Can i have some 5 2 diet success stories please?



  • I love, love LOVE 5:2. I weigh less than I did in highschool, and once my body adjusted to the periods of fasting, it was effortless. No fatigue, no dizziness. One of the advantages of having a body adapted to fasting is that you can go longer without eating without the ill effects of low blood sugar. Some days I just have so much going on that I have an extremely long stretch between meals, but since my body is used to fasting, I don't even notice.

    On my last flight, I had a trip with a long layover both ways. I was able to easily avoid the temptation to buy overpriced airport food by making the days I traveled "fast days." I had plenty of energy, no headaches, no hunger. I also have a healthier attitude to eating. I don't mindlessly snack anymore. 5:2 is awesomeness squared. My blood pressure, blood sugar, triglycerides, liver function tests, etc are perfect. My doctor even asked me what I was doing to suddenly get so healthy. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to lose weight and get healthy.
  • Wow! I had never heard of 5:2 dieting. With all these stories I think it is definitely something I will try in the near future. Thanks for opening my eyes to something new :)

  • For some reason, if I eat less calories than expected in one day, I sleep REALLY well and only need 6-7 hours of sleep (versus a solid 8 hours) and when I wake up I feel like I've already had a cup of coffee!

    Is this an effect anyone has on this lifestyle?

    I would be interested to hear this as well. I have only been counting my calories a little over a week now but I feel as though I'm sleeping much better and have way more energy than I used to.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    For some reason, if I eat less calories than expected in one day, I sleep REALLY well and only need 6-7 hours of sleep (versus a solid 8 hours) and when I wake up I feel like I've already had a cup of coffee!

    Is this an effect anyone has on this lifestyle?

    Yep. Unless, of course, I get woken by the children several times through the night, and then all bets are off :yawn: :laugh:
    I had plenty of energy, no headaches, no hunger. I also have a healthier attitude to eating. I don't mindlessly snack anymore. 5:2 is awesomeness squared. My blood pressure, blood sugar, triglycerides, liver function tests, etc are perfect. My doctor even asked me what I was doing to suddenly get so healthy. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to lose weight and get healthy.

    ^^ and this :smile:

    I started 5:2 back in March/April last year (before I found MFP). Now I maintain with a mixture of 6:1 and 16:8 (Lean Gains). I'm just not hungry for snack-type things any more. I do have them sometimes, but I'm not mindlessly sitting at my desk eating - I just don't want to.
  • I get the same good sleep and wake ready to go... Weird isn't it!!
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    In one month of 5:2 diet and p90x3 I have lost 16 pounds in a month abd body fat percentage from 31 to 28!
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    I've been 5:2 fasting for 40½ weeks and have lost 74 lbs. This week, I reached my goal weight. Successful enough to motivate you? I hope so... :D

    This man motivated me to try IF 5:2 and just in four weeks I lost 2% fat!
  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member
    As for the rested sleep questions, I really found that when I incorporated the concept of a specific time window for eating (for me it's 2pm-9pm) my sleep really improved. I have a snack at midnight for the first time in a month and I totally regret it- I just felt icky and irritable all night.

    This is a tool some fasters use to ensure a fast period of around 15-20 hours of fasting in; I know the traditional adage about breakfast being the most important meal of the day works really well for some people, but I find that eating breakfast doesn't prevent me from feeling hungry later in the day; in fact I've realized that no matter how early I wake up I'm never really hungry before noon.

    I eat around 5-600 calories on fast days; I started fasting at the beginning of January at 170.8 lb and my home scale today read 158lb.
  • 5:2 works does everyday 16:8 IF. Just make sure you get adequate protein and weight train 3x a week so you don't burn LBM and get all skinnyfat.
  • jh169327
    jh169327 Posts: 10 Member
    I've just started the 5:2 diet this week but haven't weighed myself yet to avoid disappointment and demotivation. It has been easier to stick to than I first thought, as previously I was spending most of my day at work snacking on biscuits and chocolate. It's been surprising how I haven't really craved these things as I have never fasted before. I've had a few light headaches although i'm not entirely sure if this is caused by my diet as I do work with computer screens all day, so this may be the issue. I'd say the only thing I'm struggling with is non fast days. Obviously there is a limit on eating 'whatever you want' on non fast days but i'm struggling to eat more than 100 calories as I feel that I may be ruining my progress and im not quite sure what my 'limit' is calorie wise, is this my usual 1,200 calorie intake?

