Tall girls dating shorter guys

I'm new here but was just curious if taller women liked to date shorter guys, or wear heels around them. I know a couple of my exes preferred taller guys and some tall women seem to go that way too but was curious if anyone didn't mind or liked it.


  • KatieLouWho19
    KatieLouWho19 Posts: 776 Member
    :noway: Déjà vu :noway:
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    My boyfriend is 2 inches shorter than me and two of my exes are 1 inch shorter than me.
  • DarkAngel272
    My boyfriend is an inch or so shorter than me. I'm more of a flats girl but I could care less about height difference!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    My husband is the same height as I am (5'9"). I wear heels around him if I want to. I wouldn't mind dating a shorter man (if I were single).
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    My boyfriend was shorter than me when we started dating. Now he's about an inch taller, but I can tower over him in heels. It isn't weird or anything. He knows I love wearing heels, and he's glad it makes me happy.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    some prefer it, but would date someone without it. some women prefer someone without it, but would date someone with it. some women have it as a deal breaker, some don't care one way or the other.**

    **apply to all inquiries about people's preferences about anything every 4 hours or as needed. If you become irritable or itchy, stop use immediately, and seeks outside consultation. Other side effects may include, understanding, independence and not caring what others think. Preferences may be disregarded for someone who can sustain an erection for 4 or more hours without physician care.
  • hospitablegirl
    hospitablegirl Posts: 64 Member
    My husband is my same height. When I wear heels, I tower over him. The good news is, I hate heels anyways. This is a good excuse to not wear them! Not all women care about height.
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    I don't date men shorter than me.
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    I'm only 5'8" and I REALLY shouldn't have peeked into this thread.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    It's such a stupid gender expectation that people never seem to question - men must be taller than women - whaa? why? there is no good reason for it.

    Height is never a factor in dating decisions. I've dated shorter, the same height and taller. And I will always rock my heels :happy:
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    some prefer it, but would date someone without it. some women prefer someone without it, but would date someone with it. some women have it as a deal breaker, some don't care one way or the other.**

    **apply to all inquiries about people's preferences about anything every 4 hours or as needed. If you become irritable or itchy, stop use immediately, and seeks outside consultation. Other side effects may include, understanding, independence and not caring what others think. Preferences may be disregarded for someone who can sustain an erection for 4 or more hours without physician care.

  • Sbrn_
    Sbrn_ Posts: 351 Member
    Height means nothing at all to me. I find it neither attractive, nor unattractive, I'm just indifferent to it. I don't understand why it's a common point of attraction for a lot of females. Nevertheless, it's not often that I come across a man that's shorter than me as I'm quite short myself, but I've beheld quite a few cuties that were round about my height.
  • rfw24
    rfw24 Posts: 443 Member
    I am 5'4". My ex-wife is 5'7". I have dated only one other girl that was taller than me and I would not even call it dating, if you know what I mean, lol! She was 5'11".

    The majority of the ladies I have dated are usually my height or shoter, not by my choice, I don't really care. But I think there are a lot of women that will not date guys that are shorter than them.

    Sad for me.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I've only dated men several inches taller than me. (I'm 5'8".)
    I am not usually attracted to men shorter than 5'11" or so, although I certainly don't have a rule about it or anything. I do sometimes find shorter men attractive. In fact, my current crush is the same height as me, or maybe just a tiny bit taller. (He is very handsome and has a fantastic build, though.) He is 5'9" at the most.
  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    I don't date men shorter than me.
    I'm 5'10" and I will say my experience (single and dating) is that most women require if not prefer to have men be taller (factoring in heels usually too).
  • lafilleavectoi
    lafilleavectoi Posts: 125 Member
    My boyfriend is 1.5 inches shorter than me. Height is not as important as other things.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I prefer a dude to be taller, but not outrageously so. I don't get women who require 6 feet or taller. I'm 5'5 and I could deal with 5'8. This really has less to do with the guy than it does with my own self-perception. I feel big and unfeminine already, a little guy would just amplify it. If that makes sense (probably not.)
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    same height or taller

    taller preferred
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    No to this topic

  • Tifftiff321
    I only date tall guys so that I can wear heels. I'm 5'9 so 6'0 and up yum