My Progress-i need encouragement

rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
I still dont have anything to post here since there is really no progress yet. Though i have been dieting for 3 weeks ( less carbs more fruits and veggies) and lost 3 lbs , i still can not say i have made progress.
I will be updating this thread from time to time.

I hope to "hear" encouraging words from you guys!

Thanks in advance!


  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    This is how i look like today.

  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    You got this!
  • JenniB619
    JenniB619 Posts: 85 Member
    You can do it! I have been doing a specific program that consists of 30 minute worksouts a day and gives me the containers to proportion my food so I know what I am eating and how much I am supposed to be eating a day! Msg me if you're interested in it! I have already lost 9lbs in 3 weeks! wwoo hooo!! I can't wait to get my end results.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Welcome to MFP,

    You say you have lost 3 lbs, why do you think that's not progress . . . Think about how much 3 pounds of butter, that's a lot of fat :smile:

    I would keep that image in my mind whenever I would start thinking about the 1 pound I lost in a month, don't shortchange your efforts. I would also suggest measuring, there will be times when you will lose inches and not so many pounds.

    I am not sure if your reference to diet is meant as you are on a diet or just the general term in reference to what you are eating, more fruits and veggies are great but carbs if you mean less processed carbs, might I offer portion control over removing them from your diet. I think this helps keep people from binging and getting discouraged.

    Keep up the good work!
  • kmkgurl
    kmkgurl Posts: 321 Member
    just keep at it and you will start seeing results! =)
  • sana1314
    sana1314 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there!
    Actually your progress is great!
    You don't need to lose more than 1 pound a week, cuz your goal is to lose fat, not muscle.
    Muscles are very important in a fat burning process! What is fat? It's basically an excess energy that is stored in our bodies and you need to USE it... That's when your muscles are going to help you.
    Muscles are burning fat when you're working out or just do everyday stuff that requires some movements. But that is a complecated biochemistry with a lot of boring terms and stuff. Who cares about that when we just need to lose weight ;)
    Just remember to NEVER go on diet ESPECIALLY on a low calories one.
    Never go below 1200 cal a day.
    You body will treat a low calories diet as a famine and simply will lower your metabolism by burning your muscle. And if you'll go back to your old eating habits you'll gain even more weight. So you have to gradually change your eating habits to more healthy stuff but you can still eat a good amount of food and never starve yourself.
    So you have to gradually change your eating habits to more healthy stuff but you can still eat a good amount of food and never starve yourself.
    Keep % of protein high and fat low, you can try 40% protein and 20% fat per day, but its pretty hard so just try to get as close to that number as you can!
    Don't go too crazy with fruits, they are good, but it's still fructose.
    Fructose = complex sugar (a good king of sugar) = but still carbs and you need to get some protein.

    And please remember: you didn't gain weight in a week or a month and you can't lose it that fast but if you'll stick to a healthy eating and working out at least 3 times a week you will lose it eventually!!!
    Get ready to wait a few months to really see the visible result in the mirror! But you'll see it!!
    You have an amazing body proportions (judging from the photo) and you just need to put some work into your body and it will change!!!
    If you have any questions you can message me and I'll try my best to help you.
  • StacyRenee77
    StacyRenee77 Posts: 2,732 Member
    A little goes a long way, you got this!!
  • hschiel
    hschiel Posts: 17 Member
    I set a goal to lose 20 pounds. I started logging my calories and focusing on better food back in November. I even started using the treadmill I purchased the previous summer. I'm about 5 pounds away from reaching my goal. It's taken me this long so far. I'm not discouraged or even frustrated. I know if I really wanted to, I could buckle down more on my diet. I have a lot of room for improvement there. But I know me, and the more strict or difficult I make this, the higher the chances of me blowing it off.

    You might be discouraged by 3 pounds. But if you stick with it at a level you can manage without being miserable, then you will eventually get where you're going. You have to find the balance between your timeline and quality of life.

    When I think about how long it's taken me to lose 15 pounds I don't feel very accomplished. But then I think about it in terms of the habits I've developed over that time. I feel like I'm more likely to maintain the weight loss over time.