    I can't wait to see the results of this diet, I think I will weigh myself after two weeks :)

    Also if anyone would like to add me, feel free :) I'm friendly I promise!
  • timwildnz
    timwildnz Posts: 2 Member
    I've been doing 5:2 for around six weeks. I've lost around six kg, going from 82 to 76kg. That's only 4-6kg above my goal weight, so anyone heavier would lose weight more quickly I think. 37 year old guy, vegetarian.

    On my fast days I don't eat anything until dinner, than I have all 600 calories, sometimes a little bit more. Other days I try to stick to 1800 calories, but sometime I go up to 2200. Today I will eat 700 calories but I've done 600 calories exercise. Exercise while fasting is really really effective.

    This week I'm fasting every second day, leading up to a wedding in a month or so. It's not really any more difficult, but I do aim for a few extra calories on my eating days.
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member

    I want to start doing this. I was doing ESE the dinner to dinner fast but kept coming up with excuses to put it off to tomorrow and tomorrow never comes. Will try for no breakfast, late lunch (300 calories) and then small dinner (200 calories) twice a week. Regular days @ 1800 calories.
  • kiwicat2
    kiwicat2 Posts: 1
    Hi-Ive been on the 5:2 diet for a few months now-have lost enough weight around my tum (unfortunately not off my boobs tho') what is a maintenance diet? Or can I just fast once a week now to maintain weight?
  • amnimad
    amnimad Posts: 2 Member
    I did it for 16 months, though i wasn't particularly carrying excess weight. People said I looked great, looked younger, and wanting to know my secret. I felt great, I enthused and thought about it regularly, wishing to tell everyone about it.

    Over time I developed a problem with 5.2 which caused me to come off it, though I've just since started back on it again. The problem began around the time when trying to get below 11% body fat, it was essentially indigestion, causing a dead feeling in my guts along with acid reflux. I worked with it for as long as I could but coming off 5.2 was the only option. After about 8 weeks of stopping, all symptoms had completely disappeared, it was also over the Christmas period which was quite handy.

    If you plan to do 5.2 long term, I recommend:
    * On fast days, don't leave meals until dinner time - have at least 2 quality meals each fast day, ensuring plenty of vegetables and protein. If you need to really use your brain during the day, eat fruit in advance.
    * Probiotic pills can help maintain a balance in your gut bacteria.
    * As someone else has said, do some weights and exercise. If your blood sugar is low, your body will break down muscle to create sugars it needs to meet demand - particularly for the brain; this can't be done from fat. The last thing you want is to have lost 20kg with a significant loss of muscle, people with lower muscle mass are statistically more likely to get ill.
    * Don't develop a need to binge on the other 5 days. As my body fat got lowish, my brain would tell me to stuff my face when it could. While I didn't put any weight on, the dramatic changes were what caused problems for me. Managing what you eat on those other 5 days is important too.
  • Trent1612000
    Trent1612000 Posts: 57 Member
    I have lost 25 pounds doing it.... the best part is it is easier to stick with since it is not set days to fast. If something comes up I just move my fasting day to tomorrow!
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Hi-Ive been on the 5:2 diet for a few months now-have lost enough weight around my tum (unfortunately not off my boobs tho') what is a maintenance diet? Or can I just fast once a week now to maintain weight?

    For maintenance you would do 6:1 fast. Fast just one day a week.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    To me the 5:2 wasnt challenging enough so I do the 4:3 and soon will try the ADF.
    I am down 21.3 in 4 weeks without any exercise and been eating the food I like, just lots less of it and less often!
  • I`m a bit confused with all the information I`ve read on various websites regarding the 5.2 diet. Some say you can eat anything you want on your non fasting days while others state you still have to count calories and not to over indulge. I would assume the latter would be the case. I started the 5.2 diet last week and lost 4lb but did 4 half hour runs and consumed 2500 calories or less on my non fasting days. Just wondered what everyone else does on their non fasting days. Calorie count or just eat what they want?
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    I have been doing the 5:2 since February time, i reached my goal just before Easter and went to 6:1 maintenance. I gained over Easter, did 5:2 again for a couple of weeks and now back to maintenance. I had a food heavy Sunday and again yesterday so am fasting for 2 days this week for damage limitation. Like others who have posted, if you do this the right way it is very sustainable and also the other health benefits of 5:2 are second to none, u will notice a significant energy boost and mood lift and if it is true about the potential of reducing risk of some cancers, diabetes and Dementia its a win/win lifestyle in my eyes.
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    I've been doing it for 16 weeks and have lost 56lbs :smile: Works for me!
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