Candida Diet-HELP!!



  • SharShar72
    Hey there, I have done this diet and have the books talked about.

    I have known about it for years and had strange symptoms

    rashes on my scalp, acne, heavy periods, and putting on weight,

    At Thanksgiving 2013 I saw the scale and had enough, I did change most of my diet(I did not give up fruit, some people do, I did not) on the diet. I began to loose weight right away, I also took a Candida Cleanse supplement(I take it 30 min before meals) I have had to break them in half because the symptoms were a bit much for me(headaches are common with die off)

    I lost 16 pds right away, it was amazing. I also juice(green juices with little fruit, made at home)

    I feel so much better, sleep through the night, no blood sugar issues.

    I gave up all the starbucks and ice cream at Sonic stops, now and then I do treat myself of course. But have cut down, eat at home more, juicing, nuts, brown rice, protein, meants, avocados, eggs. And my green juice!

    My skin cleared up, my energy level is great, and I dont wake up feeling irritable and starving in the am.

    So its now 5 mos later. I was at 169, last showed 147 on the scale! I dont have a workout routine or the gym yet! I do yard work and wash my cars and mow lawns, so I do get physical exercise that way for the moment. I stopped for a few weeks and started to eat whatever again and I felt cruddy again. I didnt like it, so I actually got used to HOW GOOD I felt eating the candida diet and supplements. And of course the weight loss is awesome, and i didnt start it for the weight loss, so that made it even better!

    I just finally reached a point where I was ready to do this and feel better. Feeling great is everything!
  • Hadley_SM
    Hadley_SM Posts: 43 Member
    Bump for Info
  • michellemills184
    I have been doing the yeast free, sugar free diet four weeks. I have lost 15 lbs just by following the diet. I have stuttered a little when I had weak days and 'fell off the diet' for vacation (four days). I feel great and have great energy. I have a copy of the diet from my nutritionalist and it's not really that hard. My bad days, I reach for pineapples or banana. Although I am not to have them, they aren't that bad for me compared to chocolate or bread. So, I balance my needs. I highly recommend the diet as the difference is amazing to not be bloated, full and infected with yeast. Being yeast free is unbeliveable and I rarely get cravings. Again, when I crave bad things I reach for less bad things. I found no sugar added ice cream that is delicious and alternatives to bland food like taco casserole without cheese!!
  • nikknack16
    nikknack16 Posts: 2 Member
    I didn't think I had that big of a Candida problem until the yeast started to manifest in places more unusual than allergies or a "lady yeast infection" I switched to natural deodorant and almost instantly had a raging yeast infection in my under arms and one in my belly button was so bad that it bled. I had some pretty strong antibiotics a few years ago because of a staph infection on my leg, but hadn't noticed any yeast symptoms because my diet is usually pretty low on the GI. I had allergy like symptoms and an occasional yeast infection but no huge clue that my whole system was out of balance. But then I started dating a man who owned a bakery/confectionary. All those yummy sweets and breads awakened what had been hiding inside me since the antibiotics and I have been fighting it like the devil ever since. What works for me is a diet of homemade bone broth soups (with lots of garlic) like a good egg drop soup (no carbs of course) and TONS of coconut oil every day. If I am going to tackle a really grueling workout and don't want to burn out I may add a little whey protein and unsweetened coconut milk. Once I follow this for 3 or 4 days my weight drops and I feel much better. Maintaining is the hard part
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Cut carbs.
  • Tmccall55
    Tmccall55 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm Terrie. I also have a yeast problem similar to yours. Always have had a sugar addiction. Always sneaking chocolate and candy and sweet drinks. Now at age sixty, I've hit the tipping point. Rash and itch that cannot be ignored on my upper thighs and underarms and under my breasts. I've found a way of eating that keeps it under control. No bread, no sugar. I eat a few fruits, carrots, corn etc. but I've cut out tortillas, potatoes and such. My weight is slowly coming down. I've lost about 50# over the last couple of years, some of it twice :) . This last 12 months I've lost about 15# with just the Candida diet. I started around 242 and am now at 188. I don't know if I'll ever conquer this overgrowth, but Im managing it. If I slip up, the rashes come back with a vengence so it keeps me on track. How do you get your tons of coconut oil down? by the spoonful? or mixing it in foods. Using MFP to track my progress