100 lbs + to lose with PCOS

CreekGal Posts: 15 Member
Hi, I'm 31with 110 lbs to lose. I have PCOS and work full time as a Customer service rep. I went from a very active job to a sit on my butt job where I gained 50lbs to my already overweight, short (5ft) frame. So, the sedentary lifestyle has to go and I have got to shed this weight! I normally lose steam pretty quick when dieting and get discouraged when I don't see the scales going down. This is a fresh start and could use some more friends with similar goals to keep each other motivated. I keep amd open diary anyone who wants to add me please feel free.


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I sit at a desk all day too... its hard! Would LOVE to help! you can do this. One day at a time, one step at a time, one pound at a time.

    No Diet. Lifestyle Change !!!!!
  • I am kind of in the same situation, I used to have a physical job and for the last year or so I have a desk job and I fell the lbs stacking up :-(
  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Feel free to add me for motivational support!
  • christianivanka
    christianivanka Posts: 52 Member
    U can add me. :)
  • GelasiaT
    GelasiaT Posts: 74 Member
    You can definitely add me. I work in Human Resource so I know all to well what sitting at a desk can do especially when you have free range to snack all you want. For me I keep a bottle of water on my desk at all times and keep all my snacks hidden except for a pack of gum that I keep in my drawer, that way when I get that urge to snack outside of my normal snack/meal times I reach for my water and chew my gum instead.
  • carmlettmix
    carmlettmix Posts: 19 Member
    Hi C.G. I too work as a customer service rep and I also have PCOS. so you're not alone I know the battle with losing weight and having PCOS it makes it 10 times harder. But no need to worry just slowing start just by tracking the food first without exercising. I mean we are all different but I know with PCOS its hard to get up and workout and eat right, this PCOS does so much to our bodies. But for me I started 2/3 weeks with tracking my food and eating better. Then one day I had a lot of energy so I started slow but started with working out maybe walking 20-30 mins, 2 -3 times a wks the energy will come and the weight will fall. It takes longer for us to lose it but it comes so don't compare yourself to someone whom the weight is just falling off them and know it will probably come back a little like it has me but keep at it. But if you ever need me just holla or add me I'm here with you.
  • Hey,you can add me..I have pcos too xx
  • I'm in the same boat, I have a job that keeps me sitting most of the day. I also need to lose over 100 lbs as well. Add me :)
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    Anyone can add me! Love to support and get it back in return! We can do this ladies!
  • Nickalli
    Nickalli Posts: 1 Member
    I too have over 100 to lose and dealing with PCOS. I used to do cust serv for insurance but am now being a SAHM. I'm a bit more active - but the food is also way more accessible! Please add me to your list! I'd love to chat with others struggling and get/give encouragement. I'll get there eventually!
  • ltk77
    ltk77 Posts: 8
    Anyone feel free to add me also. I have over 100 pounds to lose.
  • Hi! I have 75 lbs to lose and the Drs think I may have PCOS too. The doc put me on metformin and I finally lost about 6 or 8 lbs but it comes off really slow. You'll lose the weight just stay determined and don't give up. Add me as a friend too I'd love to encourage you as well as be encouraged : )
  • ThenewCharisse
    ThenewCharisse Posts: 20 Member
    You can add me, I too have 100 pounds to lose and I also have PCOS
  • ccf_trainer
    ccf_trainer Posts: 86 Member
    This is something that CAN be reached!! All of you who have posted that you have 100+ to lose, you can do it! All it takes is 80% nutrition, 20% exercise, and 100% mindset. This is what I tell all of my clients, and I am a firm believer in all of them. I know all of you can do it!
  • welcome! I also have PCOS and would like to lose around 100 pounds. Add me if you'd like. :)
  • CreekGal
    CreekGal Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone for coming together. I will get everyone added and anyone feel free to add me also. I know its going to be a struggle but I'm ready for this change so BRING IT ON! WE CAN ALL DO THIS!
  • I have about 80-100 lbs to lose also. PCOS recently diagnosed (on week 1 of mefication) & hypothyroid (diagnosed about 4 yrs ago) Feels like the cards are stacked against ya sometimes. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Chanti1620
    Chanti1620 Posts: 92 Member
    I don't have PCOS, but one of my close friend has to face this battle... so we do it together as much as possible.
    But i do have 100lbs to lose! so far i'm down almost 100, and i have another 100, i added you!
    Anyone can add me, i'm pretty active, going on 200 days of being on mfp!
  • Naturally_sassy0525
    Naturally_sassy0525 Posts: 134 Member
    Same thing happened to me when I started working in banking. Feel free to add me :)
  • perwillpass
    perwillpass Posts: 3 Member
    Oh my GOD !!!

    You guys cannot believe the relief that I'm feeling reading this post.

    I am morbidly obese with PCOS. I have around 130lbs to lose. I am currently at 330. I know it is ridiculous. I was at 321 a few weeks ago but seem to be gaining weight DAY AFTER DAY. I have gained SO much in the last few years and am still so young.

    This year I have decided to become healthy. I honestly don't believe in dieting and restriction but I have to lose this weight. So I have decided to work out and pay attention to what I eat.

    That's the best part, I actually eat very healthy. I don't have any eating disorders anymore and am trying to have a healthy relationship with food.

    I started eating healthy for quite some time now. But started exercising a lot 2 weeks ago and... I have gained 10lbs... So it may be because I'm building muscle...

    Anyway, I really need friends and motivation to work out !!!
    what are your plans?

    My plan is not to restrict myself.
    I eat what I want but still try to keep track of proportions.
    I am trying to be conscious about the foods I put in my body. I want to make healthy choices.
    I want to listen to my body and eat when I feel hungry.
    I work out minimum 3 times/week (swimming before work)
    I bike to the subway station every morning and evening instead of taking the bus (it's only 1.6km away, so it's around 15 minutes of bike every day)

    If this sounds like something you'd like to do. If you want to be healthy LONG TERM, feel free to add me :-)

    Cheers :-)