dont like beer .. try a boring cooler if you dont like coolers stick with liquor to 1 ounce each for them 2 days because i think 2 ounces is where you start to want to eat more likely if you drink 2 ounces in 1 day or 1 sitting
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I've never considered it. I fit it into my macros, because if I cut it out until I lose weight, I'd still have the same problem when I started drinking again. I also don't drink to the point of oblivion; usually 1-2 drinks while I'm out, and they're not calorie heavy options anyways. I think it's all about moderation. If you're drinking so much that you're blowing your calories, you can try cutting back or trying new options. If you want to do it for physical or mental health, that's definitely up to you.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    for me even if i eat b4 drinking i find myself going to the fridge for a extra meals equaling up to 800 calories max over my normal intake sometimes
  • Predat0r1502
    Predat0r1502 Posts: 45 Member
    I did it for 6 months just to test my will power.

    If anything it teaches you to go out, be social, and have fun without relying on alcohol.

    As far as weight loss goes if your will power goes out the window when you're drunk then try just drinking in moderation. If that's too difficult then I would say to cut the booze from your diet for a couple of months and see how you do.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I didn't even consider it. I make it part of my day and I plan my meals around it. But I also choose to have one or two drinks most of the time. Have I ever gone over? Yes, but then I start over and do the right thing for my body. I see this as a life journey and not an end game, so there is no way in hell I'm giving up anything that I enjoy and gives me pleasure. If it means that I lose weight more slowly, fine. If it means I'm no fitness model, fine.

    Part of this is making sure you don't binge drink and that you make good food choices around it. If you find you can only binge with drinking and end up binging with eating after drinking, then perhaps you need to take a break from drinking or figure out why drinking gives you permission to binge.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I drink what I want. What's the point of losing weight if you can't enjoy life?
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    I drink what I want. What's the point of losing weight if you can't enjoy life?
    exactly :)
  • mickey9694
    mickey9694 Posts: 74 Member
    I didn't completely cut it out but I did scale back a lot. Wasn't really that hard, I'd only have 3-4 light beers instead of the usual 8-9. Also saved me a bundle =)
  • helizi
    helizi Posts: 30 Member
    I gave it up, not for health reasons but because I was developing an unhealthy habit. I still drink socially but I don't allow myself to keep it in the house, and it seems to be working out. Since then I've had more money, better sleep and an easier time keeping to a healthy diet.
  • KezJB
    KezJB Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you, its also where alot of my cals come from, not from the drinks themselves either, but from the binge eating that follows! I try and limit myself and only drink socially as much as I can - not of an evening with the bf!
  • sassyred3233
    I have gone from a drink a night (or more) to a couple days a week or none at all. I cut it out not only for weightloss but it is also such a waste of money. you body processes it differently too, it goes straight to the liver. I find I lose more weight when I cut way down or completely out. you can lose weight while drinking, I just find I do better without it. I dont get the sweet cravings. For example this week I am cutting out all added sugar/drinking and trying to get back to the basics in life..... I dont feel deprived when I do it but if you struggle with it, a few drinks arent going to hurt
  • caumont290
    I cannot deal with alcohol! Omg, I am abstaining at the moment because everytime I drink it is almost always followed by a binge. I hope that I don't have to abstain for my entire life but for today I am cutting it out.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Oh no way, can't never give it up. I can control my drinking. I usually drink two to three tall glasses every weekend. So I'm still good with my weight
  • kathrynrf89
    kathrynrf89 Posts: 26 Member
    I did. Drinking is a huge part of my social life too. There are parties in our group of friends every weekend. Those parties consist of lots of crap food and social drinking. I gave up the drinking simply because I realized I was eating more pizza/chips/ etc when I was drinkng than k would sober. I told all of my friends right away that I gave up drinking for a few months while I get my weight loss journey started, and they have all been super supportive! That has made it a lot easier!
  • sonyambrown510
    I have quit drinking for 3 months now. Best thing I EVER did. I was drinking a bottle of wine almost every night, and one of the reasons I put on weight in the first place. I was also concerned about the habit I was forming and why I felt that I needed to drink that much all the time. I was also worried about the example I was setting for my girls.

    However if you are someone that can drink in moderation and it fits into the lifestyle you want for yourself then go for it.

    Quitting was the best thing I did for me, I feel better mentally and I am seeing improvements physically that just wouldn't have been possible while still drinking.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I keep trying to quit, make it a few days, then give in. I really need to stop. I am stuck on the last 10 Ibsen I want to lose and am using alcohol to avoid doing things I should be getting accomplished but after a stressful or long day it really takes the edge off. But it's a really bad habit that I need to break.
  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    I gave it up because it was packing on the pounds faster than any food. But I have one of those livers that processes alcohol at a rate 5 times slower than everyone else (science says so), so that may have been why I could literally see the weight gain after a couple of drinks.
  • SR_86
    SR_86 Posts: 58 Member
    I haven't had any alcohol since January 9th. I just got fed up of it!
    I only drank a few times a month (not every weekend) and I feel tonnes better for stopping.
    I'm not saying I'm never drinking again but I'm going to see how long I can do it for. I have had a few nights out and just had soft drinks, I didn't feel like a bore or anything! I'm maintaining but even with the extra calories I'm allowed I wouldn't want to 'waste' them on alcohol, I'd rather have food!
    (Side note, my skin is also a lot better and I used to get frequent migraines and I haven't had one at all this year. So there are other perks to giving it up too.)