    Keep at it!
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    3 pounds in 3 weeks sounds spot on to me! I have struggled with patience and have been fortunate to have my kind MFP friends remind me just how important it is. This is a slow journey if it is going to last. Be proud of what you have accomplished, practice lots of patience, and keep going.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    You didn't gain in one day and you will not lose in one day! Be nice to yourself and take it slow and kind with exercise and food changes :smile: .
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    You are doing great!
  • vitanova
    vitanova Posts: 3
    Slow progress IS progress!
  • cafeduus
    cafeduus Posts: 31 Member
    YOU'RE DOING GREAT!!!! You have made progress - you've lost 3 pounds!!!!
    Also remember, weight loss is kind of like a three-legged stool. And without
    one of those legs, it might not work.
    1) Nutrition - check, you're doing that.
    2) Cardio - whether you want to walk or run, you need to do a little bit of something.
    Remember a body at rest, stays at rest, a body at motion stays in motion.
    3) Strength Training - doing a little bit something, is better than nothing. Maybe try
    and do girl push-ups the number of your age. Set small goals.

    I"m not a fitness expert, but I just think if you do all three, it will make a HUGE
    And if nothing else you are doing - GREAT!!!! 3 pounds is better than nothing!!!!!
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Thank you very much guys.
    I think I need to be nice to myself . You re right, 3 lbs in 3 weeks is big progress.
    I exercised today for 30 minutes. It should have beeno longer than that bit my back is hurting due to the tae- bo i did the other day.
    I'm really extra careful with the type of exercise I do because I had pulled muscles a year ago and I dont want to experience that again.
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Today, i weighed and my scale said 221.9. I dont know what I did wrong but, i am not discouraged. I know i can make it!
    Again, thanks for the good words.
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Welcome to MFP,

    You say you have lost 3 lbs, why do you think that's not progress . . . Think about how much 3 pounds of butter, that's a lot of fat :smile:

    I would keep that image in my mind whenever I would start thinking about the 1 pound I lost in a month, don't shortchange your efforts. I would also suggest measuring, there will be times when you will lose inches and not so many pounds.

    I am not sure if your reference to diet is meant as you are on a diet or just the general term in reference to what you are eating, more fruits and veggies are great but carbs if you mean less processed carbs, might I offer portion control over removing them from your diet. I think this helps keep people from binging and getting discouraged.

    Keep up the good work!

    I will put that butter picture in mind. You re right, 3 lbs of butter is a lot of fat. :)
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi there!
    Actually your progress is great!
    You don't need to lose more than 1 pound a week, cuz your goal is to lose fat, not muscle.
    Muscles are very important in a fat burning process! What is fat? It's basically an excess energy that is stored in our bodies and you need to USE it... That's when your muscles are going to help you.
    Muscles are burning fat when you're working out or just do everyday stuff that requires some movements. But that is a complecated biochemistry with a lot of boring terms and stuff. Who cares about that when we just need to lose weight ;)
    Just remember to NEVER go on diet ESPECIALLY on a low calories one.
    Never go below 1200 cal a day.
    You body will treat a low calories diet as a famine and simply will lower your metabolism by burning your muscle. And if you'll go back to your old eating habits you'll gain even more weight. So you have to gradually change your eating habits to more healthy stuff but you can still eat a good amount of food and never starve yourself.
    So you have to gradually change your eating habits to more healthy stuff but you can still eat a good amount of food and never starve yourself.
    Keep % of protein high and fat low, you can try 40% protein and 20% fat per day, but its pretty hard so just try to get as close to that number as you can!
    Don't go too crazy with fruits, they are good, but it's still fructose.
    Fructose = complex sugar (a good king of sugar) = but still carbs and you need to get some protein.

    And please remember: you didn't gain weight in a week or a month and you can't lose it that fast but if you'll stick to a healthy eating and working out at least 3 times a week you will lose it eventually!!!
    Get ready to wait a few months to really see the visible result in the mirror! But you'll see it!!
    You have an amazing body proportions (judging from the photo) and you just need to put some work into your body and it will change!!!
    If you have any questions you can message me and I'll try my best to help you.

    Thanks for the advice. Will put that in mind.
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    This is how i look like today 4/27/14 . I think i am making progress. What do you say guys?
    I do exercise and proper diet (i think) .
    I am still bad on getting the right food but I cut down on carbs and eat more protein.

  • crystal_oo
    crystal_oo Posts: 15 Member
    I definitely see a difference. Keep on trucking! You're doing great!
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    I definitely see a difference. Keep on trucking! You're doing great!

    Thanks so much.
  • rle2512
    rle2512 Posts: 44 Member
    I did an Atkins style diet, started out at 200 lbs about a year ago.. STICK WITH IT!!! give it two weeks the weight will quickly come off, then slow again lol. I also found sucess with intermittent fasting, and found encouragement and motivation in running. I ran my 1st half marathon in January. I am down to 147 lbs. still losing, my goal weight is 135. (im 5foot8inches) I'd make sure you are still counting calories, do everything to a tee, you will get to the point where you will know how every type of food, as well as amount of it will affect you and your size.
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    I did an Atkins style diet, started out at 200 lbs about a year ago.. STICK WITH IT!!! give it two weeks the weight will quickly come off, then slow again lol. I also found sucess with intermittent fasting, and found encouragement and motivation in running. I ran my 1st half marathon in January. I am down to 147 lbs. still losing, my goal weight is 135. (im 5foot8inches) I'd make sure you are still counting calories, do everything to a tee, you will get to the point where you will know how every type of food, as well as amount of it will affect you and your size.

    Wow that s awesome progress! I will research on that. I hope i will be able to run too.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Today, i weighed and my scale said 221.9. I dont know what I did wrong but, i am not discouraged. I know i can make it!
    Again, thanks for the good words.

    Don't think that just because the scale pops up a little bit that you did something wrong. Weight can fluctuate dramatically from day to day and even from morning to evening because of things like how much water you've had to drink, how much sodium you've consumed, how much you've had to eat during the day, how much you have "gotten rid of". I think the fluctuations are even more dramatic for those of us who are over 200lbs. The general consensus is that you should weigh yourself at the same time of day in similar clothing on the same scale in the same place (notice a pattern there :tongue: ). I am too scale addicted to only weigh once a week, so I do tend to weigh myself more often than that, but I choose one day a week to actually record my weight. I used to record my weight on Mondays, but then I realized that if I'm going to have "cheat days" it's almost always on the weekend, so my Monday weight is higher than later in the week. Now I record my Friday weigh in so that I give my body the chance to process all the exercise from the week, and to stay mindful right before the weekend starts so that I don't go crazy.:laugh:

    I love the image that the other woman posted about 3 pounds of butter is a lot of fat! That is a great way to think about it. Measuring will also be an important tool for you. You might find that certain parts of your body change at different rates than other parts. For me, my curve in my waistline (like on the side where the hourglass shape shows) starts showing up long before I ever feel any loss in the front of my belly above or below my belly button. Of course, the boobs always go first for me, but I lose cup size before width. :angry: Do you know how hard it is to find a bra that's a 46B??:grumble:

    You are doing great! Keep up with your food logging RELIGIOUSLY, and I mean every bite. No "Oh it was just a few" whatevers. Those little whatevers can add up to BIG uncounted calories. No BLTs: No Bites, Licks, or Tastes (or at least try to log them when you do). If you're looking for more support, joining one or two groups can be really helpful too. Feel free to friend me too if you like. Good luck with your journey!
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks so much for the advices.
    You know I'm addicted to weighing scales too. That I tend to weigh morning and afternoon.
    I also have two weighing scales where they say different numbers lol.
    I always get the lowest reading haha..

    Anyway, the front of my belly seems like not improving but the side, I could see the flaps slowly going away.
    And now, I'm addicted to taking picture of my self. Because I want to see the changes immediately.

    I know you all understand me, I have been in a yoyo. And most of the time, I am into a plateau.
    That really frustrates me,

    Now, I watch and portion my food more carefully.
    I used to sip a little soda but now, totally not doing it. Water and more water.

    No more candies and other sweet. This morning, I tried not to put 4 tsp of creamer ( I want mine sweet and creamy). Then I realized, I could do unsweetened and not-so creamy coffee.

    Eating rice has been a problem for me. I just couldn't get rid of that. But for 3 weeks, I have stopped and changed that to wheatened bread instead.

    Again, thanks a lot. Hearing from people like you, makes me feel I need to keep going on my journey and never stop..
    Today, i weighed and my scale said 221.9. I dont know what I did wrong but, i am not discouraged. I know i can make it!
    Again, thanks for the good words.

    Don't think that just because the scale pops up a little bit that you did something wrong. Weight can fluctuate dramatically from day to day and even from morning to evening because of things like how much water you've had to drink, how much sodium you've consumed, how much you've had to eat during the day, how much you have "gotten rid of". I think the fluctuations are even more dramatic for those of us who are over 200lbs. The general consensus is that you should weigh yourself at the same time of day in similar clothing on the same scale in the same place (notice a pattern there :tongue: ). I am too scale addicted to only weigh once a week, so I do tend to weigh myself more often than that, but I choose one day a week to actually record my weight. I used to record my weight on Mondays, but then I realized that if I'm going to have "cheat days" it's almost always on the weekend, so my Monday weight is higher than later in the week. Now I record my Friday weigh in so that I give my body the chance to process all the exercise from the week, and to stay mindful right before the weekend starts so that I don't go crazy.:laugh:

    I love the image that the other woman posted about 3 pounds of butter is a lot of fat! That is a great way to think about it. Measuring will also be an important tool for you. You might find that certain parts of your body change at different rates than other parts. For me, my curve in my waistline (like on the side where the hourglass shape shows) starts showing up long before I ever feel any loss in the front of my belly above or below my belly button. Of course, the boobs always go first for me, but I lose cup size before width. :angry: Do you know how hard it is to find a bra that's a 46B??:grumble:

    You are doing great! Keep up with your food logging RELIGIOUSLY, and I mean every bite. No "Oh it was just a few" whatevers. Those little whatevers can add up to BIG uncounted calories. No BLTs: No Bites, Licks, or Tastes (or at least try to log them when you do). If you're looking for more support, joining one or two groups can be really helpful too. Feel free to friend me too if you like. Good luck with your journey!
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    This is how i look like today 5/9/2014. I think i see improvement.


  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    Keep working on it! Just remoind yourself that this is the new lifestyle you are living. You are doing good!! It took me 4 months of working out 4-6 times a day just to lose about 27 lbs. I went an entire month and only lost 3 lbs. It was very frustrating, but then next month I lost almost 9. Sometimes I think your body, like your mind, tests to see if this is long term or not. If you quit too early you might just be 2 more workouts till you get over that bridge.

    I love this quote:

    Pain is temporary, it may last for a minute, an hour, a day, or even a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit however it will last forever.

    And this one

    It's not over until I win!
  • 1.Don't make it a diet make it a lifestyle change, diets don't last forever and you can only maintain them so long before you crash.
    2.Give yourself time hunny slow and steady is far better than rapid weight loss that comes back within 3 months
    3.Everyone has a start, dont judge your beggining based on someone elses halfway mark

    You will do fine just stick with it, it sucks for about 3 months then you get use to it, give yourseld a cheat meal once a week in the beggining(Adventualy you will naturaly drop this to every once in awhile(Special occasions or birthdays).
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks so much,
    I usually get frustrated when i will weigh and will not lose anything. But then quitting is not in my vocabulary right now.
    I will have to think of long term effect of my hard work.
    I will put in mind those two quotes!
    Keep working on it! Just remoind yourself that this is the new lifestyle you are living. You are doing good!! It took me 4 months of working out 4-6 times a day just to lose about 27 lbs. I went an entire month and only lost 3 lbs. It was very frustrating, but then next month I lost almost 9. Sometimes I think your body, like your mind, tests to see if this is long term or not. If you quit too early you might just be 2 more workouts till you get over that bridge.

    I love this quote:

    Pain is temporary, it may last for a minute, an hour, a day, or even a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit however it will last forever.

    And this one

    It's not over until I win!
  • futurejedi
    futurejedi Posts: 111
    This is how i look like today.


    Keep pushing
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    1.Don't make it a diet make it a lifestyle change, diets don't last forever and you can only maintain them so long before you crash.
    2.Give yourself time hunny slow and steady is far better than rapid weight loss that comes back within 3 months
    3.Everyone has a start, dont judge your beggining based on someone elses halfway mark

    You will do fine just stick with it, it sucks for about 3 months then you get use to it, give yourseld a cheat meal once a week in the beggining(Adventualy you will naturaly drop this to every once in awhile(Special occasions or birthdays).

    Im so proud of myself today. I think im already adapting the lifestyle ive chosen. Healthy lifestyle.
    I was not even tempted to eat fastfood when everybody was eating ( though im not really a fastfood person) .

    I dont crave for sodas and sugary stuff ( which was my problem before) now.

    Thanks a lot.
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